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  • 1.  Voice Mail

    Posted 07-23-2008 16:31
    We are a Lotus Notes shop and on CIC version 2.3.1 We experienced email downtime over the weekend and calls into one of our workgroups mailboxes didn’t show up. I figured if email was down the voicemail would not be delivered but a copy would still reside on the server. This was not the case. Is this working as designed?

  • 2.  RE: Voice Mail

    Posted 07-23-2008 16:36
    try looking in I3\IC\Mail in the abandon or no retry folder. you may find the missing items there. You can change the file extension with a batch file and put them back into the outbox. they should process normally. change them to .i3p extensions.

  • 3.  RE: Voice Mail

    Posted 07-24-2008 17:34
    Depending on the length of the downtime, one or more of the messages may have gone into an undeliverable state. These would be represented as XML files in the \I3\Mail\NoRetry folder. If you move those files to the \I3\Mail\Retry folder, an attempt will be made to deliver them within a few minutes (a configurable value, 10 minutes by default).

  • 4.  RE: Voice Mail

    Posted 07-30-2008 20:14
    Fantastic. I was able to retrieve the missing voicemails and have cleared a good agent’s name! I love this site!!!

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