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  • 1.  Watch exceptions in Interaction objects?

    Posted 09-08-2009 20:16
    I am working on a custom WPF app that leverages IELib to control calls. I am binding a list of custom InteractionWrapper objects to a list view. Each InteractionWrapper object holds an ICELib Interaction object, and exposes properties of the Interaction through properties like this: public Interaction WrappedInteraction { get { return interaction; } set { if (interaction != value) { InteractionId = value.InteractionId.ToString(); Duration = value.Duration.ToString(); RemoteName = value.RemoteName; State = value.State.ToString(); } } } In my callback handler, InteractionQueue_InteractionChanged, I have the following code to update the InteractionWrapper object with new data that is sent in the callback: wrapper.WrappedInteraction = interaction In theory, this should update the properties in the wrapper and update the bound list view item. When I hang up the call, however, the State still shows as connected, and if I wait for about a minute, I receive the following error: The requested object or attribute is not being watched. Name: Eic_State Does anyone know what causes this?

  • 2.  RE: Watch exceptions in Interaction objects?

    Posted 09-09-2009 21:24
    I think I found the answer. The lack of updating was due to an issue with my WPF binding, which I managed to figure out. I also added the following code to ensure that the properties I want to watch are in fact being watched: if (!interaction.IsWatching("eic_state")) { interaction.StartWatching( new [] { "eic_state" }); } It seems then that the Interaction object queries information from the InteractionManager when its properties are accessed. Are any of these properties watched by default? Or do I need to specify watches for all properties I'm interested in?

  • 3.  RE: Watch exceptions in Interaction objects?

    Posted 10-05-2009 15:17
    Yes, you have to specify which properties of the interaction you want to access when creating the watch. Otherwise you'll receive a notcachedException.

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