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  • 1.  Every Manged IP Phone Status is showing "Reload required"

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 04-03-2013 11:13
    3 days before 30 Phones restarted and I checked in the IA the status message of managed IP phones is changed to "Reload required" I checked in the ININ logs as well as Event viewer I could not find any specific reason for this issue Phones are working fine; I want to know what the reason for this status change is and how I can resolve this? Is it related to SU issue ? Note: CIC 3.0 system SU: 14 Attaching screen shot with this post[ATTACH]554[/ATTACH]

  • 2.  RE: Every Manged IP Phone Status is showing "Reload required"

    Posted 04-03-2013 17:54
    The "reload required" status usually indicates that something was changed for those phones, and for them to get the new settings, the phones need to reboot. If all your phones are showing the need for a reload, then there could have been a change to a global setting for the phones, such as registration group. As long as your phones are working properly, then I would just use the schedule feature to reboot the phones after-hours.

  • 3.  RE: Every Manged IP Phone Status is showing "Reload required"

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 04-04-2013 07:29
    Originally posted by santhoshkoroth;27860
    3 days before 30 Phones restarted and I checked in the IA the status message of managed IP phones is changed to "Reload required" I checked in the ININ logs as well as Event viewer I could not find any specific reason for this issue Phones are working fine; I want to know what the reason for this status change is and how I can resolve this? Is it related to SU issue ? Note: CIC 3.0 system SU: 14 Attaching screen shot with this post[ATTACH]554[/ATTACH]
    When we are trying to reboot the device there comes an error on the display: Could not contact boot server. Using Existing config. after that the current config is loaded and the phone remains in the status administrator on reload required

  • 4.  RE: Every Manged IP Phone Status is showing "Reload required"

    Posted 04-04-2013 13:09
    The "Reload Required" would also be normal after installing an SU on the IC server - the SU includes new firmware for the phones, and they require a reload to receive the new firmware. The reboot of all the phones a few days before may very well have been initiated by the POE switch being unplugged briefly, maybe someone doing maintenance on the switch, or the switch losing power (presuming you have all the phones connected to a POE switch for power). The failure to contact the boot server is a networking issue, most likely. Presuming you are using Option 160 in DHCP to tell the phones where to find the IC server, check that setting to be sure it is correct. If you are running a switchover pair, and you are using the DNS server A records and service records to tell the phones where to find the IC server, check those settings as well and make sure DNS is finding the active IC server (ping the name/address listed in the DHCP Option 160 setting from a computer on the same subnet/VLAN as the phones to make sure you get a response). Lots of things to check :-)

  • 5.  RE: Every Manged IP Phone Status is showing "Reload required"

    Posted 04-05-2013 19:37
    Typically my experience is that if your phones have been working, and now aren't after a reboot, that there's a networking problem, typically a VLAN setting on the switch. You can see what VLAN and IP address the phone received in the status menu options on the phone. Both these pieces of information can give you an immediate clue if something's wrong with your networking.

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