I tried to attach a sample handler that I used in Advanced Handlers class as part of our Post call Survey lab. The principle is the same, transferring a call to an Interaction Attendant profile. Unfortunately, I have exceeded my quota for uploading files.
It presumes there is an Attendant profile with DNIS 5678.
It uses a Set Attribute tool step to set IntAtt_LocalTn - "5678".
Next is a Set Call State tool step, setting the call state to "Survey" (or whatever you want). "Call should be moved to the System Queue" is set to true (to get the call off the agent's client, so the agent doesn't disconnect the transferred interaction by mistake). "True: Claim control of this call" is also set to true, as is "Cancel pending operations".
The next step is the IntAttIncomingCall subroutine call. This sends the call into Interaction Attendant handler processing, which will match the IntAtt_LocalTn attribute with the DNIS setting on the profile, and Attendant processing under that profile takes over from there.
This enables you to feed the call into all the processing you have set up in Attendant, instead of dumping it directly into queue with the ACD Initiate Processing tool step.
I hope that helps. Sorry to take so long to chime in.
I know other folks have other ways of transferring to an Attendant Profile - this is just my preferred method.