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  • 1.  Watching attributes with IceLib

    Posted 03-28-2011 10:35
    I have some issues/questions regarding the concept of watching attributes in icelib. 1) StartWatching vs StartWatchingAsync. When to use them. 2) The use of “IsWatching”. If I am watching a single attribute on an interaction, does IsWatching go true? 3) I am watching an interaction queue, and want to check on ie the state of an interaction within the queue. Do I have to place a watch on each of the interactions as well? 4) Is it important to use StopWatching? 5) Should we expect any performance issues using watched attributes? 6) If an event is triggered, and I use this.InvokeRequired to collect the thread back to gui thread, do I have to start the watch all over again? In my program (based on Basic Client sample code), I have some issues regarding attributes not being watched. But the error appears randomly, so debugging is difficult. In some cases I have a message box displaying the value of “IsWathing” to be true, and the app still crashes with error Attribute not being watched.. I appreciate any comments helping me understand this concept better. Regards Mari

  • 2.  RE: Watching attributes with IceLib

    Posted 08-29-2011 20:24
    1. Use StartWatching when you want to wait until it returns before continuing. Use StartWatchingAsync when you want to continue on and have it call a method when it returns. 2. Don't have an answer for this one. 3. You shouldn't need to do both. As long as you watching either the queue or the individual interaction you should be good. 4. It is important to use StopWatching as garbage clean up. 5. If you are watching all the attributes on all the individual interactions you might see some, but not likely. 6. No, the watch is still active you've just moved program to a different thread. Where I've run into this intermittent error is if you are missing an invokerequired begininvoke somewhere, because it can access old information from the wrong thread.

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