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  • 1.  Suppress Queue Audio on Demand

    Posted 09-24-2015 13:43
    Hello, I have a client who has employees that call in to a queue and would like to be able to press a digit to suppress any queue audio at any time while in queue. So if they don't want to hear the queue music while they are waiting for their call to get answered, they would like to be able to press a digit and turn off the music until their call is answered. I'm guessing something would have to be done with a Get Digit Async in the SystemACDCallHolding handler, but I'm not quite sure how to make that happen. Would anyone have any ideas on how that can be accomplished? For reference, this is a 3.0 SU17 system. The calls come in via Attendant and are sent to an ACD queue (as opposed to a Custom or Round Robin or what have you) and have queue audio operations set up to play queue music, a message to keep holding, then a menu with an option to route to voicemail, then more music, then a queue repeat. I'm thinking I may need to move to a Custom ACD queue type and set everything up in CustomIVRWorkgroupQueue, but maybe I'm overthinking this. Any thoughts on how that can be accomplished would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Justin

  • 2.  RE: Suppress Queue Audio on Demand

    Posted 09-25-2015 01:02
    I can see this as a possibility. The system is already listening for the escape digit if this selection is chosen. If you can tie into that handler, you could add the hold music attribute to the interaction and continue holding the call. I think you could do this without custom ACD. Interesting idea. Make sure you post to ideas.inin.com. I would vote for it. I'll work on the handler as well.

  • 3.  RE: Suppress Queue Audio on Demand

    Posted 09-25-2015 13:39
    The main things to sort out would be whether you just want silence for the hold music, and retain all the other Attendant functionality, or if you want to take away all audio including the menu. The Attendant functionality is in a fairly complex handler, not the easiest thing to replicate...but there should be a customization point along the way that would let you modify just the hold music attribute. The 2105 R3 system I'm looking at has a CustomIntAttAudioBypass handler in IntAttACDAduio. that might be useful, if it exists as far back as your 3.0 system...

  • 4.  RE: Suppress Queue Audio on Demand

    Posted 09-28-2015 13:49
    Or you could just transfer the call into a separate set of queue operations, which would consist of your menu (if desired) with a long wait period, and/or play a message that consists of silence after the menu.

  • 5.  RE: Suppress Queue Audio on Demand

    Posted 10-01-2015 14:40
    Thanks for the feedback, everyone. I don't want to requeue the call after it has been queued just on the basis that anyone who has been waiting for a while and decides they don't want the music would be put at the back of the queue again if that occurs (at least as far as I know). George, I would definitely want to maintain the Attendant functionality upon suppression of the queue audio. There's a conference service called Loop Up that gives callers this same ability (which is where, I would assume, they got the idea for this as they use this conference service). While you are waiting for your conference to start, you can press 1 and suppress the music while you wait. I'll take a look at the custom IntAttAudioBypass handler and see what I can do. I will also get a proposal posted out to Ideas on this as well. Thanks, again for the input everyone! Justin

  • 6.  RE: Suppress Queue Audio on Demand

    Posted 10-01-2015 15:55
    Submitted to Ideas here: http://ideas.inin.com/ct/ct_a_view_idea.bix?i=65FCAE64 Please go out and vote if you feel it's a worthy idea. :-) Justin

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