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  • 1.  AMA - Co-Browse Feature Requests

    Posted 03-02-2023 13:11

    After watching the Q&A Episode, our good friend Robert sent over some feature requests or ideas related to co-browse that he would like for Chad to weigh in on. Chad, what do you think of the following:

    Also, Robert took the time to link to a lot of these ideas that have already been created, so if you like/want any of them to get prioritized, please head to the ideas lab and vote.

    Take it away, Chad!


    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 2.  RE: AMA - Co-Browse Feature Requests

    Posted 03-02-2023 13:26

    Thanks for the questions! I'll tackle these one at a time.

    • Will there be mobile support including sharing of apps on mobile and embedded in mobile applications?  Screenshare for native Mobile Apps | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
      • Answer: This is on our radar. Exactly how we support this feature is still in the design phase, but it is something we are actively looking into. This likely will not be available in 2023. Also worth mentioning this will be separate from Co-browse, more similar to Screenshare as the idea mentions.
    • Will co-browse work across domains (like from to in the same session?  Co-browse: Same-domain iFrame support | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
      • Answer: Co-browse and Messenger are currently bound by the same limitation in this regard. Same-domain is supported when navigating across pages, however changing to a different domain or a sub-domain is not. This is something we are looking to improve.
    • Will the acceptance box be movable - currently it covers up critical area of the screen  
      • Answer: Yes! Co-browse Toolbar improvements are in progress now and will include the ability to drag-and-drop the toolbar as well as a smaller toolbar footprint. These updates will become available in Q2 this year.

    I'll continue with the remaining questions in just a moment!

    Chad Hansen
    Product Manager
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: AMA - Co-Browse Feature Requests

    Posted 03-02-2023 13:29

    @Robert Wakefield-Carl,

    Heads up that I asked your AMA questions here. Chad will respond to the rest when he has a free moment.

    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 4.  RE: AMA - Co-Browse Feature Requests

    Posted 03-02-2023 13:51
    • Will there be support for tablets like iPad, Samsung Note, and Chromebooks?  Support IOS with Co-Browsing | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
      • Answer: Messenger and Co-browse are supported for web and mobile web browsers already, so these will work with each of the devices mentioned. But you're right, Co-browse is supported in a native Mobile SDK (iOS or Android) quite yet. We do plan to extend Co-browse to that use case as well, we'll be monitoring demand to determine the timing.
    • Will it support "show me" feature to guide the user without taking over control?  Add a pointer to screen share | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
      • Answer: Co-browse supports viewing the other party's cursor position, as well as Draw and Click-to-Highlight to focus attention on a specific area of the page. Do these capture what you mean by "Show Me"? Each of these can be done without the agent gaining remote control
    • Will user be able to limit what can be seen by agent? 
      • Answer: While the user cannot limit what the agent sees, the brand has the ability to Mask fields via CSS Classnames. This would allow a brand to mask sensitive fields including PII, or fields not relevant for an agent to complete their duties. When the customer accepts the Co-browse request, they will be sharing the entire web page they are viewing except for items that are masked.
    • Will this work through digital channel apps like Line and WhatsApp?
      • Answer: Currently this is not planned, however third-party messaging channels could be supported similarly to the Voice use case where the agent provides the PIN. We will monitor demand and consider extending support to the most popular third-party channels.
    • Will agent be able to "break out" co-browse window to another browser session?
      • Answer: Co-browsing is limited to the current browser window or tab in which the session begins. Messenger does support conversation synchronization for up to 3 tabs at a time, however the Co-browse will be limited to only the current window/tab. If there is a need to switch to another window/tab (that cannot be accomplished via webpage navigation), the session would need to be ended and started again in the desired window/tab

    Chad Hansen
    Product Manager
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: AMA - Co-Browse Feature Requests

    Posted 03-02-2023 14:47
    • Will there be the ability for file transfer limitations in Messenger/Co-browse?
      • Answer: Co-browse doesn't include any file transfer capability on its own, however when using Co-browse for Web Messaging, the conversation stays active in parallel to Co-browse and image attachments can be shared throughout the session (if enabled by the brand). We are working on improvements to expand file attachment support in web messaging.
    • Can we get the ability to turn on screen recording when co-browse is activated even if not in policy?  Policy-based Screen Recording for | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (
      • Answer: This is something we are watching, though it is expected that it will be controlled via policy. If there's a specific reason you'd like this configured separately from policies, i'd love to hear! Worth mentioning that with current behavior, if a screen recording policy is triggered for some reason, it will pick up any Co-browse activity on the agent desktop.
    • Has there been any work to better sync mouse movements between agent and customer?
      • Answer: Yes! Improvements were made in ~Q4 timeframe. Let me know if you are seeing any issues/inconsistencies and we can take a further look. Every brand's webpage styling structure is different, so we have seen cases in the past where Co-browse synchronization improvements could be made.
    • Can we search for co-browse sessions in Interactions?
      • Answer: Yes! In the Interactions list view, there is a column and checkbox filter for Co-browse
    • Can agents input information with keyboard to the user's screen?
      • Answer: Yep! As long as the agent has remote control then they have this ability.

    Thanks for all the questions Robert!

    Chad Hansen
    Product Manager
    Genesys - Employees

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