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Beta: Campaign Performance Views

  • 1.  Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 11-21-2022 10:48

    Hi all,

    We are excited to announce the beta release of the new Campaign Performance Views. These views enable users see the performance summary of all the campaigns within their division and get a detailed view of each individual campaign's performance. 

    The exports of these views will provide the functional equivalent of the following canned Dialer reports, currently available within the Reports area of the application.
    • Dialer Campaign Success Results by Interval
    • Dialer Campaign Success Results by Day

    We request that anyone interested in participating in this beta, register using the form:  Campaign Performance Views - Beta Candidate Survey

    Upon completion of the selection of beta testers,
    we will reach out to you confirming the feature enablement for your organization.  



    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 2.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 12-06-2022 17:26
    Edited by Enrico Cornelio 12-06-2022 17:27
    How about the canned report - Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History Report ?  Is this going to be replicated in the Performance views?  That report shows every attempt made on a contact.  Currently the Interactions list only shows a record and a column for Outbound attempted. If a contact was called 4 times, we wanted to find out when each of the 4 attempts was made and the wrap-up code assigned. The Attempt History report, shows the 4 individual attempts details, while the Interactions list only shows one record and a column for the attempts made and the last wrap-up code.

    Rico Cornelio

    Enrico Cornelio
    LeafFilter North, LLC.

  • 3.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-10-2023 18:39
    Any update on replicating the canned report that will be deprecated "Dialer Campaign Detailed Attempt History Report" ?  When will the Campaign Performance Export be available on general release or is this in beta? The site say that report will be deprecated soon

    Enrico Cornelio
    LeafFilter North, LLC.

  • 4.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-12-2023 17:42
    Hi Enrico,

    Apologies for the delayed reply! On the page you linked above with the deprecation article, you can scroll down and see information for each of the reports that details how to recreate them now, or indicating that the Feature is coming soon. The report you mentioned is already available by using the instructions shown in the screenshot below. Hopefully that helps, if not, please let us know if you need more assistance.  


    Laurie Nelson
    Genesys - Employees
    Sr. Director Product Management - Data, Analytics and Reporting

  • 5.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-12-2023 17:55
    Hi Laurie,

    I have tried the steps you have outlined and that report only shows one record for each of the conversation ID. On canned report for outbound dialer Attempt report, each attempt of dial creates one record.  Since in outbound dialer, a record can be dialed multiple times if the attempts does not reach a contact. The Interactions report you listed above would show only the last attempt made. Since the dialer maintains the same conversation ID for the redials, that report only shows the result of the last attempt.  Example, if a record on the calling list is dialed 4 times, that report would show only one interaction record instead of 4. If you select to display the custom attributes, there is a column called "Outbound Attempted" and this would show the number of attempts it made.  What the canned report that will be deprecated shows are all 4 attempts showing the time the call was made, as well as the wrap-up codes and call analysis results.
    This is the report that need to be replicated before deprecating the canned report.

    Enrico Cornelio
    LeafFilter North, LLC.

  • 6.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-12-2023 18:15
    attached are two files one is the Interactions Export based on the steps you listed and the other is the canned report.  The interactions export only shows one record for the same contacted- while the Dialer attempt reports shows multiple records based on the attempts made.

    Enrico Cornelio
    LeafFilter North, LLC.

  • 7.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-12-2023 18:56
    Hi Enrico,

    Apologies, I didn't read your first message closely enough. I will check on this further. @Nikhil Ponnam is currently out of office, but we will get back to you as soon as possible. â€‹


    Laurie Nelson
    Genesys - Employees
    Sr. Director Product Management - Data, Analytics and Reporting

  • 8.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-20-2023 10:45
    Hi Laurie,

    Any update on the question regarding the Dialer Attempt Report ?


    Enrico Cornelio
    LeafFilter North, LLC.

  • 9.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-20-2023 12:06
    Hi Enrico,

    Sorry for the delay. As you pointed out above, "Outbound Attempt" is a column available in the view that shows the number of attempts. We don't show each attempt line by line currently for this view but we'd like to understand the use case behind this. What specifically are you looking for from the line by line view? How do you use that information?

    We need to take into account the cases where there are lots of attempts and the user experience considerations in those cases, so any insights you can provide would be great.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 10.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-20-2023 12:45
    Hi Nikhil,

    We use the data for each attempt made such as the time of the attempt made, wrap-up code assigned, the agent who handled the call or if was no answer, busy , answering machine which are not passed to an agent. This is critical since we report on these metrics. The Interactions export does not provide that detail and only shows the total number of Outbound attempts on that record. 


  • 11.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-20-2023 13:37
    Thanks Rico. We'll evaluate this and get back to you. We will also take this account into the canned reports deprecation plan and make the necessary updates.

    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 12.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-21-2023 08:16
    A lot of Dialer shops depend on this type of information.  I've got a couple of customers who need it as well.

    Jason Loucks
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-13-2023 11:02
    I'm not sure if this is the right venue for this feedback, but I would really like to see the percent metrics expanded to at least one decimal place on the Campaign Performance View - for example, the Dial Abandon Rate. If nothing else, having this formatting be configurable so organizations could make the decision would be a welcome enhancement. A whole number percentage doesn't provide quite the level of detail I need.

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 14.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-13-2023 11:44
    Hi Emily!

    This is exactly the type of feedback we are looking for here, so thank you for the comment! @Nikhil Ponnam returns from PTO next week and can have a look at this feedback and consider it then. â€‹


    Laurie Nelson
    Genesys - Employees
    Sr. Director Product Management - Data, Analytics and Reporting

  • 15.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-16-2023 19:09
    Hi Emily, thanks for the feedback. We had a similar request for another view a while back, highlighting the need for higher number of decimal places. Can you add an idea for this? 


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 16.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-19-2023 13:44
    Thanks Nikhil, I've done this. Sharing the link for anyone interested:

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 17.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 01-20-2023 10:48
    HI Laurie,

    Any update on the question below ?


    Posted 7 days ago
    Hi Enrico,

    Apologies, I didn't read your first message closely enough. I will check on this further. @Nikhil Ponnam is currently out of office, but we will get back to you as soon as possible. â€‹


    Laurie Nelson
    Genesys - Employees
    Sr. Director Product Management - Data, Analytics and Reporting

    Enrico Cornelio
    LeafFilter North, LLC.

  • 18.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 02-13-2023 18:41

    Hi Laurie

    I'd like to see the same feature as Enrico, for one of our customer's, who are reporting to their client on every call and this makes their lives more complicated. Well, not yet, because the Report is not deprecated yet, but once it's gone, they'll be forced to use the Exports and the output is different. If there's an Idea on this, would you be able to provide the link so we can give it a vote?


    Stan Vasil
    eleven (GEMA Consulting Ireland Limited)

  • 19.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 02-13-2023 21:22

    Stan, we are working on getting the equivalent of this functionality available within the performance views. We will make sure the report deprecation plans account for this work. The corresponding idea is here: Campaign Detailed attempt history view


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 20.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 02-14-2023 03:27

    Hi @Nikhil Ponnam, thanks for opening the Idea and passing on. Would be great in @Enrico Cornelio and his team gave this a vote, I'll pass it on to my customer. 

    Best regards,


    Stan Vasil
    eleven (GEMA Consulting Ireland Limited)

  • 21.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 02-14-2023 07:07

    Hi Nikhil

    Somewhat adjacent to the detailed attempt history report view, has any thought been given to a campaign wrap up performance view? I understand that the existing Wrap Up Performance view can be filtered based on campaign name, but if multiple campaigns are selected it combines the results. I'd love a to see a view that gives wrap results for multiple campaigns but separated by campaign name. If an organization has a large number of campaigns, it can be cumbersome to save a separate view for each or to have to update the campaign name filter for each to get individual campaign results. At present my users use a combination of the existing wrap up performance view and the detailed dialer attempt report to arrive at this information, but it would be nice to have a performance view specific to this.

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 22.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 02-14-2023 12:49

    Thanks Emily for the feedback. Can you please add an idea for this? We'll evaluate this and add it to the roadmap, if feasible.

    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 23.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 02-14-2023 15:26

    Sure, I've added the idea. Link in case it's useful:

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 24.  RE: Beta: Campaign Performance Views

    Posted 04-19-2023 09:50

    Hi everyone,

    Thank you for participating and providing the feedback. This feature has been released and is now generally available.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

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