My understanding is Preview Outbound Campaign will dial all the contacts in the contact list only once unless you have a rule created to reschedule the call. I am willing to understand how attempt control would work if there are no rules configured.
when customer is called as part of the preview campaign, if the wrap-up code is busy or no answer then we want those contacts to be put at the bottom of the list and called again only after the original list is exhausted.
In rules i can reschedule a call back after x amount of hours, however we dont know when campaign ends. Campaign can be 500 records or can be 50000 records so reschedule call rule doesnot suffice the requirement.
Original Message:
Sent: 02-27-2024 04:08
From: Jeff Humphreys
Subject: Call attempts control, Recycling campaigns etc
Thanks for reaching out to me. I have a consultancy session scheduled quite soon with our provider so will hopefully resolve our issues then. Thanks again.
Jeff Humphreys
RCN, Royal College of Nursing
Original Message:
Sent: 02-26-2024 12:55
From: Daniel Sanders
Subject: Call attempts control, Recycling campaigns etc
Hi Jeff, I work closely with Robert and am the Genesys lead for TTEC in EMEA. Please feel free to reach out at and we can chat and discuss how we may be able to assist you.
Kind Regards
Daniel Sanders
TTEC UK Solutions Ltd
Original Message:
Sent: 02-23-2024 00:04
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Call attempts control, Recycling campaigns etc
Sorry to hear your experience with your support partner. I think @Wayne Kay, my colleague in the UK might be able to help you with that. As for your dialing, you should look at the Interactions View for only campaign calls and see if you are getting more than one call per contact. Now, if you are using Preview, the dialing rules don't really apply. If you look at this list Campaign properties by dialing mode - Genesys Cloud Resource Center (, you will see that Preview does not have Call Response and this linkConfigure an attempt controls entry - Genesys Cloud Resource Center ( specifically says that Attempt Controls do not apply to Preview Campaigns. So, no matter what is set for those, they are ignored. It is up to the agent to disposition the call correctly to determine if you would call it again.
As for recycling and restarting, you should get similar results. Here are the basic rules:
- A campaign recycle can occur once every five seconds. The system returns an error for more frequent recycle attempts.
During a recycle, calls in progress or interactions that an agent is wrapping up jump to the top of the queue, bypassing the normal queue sorting.
If a campaign is recycled while it is off, all numbers for all contacts will be attempted again. If a campaign is recycled while it is stopping or on, any contacts that are in flight, that is, on their way to an agent or currently being handled by an agent, will only have their numbers attempted once.
If you don't want the recycle campaign to redial those contacts that the previous campaign dialed successfully, either add a call rule that checks those contacts as Uncallable or create a wrap-up code to map to Contact Uncallable. In either case, the recycle campaign will not redial those contacts.
When a campaign is recycled, it does not automatically turn on and start dialing the contact list again. The campaign must be manually switched on, or a rule or sequence must be in place to start the campaign again.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 02-08-2024 11:10
From: Jeff Humphreys
Subject: Call attempts control, Recycling campaigns etc
We are in the first few weeks of using Genesys and are trying to get to grips with the outbound side of things. For context, we are running Preview campaigns with Call attempt controls set at two for a number and two for a contact. Apart from a few teething troubles we are running the campaigns and it seems to be going ok.
However, (you knew that was coming didn't you? :-)), there are a few things we are unsure of and the resources information doesn't really provide us with plain language explanations we can apply. I'm hoping someone can help with a few questions we have?
In an Interactions view we have set up, we have a count of the Call Attempts. The vast majority seem to be only dialled once when the campaign is eventually completed. We have been reassured by our provider in the past the settings we have will mean two dialling attempts unless the wrap code is a Contact/Number uncallable one, but this does not seem to be born out by the information we have Does anyone have a suggestion as to what we can do to get to the bottom of this?
As a result of the above, we have looked at the possibility of Recycling the campaigns that have finished. In the resources centre, the explanation of Recycling was not very detailed. What does this mean in practice? Will it redial all the contacts or just those without a contact/number uncallable wrap code? Do I need to create a Rule set/Rule to facilitate only dialing those unsuccessful dialling attempts?
What does turning the campaign back on again once the campaign has completed do? is it the same as recycling?
Hope someone can help. Many thanks
Jeff Humphreys
RCN, Royal College of Nursing