The "X" is now gone. :) As noted, I will provide updates on the plans for points two and three after the holidays. Design and UX are actively evaluating options.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-18-2023 09:21
From: Julianne Chaloux
Subject: Coming soon: Refresh of Contact Management UI
Thanks Jeff for the extremely valuable feedback!
- Change is pending to remove this redundant "X". The intended functionality was to allow for the External Contacts panel to be closed when it is viewed at half-width during an interaction, for consistency with the old UI. However, there is already a button which does this within the interactions panel. Thanks again for flagging.
- I have raised the placeholder issue with our user experience and design teams. We are evaluating options and will come back with an update soon. In the interim, we have a change pending to improve the contrast - but I understand that this does not resolve the pain point that you have raised.
- Our design team is actively reviewing our options here; I will come back with an update soon.
Thanks again and please don't hesitate to raise any other items - I appreciate it!
Julianne Chaloux
Genesys - Employees
Principal Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 12-17-2023 20:48
From: Jeff Hoogkamer
Subject: Coming soon: Refresh of Contact Management UI
Hi Julianne,
Just some feedback on the new UI:
1. What is the 'X' button in the top right meant to do as it doesn't seem to do anything (I assumed it would close the contact record and go back to the Contacts/Org search).

2. The example default/prompt text in the fields has too much colour or prominence - and is easily confused as an actual data entered.
For example - if we actually have a contact called 'John Smith' - the default/prompt text looks too much like the value has been entered and then doesn't make sense as to why the field is having an error when it visually looks like the value has been entered.

We've already had a few staff contact us saying they can't get rid of 'James' as the middle name - just because it doesn't look like an example and actually looks like a value entered.

Also the same with the phone numbers, addresses, etc - whilst the default/prompt text may be useful in describing what should be in the field - it is too prominent and easily confused as data entered.
I would prefer these fields to either just say the field name or just be empty and have the example/format in a question mark next to the field name (e.g. like in some of the Queue configuration fields)

3. I also agree with @Paul McGurn about the vertical space - especially in the Contact Summary on the left. Seems like there could be a little less white space between the heading and text (like how it was in the original experience).
Otherwise I'm very glad this rollout has given the opportunity to toggle between the original and new experience, I'd love to see this ongoing in other releases on the platform as well to make these transitions a little easier.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-06-2023 06:19
From: Julianne Chaloux
Subject: Coming soon: Refresh of Contact Management UI
Rollout of this change is complete in all regions. Please contact me any time at with questions or feedback.
Julianne Chaloux
Genesys - Employees
Principal Product Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 10-04-2023 08:12
From: Julianne Chaloux
Subject: Coming soon: Refresh of Contact Management UI
Hi all!
I'm happy to share some updates coming your way to enhance your experience with the Contact Management UI for External Contacts and Organizations. If you are a user of External Contacts / Single Customer View or interested in this area, stay tuned! Please see the attached PowerPoint for more details.
What's New:
User Experience Enhancement: We've aligned the look and feel of the contact and organization views for a more consistent experience.
Streamlined Contact Creation and Editing: We're reducing the number of clicks it takes to create or edit a contact.
Use of Common Components: We're using common Genesys Cloud components for creating or editing fields for External Contacts. This includes the entry of phone numbers, dates, SMS settings, and survey settings.
To ensure a smooth transition, these changes will go-live in approximately 45 days from when this notice is posted. I will continue to post updates in this thread so that you know exactly when to expect changes!
There will be a toggle in the External Contact Management UI which will allow users switch between the new and old experience any time. By default, the new experience will be enabled, but the user will have the option to toggle it off if needed. The toggle will be available for a 90 day period while we respond to feedback, and then the new experience will completely replace the old experience. Please share any feedback or questions - your valuable insights will help us further refine this feature.