Thank you, Cenk.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 10:20
From: Cenk Gündüz
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
Hi Paul,
Yeap, thank you. We are on the same page of course :)
Cenk Gündüz
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 09:24
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
I apologize if I came across as critical of your contribution! Your solution would certainly work in the short term, I merely wanted to make sure the (potentially unintended) consequences were understood as well as hopefully prevent a reoccurrence of the issue.
I'm glad we are on the same page 😀
Paul Simpson
Eventus Solutions Group
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 09:18
From: Cenk Gündüz
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
Hi Paul,
As you are saying that i am not advising playing wth the table and of course messing around in the DB. And of course the first check point is checking the numbers quality.
As you are saying that If the quality of the numbers are not good then of course creating new calling list will not help. Therefore, they need to understand the root cause of the F status whether it is coming from the numbers itself or something else.
Anyway, i am totally agree with you.
Cenk Gündüz
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 09:01
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
In general, Genesys do not recommend messing around with the database directly and certainly never when the dialer is running. This is because it can easily lead to inconsistencies between tables as well as the fact that much of this data is cached, resulting in a discrepancy between the cache and the data. (BTW, deleting the PND could be classed as "messing around in the database".....😉)
Anyway, what they need to do is figure out why all numbers for a contact are uncallable. This usually happens because the Wrap-Up code used is set to update the PND. So, either the numbers are bad, or a call was placed and a Wrap-Up chosen that marked it that way. (e.g. Wrong Number).
Either way, simply resetting the statuses (either directly or by removing the contents of the table, or even the table itself) will probably not prevent it from occurring again. If the number is bad, it will still be bad. If it's the wrong number, it will still be the wrong number!
Depending on location, reason for calling and exact configuration, you may also run into compliance issues. (Over-dialing a number, or calling someone again when you have been asked not to.)
Paul Simpson
Eventus Solutions Group
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 08:48
From: Cenk Gündüz
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
Hi Paul,
You are right. Deleting PND table will cause you lose all historical attempts for each single number of each contact.
But if they only change the status of the contacts in the Contact List this will not work, as it is also checking the status of individual numbers in the PND List. So they also need to check this table as well or update somehow which is not normally suggested.
Another suggestion is that, they can create a new calling list and attach that contact list to the campaign. So it will be fresh start.
Cenk Gündüz
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 08:33
From: Paul Simpson
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
I'm not sure I agree with deleting the PND table as this will mean you lose all historic information concerning the individual numbers. So, if you have any procedures that trigger on individual phone numbers, those will break. (Things like limits on calls per number, or any policies that only leave a message on an answering machine if it's the first time a machine was detected etc.)
You can find a description of the meaning of each field, including status, in the Contact List here and in the PND table here.
Paul Simpson
Eventus Solutions Group
Original Message:
Sent: 04-14-2023 04:41
From: Cenk Gündüz
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
Hi Rchelle,
In addition to Hans comment did you also check the PND table which is linked to that campaign and Contact List? If you do not update the PND table and if all the contact status which you updated in the Contact List are somehow U or any other uncallable status in the PND Table, this will also cause this problem.
My suggestion is once you updated the contact list, you should find the regarding contacts in the PND table and delete them or if you have a chance you can delete PND table and have it empty. Once you run the campaign this table will be automatically filled up by the Dialer. Then please monitor if the contacts are again dilaed.
Cenk Gündüz
Original Message:
Sent: 04-13-2023 15:39
From: Rechelle McConnell
Subject: Contact Status 'F' Flagged
Hi All,
Need help here, Please. Yesterday, we changed records status in Call List Table from 'A' to 'C'. However, we made another status update for status 'U' to 'C' but once we run the campaign.. the system changed the status 'F' flagged. We have a tight schedule but even if we change it back to 'C' to be callable it keeps changing it back to F.
Please help.
Rechelle McConnell