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Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

  • 1.  Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-05-2023 13:10
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 11-06-2023 09:10

    "I am by birth a Genesys, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that online community." 

    - an unauthorized collaboration between Mary Shelley & Matt Lawson

    When did you feel like a mad scientist?

    With the power of Genesys at your fingertips, there is unlimited potential for wonderful things that you can build, tinker with, and enhance: from interactive bots to automation processes and don't think we forgot about artificial intelligence.

    In our October contest, we want to hear the story of your passion project? Don't spare any details!

    • What made you start this project?
    • How long did it take?
    • Any favorite (or least favorite) memories?
    • What were the results?
    • Did you have help along the way?
    • Does your project or bot have a name?
    • How did it turn out?

    What do the winners get? A deluxe prize from the prize wall.

    How to Enter? Reply below to this thread with your story! You can submit a video, power point, text, cartoon, whatever helps you tell your story and help us learn about the innovation you have going on that leverages Genesys. 

    Main Rule: No sharing contact information: phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc.

    What kind of "Bot" qualifies? Naturally, any chat or voice bot is fair game, but we are also eager to hear about any automation processes, AI advancements, or reporting system that required you to dream big, stretch your knowledge, and get inventive, but ultimately made your life with Genesys easier. 

    There is also a separate category for any Bots you use/created outside of Genesys.

    Ready, Igor?


    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 2.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-06-2023 09:56

    I would call this more of a baby bot than a full grown BOT.  We have always struggled with the dial-by-name directory in Genesys Cloud, so I decided to build my own using a bot of sorts.  I saw the new Preview API for user search and thought to my self "Hey Robert, what if you used a bot to search for users instead of the build in stuff that never worked?"  That lead to my Dial-by-Name botlet.

    First I run the caller through a bot that ask them for anything using the Any slot type - simple enough and I have the option to confirm names and messaging.  Then I run that into the User Search API.  It will come back with matches that contain the spoken names.  I iterate through the names and when user chooses one, I simple look up that user and transfer to them.  

    Simple enough and shows the power of simplicity of design.  Of course, this would have not been possible without that new search API.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 3.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-06-2023 11:26

    AMAZING, Robert!!! I am not surprised you came up with this :)

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-11-2023 16:44
    Edited by Lucas Woodward 10-11-2023 16:49
    I've been on a mission to bring software development practises to how OVO Energy (a major energy supplier in the UK) develop Genesys chatbots. We use what I've created to quickly and reliably release new features in our chatbots, all whilst maintaining quality. This has resulted in:
    • Reduced our turnaround time to be able to adapt to customer feedback
    • Reduced the time it takes to develop, test and release new functionality
    • Reduced issues with our chatbots
    • Chatbot's behaviour being clearly defined in easy to read tests

    At a high-level the automated process looks like this:

    I've been lucky enough to talk about it on stage at Xperience '23 and Genesys' Tech in 20 podcast. In my spare time I also write blogs about it, and the open-source tooling I've created for it, on OVO Energy's Tech blog - some of which are featured on Genesys's Developer Blog.

    One part of it I'm particularly excited about at the moment is integrating ChatGPT into my open-source Web Messenger testing tool. This will allow us to leverage generative AI to perform automated exploratory tests - which is jolly exciting stuff indeed! I've written more about this in a discussion thread and there is a video of it in action.

    Lucas Woodward
    OVO Energy Ltd

  • 5.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-17-2023 10:40

    Wow! This is so cool, Lucas! I can tell a lot of thought went into this flow. Way to go leveraging generative AI - so cool! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-19-2023 17:02

    A lot of the "core features" of PureConnect that relied on an external vendor sort of just ceased to exist when the vendor did, as well.  This is pretty much the case with voicemail transcription which was previously "powered by yap."  RIP 2011 Amazon Acquisition...

    Anyhow, this was a really common request so I decided to just build it out as a customization instead.  I built a solution using Google's long running transcription API/Google Cloud Storage and hacked apart the existing voicemail handlers to make them support writing to a separate .wav file, passing that to a Google Cloud storage bucket and kicking off the transcription process.  Since it's voicemail, the added few seconds of delay this process added really wasn't impactful.

    The great thing was that it was very easy to set up GCP projects for each of the sub groups using the service so we could easily bill back the recognition API usage appropriately.

    • What made you start this project?  It sounded like a fun challenge.
    • How long did it take?  About a month of spare time around other projects.
    • Any favorite (or least favorite) memories?  Editing the html templates that the system uses for voicemail delivery.
    • What were the results?  Pretty sizeable adoption from internal teams.
    • Did you have help along the way?  Whoever wrote the documentation/python libraries for GCP.
    • Does your project or bot have a name?  Voicemail Transcription
    • How did it turn out?  Honestly, better than anticipated.

    Aaron Lael
    State of Utah - comments on this forum reflect my own personal opinions\observations and are separate from any entity I am otherwise involved in.

  • 7.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-23-2023 09:27

    Wow, Aaron! That is really cool! I love that you rebuilt and reimagined a feature that was sorely missed by people and made it even better. Kudos! Thank you so much for sharing. I am really inspired by all these super smart members we have in the Genesys community, really amazing work!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-25-2023 10:18

    I came into the position having very little experience building and managing chat bots in a time of transition for the company. This transition was what caused the inception of the project. Leaving our previous chatbot provider, who offered less flexibility and fewer tools, there was an opportunity to increase the quality and ability of the bot. Over about 3 months I built the first iteration of our new bot, the Virtual Assistant, through Genesys Cloud CX. Even being that I was learning everything as I went, the company saw dramatic results. We saw an increase in bot entries of approximately 66% to 35,000 entries a month, a containment increase of 32% to 84%, and a 13.5% decrease in chats requiring live agents.

    The Genesys Resource Center and Community were a huge help. The documentation and community taught me to effectively use the built-in variables for chatbots (shout out to session.lastcollectionutterance and session.activeintent) and how to build my own. The built-in variable are used to smoothly pass members through chat flows when the necessary information is provided to avoid asking repetitive questions or unnecessary clarification. They are also used to react to time of day and week to ensure a natural, human-like experience for our members. Although many of my custom variables may be simple in terms of construction, they are powerful tools to ensure our members get their questions answered.

    Learning new tools, making proof of concepts, then applying them to the bot has been fun. I relish the experience. As it is just one huge puzzle! A puzzle that is always evolving. Sometimes devolving… but that is part of the journey. The Virtual Assistant and I have come a long way over the last 13 months and we still have much further to go as I figure out new and more effective ways to help our members.

    Andrew Lowe
    Members 1st FCU
    Senior Conversational Designer
    and Contact Center Support

  • 9.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-25-2023 10:42

    Wow, Andrew! Those are some very impressive results! And what a feature that people love. Thank you so much for submitting this! Great work.

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 10.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-25-2023 11:03

    When HRIS integration was announced for Bamboo initially, I dug into the API and Workflows.  From there, I started putting together Data Actions that could be used by our staff with other HRIS systems.  Then I got the idea of why even use an external systems and allow managers to keep track of that on their own.  I began building 2 data tables and data actions that could mimic the HRIS system data and use the Search User API to get all the users and either their HRID or just their GUID to store in the table along with their Email and PTO amounts for each activity.  The Workflows will pull in these values when requesting time off and if approved, these are then written to another table.  The beauty of this solution is that the HRIS system does not have to be touch - they just download a CSV and import into the table.  I don't have the ability to look ahead at what they might accrue but working on that.  This is an alternative for people to "try" this out as well.  

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 11.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-25-2023 11:17

    Wow, Robert! I HAVE to ask...how many bot or flows have you created in your career in telephony? 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 12.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-25-2023 11:36

    If I had to guess, I would say a couple thousand.  Some are single-function like asking for a zip code in various countries to full blown banking bots for touch-tone teller replacements.  A lot of mine are just to prove that something can be done when vendors say it can't.  I like to prove people wrong in a nice way.

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 13.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 10-25-2023 11:42

    That is so awesome! 

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 14.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize
    Best Answer

    Posted 11-05-2023 19:36

    A last second entry :)

    This project started from the requirement to have surveys integrated in web messaging, it began with a small concept of giving a basic rating and has now grown a bit bigger and is still evolving as new needs come up.

    To send customers to the bot the agents have a "End Chat" button in their script which they use instead of regular disconnect. This just transfers the customer to a queue flow which has the bot attached to it.

    In it's current state it will get the survey form attached to the queue from policies and type out the questions in that form so administrators only need to update the survey form to change the questions the bot is asking, taking information from the header, footer and questions in the form.

    Most of the times in web messaging this will just be a score and a comment field but any available survey question type could be used with some limitations.
    I haven't implemented conditional questions yet since that need hasn't come up but will throw it in there when I have time to spare :)

    The bot part is probably the most basic of the solution which also includes, a bunch of Data Actions, saving the answers to a Data Table, a survey flow that will update it with surveyUrl after it triggers a workflow. In the end the workflow will fill out the survey via APIs so results are updated in Genesys and delete the data table entry.

    Currently I'm expanding this so it can also send transcript of the message interaction via e-mail, and one idea that came up is that since all survey logic is there I can reuse this to make a voice bot out if it so that will be the next project.

    Jan Heinonen
    Contact Center Specialist
    GlobalConnect AB

  • 15.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 11-06-2023 09:10

    Yay Jan! Thanks for your submission! This is a really cool feature- thanks for the visual of it so we could see it in action!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 11-28-2023 09:51

    Quick reminder that we are recording the Q&A Episode tomorrow and will announce the winner! So you have roughly one day left to vote.

    Lucas and Jan have both created some pretty incredible bot stories and we are in a runoff and the competition is fierce. Read about their bots' journies in the thread below! You can vote on the site's home page: https://community.genesys.com/home



    Matt Lawson
    Genesys - Employees
    Online Community Manager

  • 17.  RE: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize

    Posted 11-30-2023 16:24
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 11-30-2023 16:26

    After a few weeks of voting in the Genesys polls, it was a tight race between deciding the victor of the Genesys Bot portion of the Big, Bad Bot Bash! But the results are in and we reveal it...on the newest episode of the Q&A show! You can see the winner at timestamp 14:07. @Jan Heinonen and @Lucas Woodward, please watch to see which of you claimed top prize! Both of your submissions were truly stellar, thank you and congrats to you both!

    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

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