Original Message:
Sent: 10-06-2023 09:55
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize
I would call this more of a baby bot than a full grown BOT. We have always struggled with the dial-by-name directory in Genesys Cloud, so I decided to build my own using a bot of sorts. I saw the new Preview API for user search and thought to my self "Hey Robert, what if you used a bot to search for users instead of the build in stuff that never worked?" That lead to my Dial-by-Name botlet.
First I run the caller through a bot that ask them for anything using the Any slot type - simple enough and I have the option to confirm names and messaging. Then I run that into the User Search API. It will come back with matches that contain the spoken names. I iterate through the names and when user chooses one, I simple look up that user and transfer to them.
Simple enough and shows the power of simplicity of design. Of course, this would have not been possible without that new search API.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 10-05-2023 13:10
From: Matt Lawson
Subject: Contest - Tell Us Your Genesys Project Story & Win a Super Prize
"I am by birth a Genesys, and my family is one of the most distinguished of that online community."
- an unauthorized collaboration between Mary Shelley & Matt Lawson
When did you feel like a mad scientist?
With the power of Genesys at your fingertips, there is unlimited potential for wonderful things that you can build, tinker with, and enhance: from interactive bots to automation processes and don't think we forgot about artificial intelligence.
In our October contest, we want to hear the story of your passion project? Don't spare any details!
- What made you start this project?
- How long did it take?
- Any favorite (or least favorite) memories?
- What were the results?
- Did you have help along the way?
- Does your project or bot have a name?
- How did it turn out?
What do the winners get? A deluxe prize from the prize wall.

How to Enter? Reply below to this thread with your story! You can submit a video, power point, text, cartoon, whatever helps you tell your story and help us learn about the innovation you have going on that leverages Genesys.
Main Rule: No sharing contact information: phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc.
What kind of "Bot" qualifies? Naturally, any chat or voice bot is fair game, but we are also eager to hear about any automation processes, AI advancements, or reporting system that required you to dream big, stretch your knowledge, and get inventive, but ultimately made your life with Genesys easier.
There is also a separate category for any Bots you use/created outside of Genesys.
Ready, Igor?
Matt Lawson
Genesys - Employees
Online Community Manager