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  • 1.  Create an Auto Attendant/IVR with options to play prompts/info

    Posted 12-30-2022 11:31
    We are new to this platform , learning as we go . Can anyone offer any guidance or examples on how to create an Auto Attendant/IVR with options to play prompts/info ?
    I have created menus to transfer to groups , extensions , people , etc but now the need to create an option to play an informational announcement has come up . 
    For example , To hear more about product x , please press 2 . Option 2 should play an announcement about the product , then either disconnect the call or give the option to return to the main menu . . I have created the menu option , assigned "2" , added the announcement prompt but the script is requiring me to add an action . .

    All I'm trying to do is ...Main Menu - play greeting - "Thanks for calling , press 2 to hear how great widget xyz is " . When "2" is pressed , play " widget xyz is great " , repeat this message 1 time , then disconnect or press * to return to the main menu . 

    I'm coming from an old school Nortel / Call Pilot/Symposium environment , this is an easy task in that platform but the differences in terminologies to do the same task is a bit of a learning curve . . An old dog trying to learn some new tricks .

    THANKS !

    Bart Lunn
    Workwear Outfitters

  • 2.  RE: Create an Auto Attendant/IVR with options to play prompts/info

    Posted 01-01-2023 08:10
    Dear Bart,

    You may configure a Play Menu node and you may add Play Audio File node under this menu. Then you may select the audio file into the Play Audio node and you can control it with the keys like 1,2,3 etc.. on the Play Menu node.

    Also you can control it with the option that return to the previous menu, Disconnect etc..

    Actually it is not in front of me but as far as i remember you can do this as i explained above. If you need further assistance we may also check together on a remote session, no worries.


    Cenk Gündüz

  • 3.  RE: Create an Auto Attendant/IVR with options to play prompts/info

    Posted 01-18-2023 13:47
    Thanks , that was the guidance that I needed .

    Bart Lunn
    Workwear Outfitters

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