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Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

  • 1.  Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2023 19:03

    Hello Community

    I have created an app "CallFlowVisualizer" that creates flowcharts of Genesys Cloud or PureConnect interaction flows with

    For Genesys Cloud

     Specify organization name and fetch flows from Genesys Cloud.

    For PureConnect

     Export XML file of Interaction Attendant data using DSEditU.exe

    Then CallFlowVisualizer creates flowcharts for you.

    You can open and edit created flowcharts with or Visio.

    Feel free to use it. :-)

    Visit the URL here:




  • 2.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-14-2023 14:57

    Great idea and great results!  We tried it and it worked great.  I would strongly suggest you package this up as a Blueprint and put it on AppFoundry.  @Juergen Tolksdorf or @Walla Oriqat, can you help Ishi get this listed?​​

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    TTEC Digital, LLC dba Avtex
    Contact Center Innovation Architect

  • 3.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-15-2023 00:11
    Hi Robert,

    Thank you for trying my app!
    Oh, publishing as a Blueprint is nice,I didn't have such an idea.
    Thank you!



  • 4.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-16-2023 05:11
    Hello Takamune.
    The idea is great! 
    I need to report a small bug - looks like in case of flows that don't have terminating action (which sometimes happens in case of flows that are under decelopment) your app simply stops.


    Piotr Danielewski
    EY Global Services Limited

  • 5.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-16-2023 09:05

    Hi Piotr,

    Thank you for your feedback!

    I created some flows without terminating action and did test but was unable to reproduce the issue yet.

    Batch processing also works fine even if there is a flow indicating validation error without terminating action.

    My app might have stopped during the "Creating drawio diagram" phase.

    Can you post a screenshot or email me a json file of your flow?




  • 6.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-16-2023 10:20
    Happy to help.
    The flow was a chat flow, that someone in my team simply left without any actions (there was just "start block") and the app was simply stuck on "Creating CSV file for Genesys Cloud"
    It would stop at this point and do nothing for 10-15 minutes... After adding a terminating step it would simply move forward.

    Next question: how does it work with creating diagram? For me it just opened multiple windows (starting window, where you choose to create a file or open an existing one) and just keep opening them (stopped it while having 10 windows open :-).

    Happy to be your beta tester :-)

    Piotr Danielewski
    EY Global Services Limited

  • 7.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-16-2023 11:43

    Hi Piotr,

    Thank you!

    I also experienced a similar issue (Unhandled exception) on my end after saving a chat flow indicating "not contain a terminating action".

    Yes, this issue could happen if the flow is under the development phase.

    I will fix this and let you know.

    As for your next question, can insert a CSV file to draw a diagram.

    But we can not run it from the command line at this time, so I have made a few changes to so that CallFlowVisualizer can call it from the command line.

    If you run " .\ --help" including this app from the command line, you can see "-i" option for CSV import feature I added.



  • 8.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-17-2023 02:27

    Hi Piotr,

    I have fixed an issue that caused a crash if no actions are added in a chat flow.

    Please update to the latest release v1.0.1

    I had an unhandled exception error trying to create a CSV file for no actions in a chat flow, but my app was not stuck.

    Could you close until flowchart creation completes?




  • 9.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-17-2023 15:23

    Hi Ishi - 

    I am missing something for the auth/connect piece. In the, it lists the following steps. 

    Create or Copy a ClientID and Client Secret of Client Credentials in Genesys Cloud. Required permission is Architect>Flow>View

    Replace ClientID and Client Secret with your actual values in .\config.toml or specify the file path of existing config.toml in appsettings.json
    "gcProfileFileName": "C:\\Users\\YourUserName\\.gc\\config.toml",

    In the config.toml the initial text reads as below:

    client_credentials = "YourCredentials"
    client_secret = "YourSecret"
    environment = ""

    client_credentials = "YourCredentials"
    client_secret = "YourSecret"
    environment = ""

    Is the client_credentials value the username (email in our case) used to login into Architect/Collaborate? And if so, is the client_secret the associated password?

    When updating the non-default values to those below, I get the following error message running the CLI command like below

    Do we need to use the Org ID value from our admin UI? Thank you in advance, I am likely borking something simple. We are eager to use this great tool!


    • Specify flowID in organization YourOrgName and save as Visio format
      CallFlowVisualizer.exe -f [flow-id] -v -p [Our Org name/short name]

    config.toml -
    [Our Org name/short name]
    client_credentials = ""
    client_secret = "password for our_user"
    environment = ""

    Tony Freestone
    Providence Health & Services

  • 10.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-17-2023 15:27
    Follow-up question - 

    Do we need to update the environment value to reflect that we are on USW2? Our login URL is vs the default for USE of

    Tony Freestone
    Providence Health & Services

  • 11.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-17-2023 21:10
    Hello Tony,

    > Is the client_credentials value the username (email in our case) used to login into Architect/Collaborate?

    No, you need to create an OAuth client.

    ClientID & Client Secret

    Select Admin->OAuth under Integrations->[+Add Client]

    App Name : e.g. CallFLowVisualizer

    Grant Types : Client Credentials

    Roles : Select a role (Required permission is [Architect>Flow>View] permission) e.g. Master Admin->Assigned->Save

    Copy Client ID value and replace "YourCredentials" under [default] in config.toml with your actual value.

    Copy Client Secret value and replace "YourSecret" under [default] in config.toml with your actual value.

    If Admin or OAuth menu doesn't show up, ask your IT to create an OAuth client for this app.

    > Do we need to use the Org ID value from our admin UI?

    No, use Short Name value as "YourOrgName". 

    Select Admin->Organization Settings under Account Settings->Short Name value

    But if you can log on to only one Genesys Cloud Org, an organization name is not necessary.
    Use [default]

    If you want to switch to the other org to fetch flows.

    Replace [YourOrgName1] in config.toml with the other org's [Short Name value] and use "-p" option.

    > Do we need to update the environment value to reflect that we are on USW2?

    Yes, change environment value from "" to "" in config.toml.

    Hope this helps!



  • 12.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 13:27

    Ishi -

    Many thanks for the detailed reply, the OAuth step made perfect sense once I read your feedback.

    The utility is working perfectly now for me using the OAuth creds and updating the environment variable.


    Tony Freestone
    Providence Health & Services

  • 13.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 07:04

    Now I have tried to run the program on a simple org with 7 flows, but currently it has been running for 2 hours and tried to make inqueuecall _Default.... but it stop after 10% 

    It is a very simple flow with a Set Participant Data a loop and play music for 10 s then exit.

    Logs file say
    2023-01-18 09:48:10.3461 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - (vtx:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)DFS Pop: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    2023-01-18 09:48:10.3461 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - (vtx:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)DFS visitedForSort Add
    2023-01-18 09:48:10.3461 INFO [1] ColorConsole - Creating drawio diagram

    After 2 hour I close it.

    Søren Kristiansen
    Sabio Denmark ApS

  • 14.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 09:02
    Hi Søren 
    Sorry for inconvenience.
    I created an example In-Queue flow like you mentioned.

    and result is

    I also created another flow just like your log says.
    2023-01-18 22:28:37.6631 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - Create edges [nextAction] Add:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000=>9653443d-48df-4cbb-8115-e217ad595275
    2023-01-18 22:28:37.6631 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    2023-01-18 22:28:37.6833 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - DFS Push: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    2023-01-18 22:28:37.6833 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - (vtx:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)DFS Pop: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    2023-01-18 22:28:37.6833 INFO [1] CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON - (vtx:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)DFS visitedForSort Add
    2023-01-18 22:28:37.7024 INFO [1] ColorConsole - Creating drawio diagram
    2023-01-18 22:28:39.4884 INFO [1] ColorConsole - Convert to png
    2023-01-18 22:28:41.3421 INFO [1] ColorConsole - Completed!

    This should be like this


    The log indicates this app was trying to call to draw flow.

    How many CSV files did you get?
    7 CSV files exists in CSV folder?

    How many files did you get in flow folder?

    Could you email me JSON file or share screen shot of your flow you can't get file.



  • 15.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 09:28
    Edited by Søren Kristiansen 01-18-2023 09:31

    Hi Ishige


    I try one more time on 2 different pc and with same result.

    And I also try to run it as administrator.


    There are no flows in the Architect.







  • 16.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 09:50
    Hi Søren

    Ahh...This error could happen you have space character in org name, I didn't expect org name like this.
    Sorry,it works without space like below.

    I will fix this issue.
    But for the time being, can you change "appendGcOrgNameToFileName" from true to false in appsettings.json and try again?

    Thank you for your feedback!


  • 17.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 11:02
    Hi Søren,

    I have fixed my code to remove white space from OrgName.
    Please download V1.0.2.

    I hope this works on your environment.



  • 18.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 12:05

    Hi Ishige


    Now it is perfectly working thanks.


    Really a nice tools, thanks for sharing ��




  • 19.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 14:27

    Hi Ishige


    Is only design to work with home division?

    Because is only give flow from the Home division.




  • 20.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 20:55
    Hi Søren,

    > Is only design to work with home division?
    No, it depends on divisional roles of client credentials you created.

    1. Check if you are a member of the division.
    e.g. TEST division

    2. Create a new role for CallFlowVisualizer.
      Necessary permission is [Architect>Flow>View]

    3. Assign the new role to your account.
      Select Admin->People under People & Permissions-> [Your Account Name]-> Role Tab->
      Change View: from Assigned to All

    4. Select the new role and change to "Assigned".

    5. Add the other divisions or "Select All" and "All future divisions".

    6. Click Save

    7. Logout from Genesys Cloud

    8. Login again

    9. Assign the new role to OAuth Client Credential for CallFlowVisualizer and add the other divisions.

    10. Click Save

    11. Run CallFlowVisualizer



  • 21.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 15:35
    You should publish this as an AppFoundry App deployed as a Standalone App. That would be cool.

    Maksim Gill
    Eccentex (Customer Service Platform)

  • 22.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-18-2023 22:41
    Hi Maksim,

    Thank you for your feedback!
    Some bugs have been fixed and I'm thinking it's to time release this app on Appfoundary if it's possible so that more people can use it.



  • 23.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-21-2023 10:34
    Hi CallFlowVisualizer users.

    v1.0.3 has been released.

    • Update ShellProgressBar.dll as it doesn't work correctly on Windows console.

    Known issue
    • Branch node (e.g. Logical or Transfer Action) in In-Queue Call Flow connect to LoopEnd node if it ends with no next actions.



  • 24.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-22-2023 04:39

    v1.0.4 has been released.

    In inqueue callflow, the issue that logical or transfer action with no next action connects to upper loopEnd node is now resolved.



  • 25.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 00:58


    I will try and make some time to take a look at this. 

    Our flows are very much driven by datatables, is it able to use that information in order to visualise the branches. ? 

    Allan Klinbail
    Byte Information Technology

  • 26.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 02:06
    Hi Allan,

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to use actual value of data table to create flowchart because this app creates it with Architect's flow configuration data.
    You can see the "Success","Not Found" and "Failure" branches of data action.



  • 27.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 18:02

    Hi Ishi, 

    Thanks for that information. 

    I was hoping it would, but I can understand the extra effort that would take. 

    It would be really good for providing business representatives and testers a visual representation of the actual flow once taking the data into account. 

    When I get a moment to breathe I'll take a look at how you've done this and see if there's a way of incorporating an API call to the datatables to feed the logic you use to create the diagram. 

    Thanks for putting this together. 



    Allan Klinbail
    Byte Information Technology

  • 28.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 16:25
    I think you mean to visualize the Data Table and Reference Keys being used rather then the actual value, right?

    Maksim Gill
    Eccentex (Customer Service Platform)

  • 29.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 18:04
    Hi Maksim, 

    I was actually hoping it could construct a visual flow when taking the data into account. It's fairly static configuration information but would make it easier for creating business friendly flow charts of the flows. 

    That being said, getting a representation of the data table and reference keys would be a good start. 



    Allan Klinbail
    Byte Information Technology

  • 30.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-25-2023 04:30
    Hi Allan

    I was able to integrate with Grafana, Genesys Cloud and an intermediate CSV file of and show the results of datatable on the dashboard.


    Required Grafana Plug-ins
    This plugin can directly load an intermediate CSV, so you don't need to export as XML format.

    For query Genesys Cloud API

    I'm not sure if this could be useful for you.
    But I think we could integrate AWS Event Bridge and store conversation detail data into some database to update your flowchart in real time.



  • 31.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 20:10
    Any idea what would cause this error?

    Creating drawio diagram

    Error: input file/directory not found or directory is empty─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    [26284:0124/] Passthrough is not supported, GL is disabled, ANGLE is

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 32.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 21:10
    Hi Vaun

    Can you share screenshot or a CSV file that can't be processed?
    My app was unable to pass the CSV file to

    Similar issue was org name had white space, and it was already resolved.




  • 33.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 21:18
    Edited by Vaun McCarthy 01-23-2023 21:44
    Org name does not have space, but flow name and therefore CSV have underscores and hyphens in it.  I've tested it against a flow without spaces in the name and I get the same issue.  I get the popup asking for new/existing diagram but if I just close that a few times the app just ends

    I initially get "Creating drawio file was failed. Retrying..."
    Vaun McCarthy

  • 34.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-23-2023 21:55
    Hi Vaun
    Yes, Let me fix it.



  • 35.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-24-2023 03:11
    Hello Vaun.

    I have not been able to reproduce the issue yet.
    In my app, even if I use a white space in the flow name, it is replaced by _.
    Other cannot be run from my app, so I assume you are using the included in my app.
    But in this case, there should be no popups during the process because I have it minimized.
    Hmmm, I don't know.
    Could you try on a different computer or change the directory where you install it (e.g. c:\temp)?



  • 36.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 15:01
    Hello Ishi,

    I am trying to run your app after making the necessary changes in config.toml like adding orgname, client_credentials, client_secret from the outh app and environment as ( when I try to run the package, it gives the error, even though I have updated the .toml file.

    Please let me know if I am missing any changes that I have to make?


    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 37.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 16:43
    Hi Priyavarshini

    Which config.toml file did you update?  The one in the visualizer folder or the one in the .gc folder from the CLI?

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 38.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 16:50
    Hi Vaun,

    The one in Visualiser folder, I believe.

    Is it not the right one?


    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 39.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 17:43
    That should be fine, did you change the profile name in the toml file as well?

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 40.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 18:04
    yes, I have changed the "default" to my org name (the). just a sample of what I have done.

    Also the org name I have mentioned is the 'short name' found under 'organisation details' section from account settings in Genesys cloud. Just wondering if I am doing some mistake over here.


    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 41.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 18:37
    That profile name can be anything Priya, but you will need to pass that profile name in the command line to Ishi's app.  Or if you just rename it back to default it will be fine.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 42.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 18:55
    Vaun, you are right!

    Priya, Back to [default] and try again.
    You don't need to add profile if you are using one GenCloud Org.



  • 43.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 18:11
    Hello Vaun
    Thank you for your help!

    Check config.toml file under bin/Debug/net6.0
    or specify your config.toml file path in appsettings.json where exe file is.



  • 44.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 22:55
    Thanks Vaun & Ishi!

    When I changed the org name to [default], .toml file got processed. 

    I think I have to add the flow id and flow name somewhere in the code, cause I have got this error,

    From your readme file, you have mentioned that we have to replace org name, flow name and flow id. May I know where to make those changes? 
    Is it here?

    Thanks in advance,

    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 45.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-30-2023 23:09
    Good news.

    >I think I have to add the flow id and flow name somewhere in the code, cause I have got this error,
    No,you don't need to modify my source code to create call flow.
    Please just download latest release from the following URL and unzip it and update config.toml,then run CallFlowVisualizer.exe from the command line.

    CallFlowVisualizer.exe -f 3beb93e3-7f95-49f5-9b17-a19fe620a812 -v
    You can omit -p option as default will be used.
    That's it.



  • 46.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2023 04:01
    hi again @Takamune Ishige, could you give me a hint on which API you're using to pull the flows from PureCloud?

    Piotr Danielewski
    EY Global Services Limited

  • 47.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2023 04:23
    Hi Piotr

    Call "/api/v2/flows" to fetch all flows or a specified flow Id.



  • 48.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-06-2023 23:12
    Edited by Priyavarshini Manohar 03-06-2023 23:13

    Hi Ishi,

    Thank you, its .exe running fine now. but I have now encountered a different error message.

    "This does not support CSV import.Get for CallflowVisualizer and Copy all files in \drawio-desktop\dist\win-unpacked into it."

    I have used the same version of (v20.7.4) that you have provide through your github account.

    Please guide me on this.



    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 49.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-07-2023 05:18

    Hi Priya

    I've checked released drawio binary and it has not been changed. version including in my app is 20.3.0 and 2022/09/23 23:51.

    Check files of drawio folder under CallflowVisualizer folder.




  • 50.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-12-2023 20:30

    Hi Ishi,

    Thanks for your help, your App works wonders! It's been a great help to us. Its working fine after I used the from your packaged version v1.1.0.

    Some observations:

    1.) App did not respond with the packages that I installed from online, but it says its compatible with the version you have enclosed in your package. I installed the same version you have used in your package (20.3.0), but not sure why it gives the message "This does not support CSV import.Get for CallflowVisualizer and Copy all files in \drawio-desktop\dist\win-unpacked into it.".

    It would be helpful if we can run the App with the latest versions of the

    Thanks a lot for your work!



    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 51.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-12-2023 23:46

    Hi Priya,
    Good news.

    The official package does not have CSV import functionality, so I've added the feature to Ver. 20.3.0.
    My app always checks if the has this feature before creating diagrams and if not, the error message appears.
    Do not use to edit your files with enclosed in my package because its will be forced to close if you select "SAVE AS".
    It's for batch processing purpose.



  • 52.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-01-2023 11:49

    Greetings I am seeing this same behavior as i attempt to run this program locally. I have installed .net 6

    I have made an O-Auth app and set that in the Default section on config.toml but i am not sure why i am not even getting a sucess.

    we are on pure cloud and US east.

    what Am i missing.

    I modified the gcProfilelocation as well.


    jacob neitling
    J. J. Keller and Associates, Inc.

  • 53.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-01-2023 12:10

    The environment variable does not correct. set to your region, e.g. "" I think for your region. I am assuming author prefixes environment variable to make up URI

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 54.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-01-2023 13:05

    That default   environment = "" Yeilds same result.

    jacob neitling
    J. J. Keller and Associates, Inc.

  • 55.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-01-2023 18:43

    Hi Jacob

    Can you try moving the Visualizer and config.toml file to a higher path?  C:\CallFlowVisualizer for example, putting the config.toml file into the same folder and changing your appsettings.json to show that?

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 56.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-02-2023 02:38

    Hi Jacob,
    This error occurs when CallFlowVisualizer is unable to load the environment value, credentials, or secret from the config.toml file.
    Your configuration seems fine.
    I have created the same folder structure and placed the toml file in it, but I couldn't reproduce the issue on my end.
    Additionally, the latest SDK (version 175.2.0) returns the region value as "us_east_1" if I set the environment to "".

    Could you please try the following steps?

    1. Download the latest version from the Release page.
    2. Extract the contents of the zip file to a location such as "c:\temp".
    3. Modify the config.toml file in "c:\temp" as follows:
       clientid,secret and environment = ""
    4. Run CallFlowVisualizer.exe with the command "CallFlowVisualizer.exe -f all" in the "c:\temp" directory

    @Simon Brown @Vaun McCarthy 

    Thank you for your help!



  • 57.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-02-2023 08:41
    Edited by jacob neitling 06-02-2023 08:42


    I have downloaded from releases highlighted in orange.

    put the raw files after unzip in to C:\Test

    I then ran the command posted and got the following

    my config file looks like this in case i did not follow instructions correctly.

    jacob neitling
    J. J. Keller and Associates, Inc.

  • 58.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-02-2023 08:55

    Hi jacob

    Ok,please replase your acctual client_id and credentials in config.toml.

    Genesys Cloud returned this error message, this indicates the app loaded config.toml.



  • 59.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-12-2023 22:29

    Hi @Vaun McCarthy 
    Thank you for your support.
    I think you are using my app!
    Could you tell me what the problem was for future reference?



  • 60.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-31-2024 10:15

    Hi @Vaun McCarthy

    I also getting the same error message "Creating drawio file was failed. Retrying", how did you fix the issue? 

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 61.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-31-2024 19:19

    @Vaun McCarthy

    I want to know,too. :-)

    @Vincent Sabolboro

    This message appears was launched but no was created.

    Can you try the followings to see if can create a file from a csv file?

    Copy your csv file to drawio folder under CallFlowVisualizer.
    Open command line prompt in drawio folder and run -i yourcsvfile.csv<ENTER>



  • 62.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-01-2024 10:05

    @Takamune ISHIGE, I tried the steps you provided. The app would open and just stay open without doing anything. 

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 63.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 02:36
      |   view attached

    @Vincent Sabolboro

    Hi Vincent

    You've downloaded v1.5.2 zip file from my repo and extracted it,right?

    Run --help
    Can you see -i,--csv in options list?

    I'v attached an example csv file as tishige.csv.

    Can you see a "flow" folder under drawio folder after running it with -i option?




    tishige.csv   1 KB 1 version

  • 64.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 09:21
      |   view attached

    Hi @Takamune ISHIGE, I was able to create a drawio file from the CSV you created. See screen capture attached

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 65.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 09:53

    @Takamune ISHIGE, I exported the flow causing the error message and created a test copy and tried creating a diagram just for that specific flow and still getting the same error message 

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 66.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 11:00

    @Vincent Sabolboro,

    I experienced this issue (it's somewhere in this rather long  thread!) and @Vaun McCarthy is absolutely correct.

    In my case, my home directory (within a VDI) was being managed by the IT Team and redirected to One Drive. The path (outside my control) contained spaces and I had this exact issue. As soon as I created a directory on my local machine, in a directory with no spaces in the path, and ran everything from within it, the problem went away.


    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 67.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 11:27

    @Paul Simpson

    Thank you, Paul

    @Vincent Sabolboro

    Thank you

    Run my app in c:\temp\CallFlowVisualizer or  Rename your csv file you've got an error to test.csv and run with -i option



  • 68.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 18:53
      |   view attached

    Hi @Takamune ISHIGE

    I did both, now I did not get the error. The drawio app loaded and just stayed open, the draw file was not created

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 69.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-02-2024 19:42

    @Vincent Sabolboro


    Select [Arrange]->[Insert]->[Advanced]->[CSV]
    Delete sample settings if exists
    Paste your csv file
    Select Import

    If you cannot get a flow diagram,can you export i3Inboundflow file and post it or DM to me?



  • 70.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-03-2024 15:12

    @Takamune ISHIGE

    Tried the step and still blank, where can I DM the flow? 

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 71.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-03-2024 19:44

    Sent you DM.

    I will try to reproduce on my end.



  • 72.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-03-2024 23:44

    @Vincent Sabolboro

    Sent you my email address in DM again.

    Post here your example flow and CSV in zip if you are OK.



  • 73.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-04-2024 10:19
      |   view attached

    Hi @Takamune ISHIGE

    Please find attached the csv and flow that I cannot create the draw file. 

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial


    zip   82 KB 1 version

  • 74.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-04-2024 23:39

    @Vincent Sabolboro

    Hi Vincent

    The issue was due to a comma being used in a flow name.

    Please download v1.5.3

    If you run this version, the comma will be replaced with a period and it works.

    Thank you



  • 75.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-05-2024 11:01

    Hi @Takamune ISHIGE

    I was able to create the draw file using the latest version 1.5.3, good catch on the comma "," we added on the menu.

    Thank you

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 76.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-05-2024 18:00

    @Vincent Sabolboro

    Hi Vincent

    Good news!

    Thank you.



  • 77.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-31-2024 19:21

    Sorry I don't recall, but what I do remember was the app had issues if I'd put any of it into a folder or subfolder with too long a name or including spaces.  Moving it to a shorter named folder off the root seemed to make things behave.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 78.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-01-2024 10:09

    Hi @Vaun McCarthy, I moved the app just one folder down the root and got the same error message.

    Vincent Sabolboro
    ATB Financial

  • 79.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-05-2023 09:19


    v1.1.0 has been released.

    • Fixed an issue where nested loops were not properly rendered under specific conditions.
    • Fixed an issue where basic menu flow does not render properly after v1.0.1.
    • Show actual ID value in the second layer of basic menu flow.
    • Added a feature to output a list of Get/Set Participant Data values to a CSV file.
      • Thank you for the suggestion ,Paul.



  • 80.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-06-2023 06:11

    Think there is some problem with the new version.

    Just update it and got "Access is denied" work with CallFlowVisualizer-Windows-1.0.4, it can be on my pc but it did not make any logfiles.

    I think the problem is with securecall 

    I got an error say " passthough is"

    Søren Kristiansen
    Sabio Denmark ApS

  • 81.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-07-2023 05:29

    Hi Søren
    Maybe CallFlowVisualizer maynot have write permission to the folder.
    Please try extracting the ZIP file to your desktop and running it.

    As for " passthough is", drawio sometime raises this error but you can ignore this.

    v1.1.0 has been released.




  • 82.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-08-2023 08:07

    Hello.  I downloaded v1.1.0, and extracted to c:\temp\CallFlowVisualizer.  I could not locate config.toml post install, so I created based on the info higher in the thread, and updated appsettings to reflect the path.  When I execute the command, I'm getting error "The configuration file 'appsettings.json' was not found in this directory."  The file is clearly in the directory I'm executing the command from.  Does this file need to be in a specific folder location? I've tried executing from a CMD prompt & powershell.

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 83.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-08-2023 08:40

    Hi Tom

    Sorry, I forgot to put config.toml template file in v1.1.0 Windows release zip file. 
    Now I've fixed it on Github.

    1)config.toml is located in CallFlowVisualizer folder
     "gcProfileFileName": "config.toml"

    2)specify the file path of existing config.toml
    "gcProfileFileName": "C:\\Users\\YourUserName\\.gc\\config.toml",

    Could you try download again?
    I just added config.toml file.



  • 84.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-08-2023 09:46

    I am now getting the .json files created (about 150) in architect folder, but error "Exception when calling Architect.GetFlowLatestconfiguration: Error calling GetFlowLatestconfiguration: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception." at end of log.

    I re-ran with -d switch, and was in a loop with error "] GPU process launch failed: error_code=188" 

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 85.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-08-2023 10:03

    Hi Tom

    Thank you for your reply.

    Oh, I have not seen this error before.

    1) Did you get all flows in architect folder?

    2) Was SSL connection error raised during fetch latest configuration?

    3)  Did you get files if you specified -a option?



  • 86.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-08-2023 10:23

    Script reported 153 flow, and I have 153 json files in the architect folder, so I believe I got them all. 

    Executing with -a switch resulted in same loop with error gpu launch failed.  Log file uploaded, which has all 3 attempts.  First with just -f all switch.  2nd w/ -d switch & 3rd with -a switch.

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 87.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-08-2023 10:24
      |   view attached

    Log file attached

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH


  • 88.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-09-2023 09:49

    Hi Tom

    I'll try updating desktop to the latest version as I could not reproduce this issue on my end.



  • 89.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 00:13

    Hi Tom
    I've modified the current desktop ver 20.8.16 to add CSV import feature for my app.
    The new version has been released as on GitHub release page.

    Could you try it and see what happens?

    1) Extract it to your local drive (e.g c:\temp)
    2) Overwrite config.toml with existing toml file or Copy existing json files in Architect folder.
    3) Make sure the other is not running.
    4) Run CallFlowVisualizer.exe
     if you want to fetch the latest flow from GenCloud, use -f option
     if you have copied existing json files into Architect folder, use -a option



  • 90.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 15:55

    Thanks Ishige.  With this new version, I was successful in creating the flows.  Thanks for sharing!

    Tom Mullen
    Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH

  • 91.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 19:53

    Hi Tom,

    You're welcome!



  • 92.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi, I was wondering if you could provide some insight. I downloaded and installed the latest release Version 1.6.3 and I'm getting the same error above as the other user "The configuration file 'appsettings.json' was not found in this directory. I know the file appsettings.json is within the directory I'm and when I do DIR within CMD, I'm able to see the appsettings.json file. I'm running the command as Admin, I'm logged in as local Admin on the laptop, I have full rights to the folder, the folder and sub-folders do not have space within their names and yet I'm still getting this error whether I ran the command using CMD or if I run the CallFlowVisualizer.exe. If the appsettings.json is there, it is configured, I'm logged in as Admin, I'm able to find the file by using DIR and seeing the file when I ran the command or the executable, I'm running the latest version which includes the config.toml file then why am I doing wrong ? Thank you for your input and help. All the Appsettings.json has the correct configuration where the config.toml file is 

      "gcSettings": {
        "gcProfileFileName": "C:\Users\ronnie\CallFlowVisualizer\config.toml",
        "pageSize": 100,
        "maxRetryTimeSec": 10,
        "retryMax": 5

    Ronnie Padron
    Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation

  • 93.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 3 days ago

    Hi Ronnie
    I was able to replicate your issue on my end and I apologize for the incorrect error message.
    Please refer to "3.Installation Step7".
    You can escape your file path using \ character like this. (two \\)
    "gcProfileFileName": "C:\\Users\\ronnie\\CallFlowVisualizer\\config.toml",

    Alternatively, if your config.toml is located in the same directory, you can simply set the file name as follows:
    "gcProfileFileName": "config.toml",



  • 94.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 4 days ago

    Hi, I was wondering if you could provide some insight. I downloaded and installed the latest release Version 1.6.3 and I'm getting the same error above as the other user "The configuration file 'appsettings.json' was not found in this directory. I know the file appsettings.json is within the directory I'm and when I do DIR within CMD, I'm able to see the appsettings.json file. I'm running the command as Admin, I'm logged in as local Admin on the laptop, I have full rights to the folder, the folder and sub-folders do not have space within their names and yet I'm still getting this error whether I ran the command using CMD or if I run the CallFlowVisualizer.exe. If the appsettings.json is there, it is configured, I'm logged in as Admin, I'm able to find the file by using DIR and seeing the file when I ran the command or the executable, I'm running the latest version which includes the config.toml file then why am I doing wrong ? Thank you for your input and help. All the Appsettings.json has the correct configuration where the config.toml file is 

      "gcSettings": {
        "gcProfileFileName": "C:\Users\ronnie\CallFlowVisualizer\config.toml",
        "pageSize": 100,
        "maxRetryTimeSec": 10,
        "retryMax": 5

    Ronnie Padron
    Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corporation

  • 95.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-10-2023 11:51
      |   view attached

    Hi Ishi,

    I love your App!   While doing some testing, I did run into an issue, for an InQueue Flow, with a switch action & a loop,  the flowchart that was produced, was missing most of the flow.  I have run for a couple other Inbound Call Flow & Inbound Queue flow, and worked perfectly.

    The attached zip file has all the relevant details.   Could you please investigate?

    Thank You

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer


    zip   89 KB 1 version

  • 96.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-11-2023 00:15

    Hi Pete,
    Thank you for using my app and the stuff you provided was very helpful to investigate.
    I checked your Architect flow screenshot.
    The yaml file is the same as the actual flow, but I can only see "hold" and "loop" action in json file and tracking Id differ from actual flow.

    Could you save and publish it and run CallFlowVisualizer again?
    Because CallFLowVisualizer fetches the latest published flow.



  • 97.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-11-2023 12:25
      |   view attached

    Hi Ishi,

    Unfortunately same results, no improvement / change

    I added a  "disconnect" to the failure path of "Transfer to Number" under Case 5, to increment the version number
    This time no PNG was created

    Attached are the relevant files for your review!
    Thank You

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer


    zip   9 KB 1 version

  • 98.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-11-2023 23:48

    Hi Pete

    description: ACD Call Queue - Open Hours
    name: TelePerson_In_Queue_Flow

    "description": "Used for Development",
    "name": "TelePerson_Call_Queue",
    "type": "inqueuecall",

    CallFlowVisualizer fetched the flow ""Used for Development", but you expected to get the diagram of "ACD Call Queue - Open Hours".

    Both flows are inqueuecall, but open "TelePerson_In_Queue_Flow" with Architect and check the URL of flowID if it's 81f2d49d-2b79-42cb-a88c-8878f3786363.

    I think the URL(flowID) is different.

    Be sure to save and publish it and use -f option to fetch the latest flow.




  • 99.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-12-2023 14:43


    I am so embarrassed to admit this, but I had the wrong flowid!   2 very similar names!

    I am so VERY sorry for wasting your time!  I truly appreciate your assistance and VERY quick replies

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 100.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-13-2023 01:48

    Hi Pete

    No problem!




  • 101.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-10-2023 12:40


    Tried app which looks to have failed according to app output, it did create a very small part of the flow but looks nothing like the flow I have.

    My flow is made up of 27 re-useable tasks and calls to common flows, not sure if thats a factor.

    Love the idea of the app

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 102.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-11-2023 00:26

    Hi Simon

    Tom Mullen also has experienced the similar issue, but I can't reproduce this yet.
    So now I'm trying updating the desktop app to the latest one to see if this error can be resolved.
    I'll let you know if I've done it.



  • 103.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-14-2023 20:33

    Hi Simon

    Looking at screenshot,you are running my app on S: drive, Isn't the S: drive a network drive?

    I was also able to reproduce this issue by running CallFlowvisualizer.exe on a network drive.

    Run CallFlowVisualizer on local drive e.g. c:\temp



  • 104.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 05:49


    My S drive is local. I have 4 local drives in PC

    Not using network drives for this.



    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 105.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 06:14

    Hi Simon,


    I have updated the to the latest.

    Can you try with this?">



  • 106.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 06:32


  • 107.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 07:06

    Updated but afraid still get error messages. I tried with -v as well but same.

    S:\CallFlowVisualizer>CallFlowVisualizer.exe -f 82b33837-cfb8-4f6a-be19-80adf593d528
    Mode : FetchFromGenesysCloud started.
    Start GetAccessToken.
    GetAccessToken done.
    Fetch Architect Latest Configuration from [name] Number of flows:1

    Creating CSV file for GenesysCloud
    100.00% [name](inboundcall)_SelfService                                                  00:00:04
    Creating drawio diagram

    Convert to png

    [20636:0315/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=34
    [20636:0315/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=34
    [20636:0315/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=34
    Error: Export failed: S:\CallFlowVisualizer\flow\[name](inboundcall)_SelfService_82b33837-cfb8-4f6a-be19-80adf593d528.drawio


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 108.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-15-2023 07:54

    Hi Simon

    Thank you for testing.

    Ok, Let me investigate alternatives.




  • 109.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-16-2023 02:15

    Hi Simon
    I made some minor changes to my app.
    This binary calls app.disableHardwareAcceleration() by default.
    Can you try this CallFlowVisualizer-Windows-1.1.0_drawio_20.8.16-1 on gitHub?



  • 110.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-16-2023 06:11


    Still fails I am afraid.

    I get the drawio document, it looks complete (Each re-usable task displayed side by side).

    Fails on png and visio (preferred) options. Both the png and visio folders remain empty.

    not sure if makes a difference but running on an AMD 3700x and 3070 GPU


    Convert to VISIO

    Error: Export failed: S:\CallFlowVisualizer\flow\[name](inboundcall)_SelfService_82b33837-cfb8-4f6a-be19-80adf593d528.drawio

    Convert to png

    [13352:0316/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=34
    [13352:0316/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=34
    [13352:0316/] GPU process exited unexpectedly: exit_code=34
    Error: Export failed: S:\CallFlowVisualizer\flow\[name](inboundcall)_SelfService_82b33837-cfb8-4f6a-be19-80adf593d528.drawio


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 111.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-16-2023 06:37

    Hi Simon

    Ok this option works for your environment.

    I'll need to add this function for png and vsdx process.

    I'll let you know later.



  • 112.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-19-2023 06:27

    Hi Simon

    Even when compiling the latest version of without modification, the export function to Visio does not work.
    But released binary can convert to visio from CLI :-(

    Therefore, I added the DisableAcceleration flag to my application and published it as version 1.1.1.
    The version remains at v20.3.0.
    In your case, please open appsettings.json and change the DisableAcceleration setting to true, then save it.

    If this version still does not work, please use the official to convert to Visio after you get flowchat of format.

    e.g. <official drawio.exe path>\ -x -f vsdx c:\temp\flow -o c:\temp\visio

    I hope this resolves the issue in your environment.



  • 113.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-20-2023 01:01

    Hi Simon

    I was able to re-build the latest and got vsdx files.

    Published it as

    Can you try this?

    @Tom Mullen 

    Can you run CallFlowVisualizer-Windows-1.1.1 with DisableAcceleration flag in appsettings.json set to true?

    If it doesn't work on your computer, you too need to use



  • 114.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-20-2023 06:26


    Latest version worked with DisableAcceleration set to true. Created a Visio document.

    PNG still errors.

    Maybe this is outside your control, but the Visio is all one page. Flow uses lots of re-useable tasks, it places them horizontally one after the other. The end result is a single, very wide visio page (zoom slider on 3% to show width :) ).

    is it possible to have re-usable tasks on their own pages in the transform?

    Many thanks for fixes, nice app :)


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 115.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-21-2023 06:06

    Hi Simon

    Ok, let me think about how to make the necessary modifications.



  • 116.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-21-2023 22:24

    Hi Ishi,

    A few items:
    1. I am seeing the same as @Simon Brown "the Visio is all one page. Flow uses lots of re-useable tasks, it places them horizontally one after the other. The end result is a single, very wide visio page (zoom slider on 3% to show width :) )."  in the drawio files Also, where there are numerous reusable tasks

    2.  Thru observation, any given shape in the flow chart has no more that 3 lines of text,   I see the second line with as many as 113 characters, BUT the third line truncates everything after 50 Characters,  is there anyway to to increase the third line to show 100, or even 75 chareacters?

    3.  Very different ask,  who it be possible / practical to create a switch / option  to export the YAML?

    Thanks again for all your effort,  very pleased with this app.

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 117.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-22-2023 01:59

    Hi Pete

    1) Yes, I'm on it.

    2) Yes, it's currently up to 50 Characters. I'll change this configurable in appsettings.json.

    3) If you want to export Architect flow as Yaml format, only Archy can do that.



  • 118.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-25-2023 11:40

    @Simon Brown 

    @Pete Schroeder 


    Ver 1.2.0 has been released.

    • Added Create flow per Re-usable Task flag and set to true by default.
    • Added Max second description length and set to 1024Byte.
    • Added a new flag in the UpdateVariableAction, GetAttributesAction, and SetAttributesAction steps to show whether the app should display the expression or not.



  • 119.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-27-2023 10:09


    Considerably better. I get all PNG and Visio files now :)

    I thought the Visio would still be one Visio file, with a page per reusable task, rather than separate Visio files?

    Not looked into the resultant diagrams in full detail yet but apart from decision box lines hanging loose around a rectangular invisible box it looks good :)

    Nice work



    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 120.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-28-2023 10:20

    Hi Simon

    Good news.

    I understood and will investigate if I can import a csv file to drawio per page basis.



  • 121.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-31-2023 01:29

    Hi Simon
    v1.3.0 has been released.

    I have added a new flag createPagePerReusabletask and set it to 'true' by default.
    With this update, you will now be able to see Re-usable task flow on each page.



  • 122.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 03-31-2023 04:53

    Works a treat, all in one VIsio now. Produced a lot faster as well.

    Thanks for your good work


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 123.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-22-2023 07:56

    @Takamune ISHIGE 

    Can't say how much I love this tool!    One question there are a few Command line arguments, that are the same/similar to the json variables.  IF theses setting are in conflict from command line vs appsettings.json   which takes precedent?

    Command Line argument

    Variable - appsettings.json








    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 124.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-22-2023 09:04
    Edited by Takamune ISHIGE 06-22-2023 09:11

    Hi Pete,

    Thank you!
    In response to your question, the command line arguments take precedence over the values specified in the appsettings.json file.
    This means that if any arguments are specified in the command line, they will override the corresponding values in the appsettings.json file.



  • 125.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-27-2023 15:48

    Hi Ishige

    I have two questions

    1. can start callflowVisualiser with a flow name instead of id?

    2. I get these errors when running the program, but it finishes.
    but if I run with option -f all it fails and never finishes, therefore I take one flow at a time :-(

    Søren Kristiansen
    Sabio Denmark ApS

  • 126.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-28-2023 05:16

    Hi Søren 

    Unfortunately, it is not possible because the GenesysCloud API only accepts flow IDs to fetch flows.

    The errors you encountered are raised from Chromium, not

    a) Have you installed the latest version 1.3.1?
    b) Try changing the "disableAcceleration" setting in the appsettings.json from true to false and see if that resolves the problem.

    c) Can you run this app on different computer?

    d)What happens if you run fetch all flows without creating files option, then specify -a and -d option? 

    My guess is that you will still get the same result....



  • 127.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-28-2023 05:29

    Hi Ishi

    API does support name lookup, assuming you using /api/v2/flows you can pass Query paramaters for name, e.g.



    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 128.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-28-2023 06:21

    Hi Simon

    I'm using /api/v2/flows/{flowId}

    Yes, I agree that specifying the flow name directly would be more straightforward.
    However, when using the "/api/v2/flow" and setting the flow name as a parameter,
    it returns all flows that include that name. No "exact match" option.
    This could result in creating unnecessary flows. 
    So,I'm using a unique flow ID and the flow name is included in the filename.



  • 129.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-28-2023 07:24


    Just noticed the name is not exact, whenever I have used I have had exact name so returns one, but you are right, it seems to do a contains, none case sensitive on the name and returns first match!

    Pretty more one that from API team


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 130.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-28-2023 08:32

    Hi Simon

    I'm starting to consider that if the name of the flow is specified, we only need to process the flows that match exactly on the application side.



  • 131.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-29-2023 10:39

    @Simon Brown 

    @Søren Kristiansen 


    v1.4.0 has been released.

    You can now fetch a flow using the flowName parameter "-n" and filter it by flowType "-t".

    Please note that the option for generating a PNG file has been changed from "-n" to "-g".



  • 132.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-29-2023 11:43


    Nice to add feature, gave it a run and worked with name.

    I did notice though I am now getting black boxes on the visio. The actual flow is there a well.

    See below.

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 133.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-30-2023 08:09

    Hi exe has not been modified on v1.4.0.

    1)  the file was created without any issues?

    2) Can you convert your drawio file to vsdx using command line?

    e.g. .\ -x -f vsdx c:\temp\flow -o c:\temp\visio 

    3) If you have installed official,  try using it to convert the file. 

    4) Export the file directly from File-Export-Vsdx and see what's happens?



  • 134.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-01-2023 04:15

    Hi Simon

    I have changed to ver 21.5.1 and released it as v1.4.1.

    Please try it and see what happens.



  • 135.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-03-2023 05:21


    Downloaded and ran but visio output still has a number of black boxes.

    for now I can select and remove, then resize tab, not a show stopper but thought you would like to know.


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 136.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-03-2023 05:50

    Hi Simon

    Thank you for your reply.

    Can you change "colorNode": false in appsettings.json?
    Default is set true.

    If it's possible,could you share your CSV file?


  • 137.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-03-2023 06:27
    Edited by Simon Brown 07-03-2023 06:27


    Changed that and it reveals the content, looks like debug info


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 138.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-03-2023 06:55

    Hi Simon

    Thank you.

    For example %type% should be set step type of each node in Architect.

    Are there any orphaned steps in Architect?
    Do you get the same result in file?
    If this flow (Menu=>Disconnect) is your expected flow, I'm wondering what these boxes are used for in Architect.


  • 139.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-03-2023 07:13


    No orphaned steps in architect that I can see. All joined up and no unreachable nodes on this sample flow.

    DrawIo version has same blocks

    The disconnect is a left over from new flow creation, and unused, I always create a Start reusable task as start point of any flow.

    Ran against another flow and same issue



    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 140.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-03-2023 07:47

    Hi Simon

    Ok,I need to load your flow to fix my app.

    Can you post your Json file?



  • 141.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-06-2023 10:02

    @Takamune ISHIGE
    @Simon Brown

    Did the issue of the Black boxes ever get resolved, or a workaround, I just installed V1.5.0  and seeing the exact same thing Simon encountered

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 142.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-07-2023 00:34

    Hi Pete
    Could you change "colorNode" to false and see what happens?

    This issue still exists on some users but I can't reproduce it on my end.
    If it's possible,please share your json file without sensitive data steps.



  • 143.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-07-2023 09:00

    Hi Ishi,


    I ran with colorNode =  false

    I get the same results,  attached is the associated json



    Thank you for your diligent attention to this valuable tool!





  • 144.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-07-2023 22:52

    Hi Pete

    I can't find the attached json file,could you post it again?

    Thank you.



  • 145.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-10-2023 08:42



    My apologies, looks like I never attached with my last post.  Here it is.


    Thank You


    Pete Schroeder

    Senior Contact Center Engineer (Technical Lead)




    A Trusted Partner in Information Technology




  • 146.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-10-2023 09:00
      |   view attached


    It appears the community portal does not allow upload of json,  I changed name of file from.json  to .txt

    Hopefully you can work with this

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 147.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-10-2023 10:43

    Hi Pete
    Thank you!
    I was able to reproduce the black box issue on my end.
    After changing createflowPerReusabletask to 'true',I can see the following 5 flows without black box.

    But it seems you have 9 flows in this file.
    Could you share .i3inboundflow file as well?
    (Select the downward arrow located to the right of the "save" button, and choose "Export as i3inboundflow.")
    Because I would like to know what type of flow or settings in Architect causes this result.



  • 148.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-11-2023 11:33

    @Simon Brown@Simon Brown

    @Pete Schroeder

    Sorry, the showing black boxes was a bug after upgrade to 21.5.1 with  "createPagePerReusableTask" flag.

    Now the issue has been resolved.



  • 149.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-27-2023 16:14

    Hey Ishi!

    Ok, so I love this utility.

    Unfortunately, one of my customers is exceedingly security conscious and I have to access via a Citrix VDI. I have tried to launch the utility, but it is showing dependencies on .NET 6. I can put in a request to get this installed, but before I do I wanted to ask what the exact dependency is? I'm not a .NETexpert, so will .NET 7 satisfy this requirement? If not, does it matter which version of .NET 6 we install? Are there any other pre-requisites? (I'd rather not have to keep going back with "oh, and another thing...")

    Thanks :-)

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 150.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 06-28-2023 05:43
    Edited by Takamune ISHIGE 06-28-2023 05:48

    Hi Paul

    You need to install .NET 6.0 from the following link:

    .NET6.0 version doesn't matter.

    Please note that my app cannot be run on .NET 7.0.

    If you need to open or edit files on Citrix VDI, please install the desktop version.
    If installing the desktop version is not allowed, you will have to open the files using the website.

    The other external libraries are included in the same folder.



  • 151.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-28-2023 17:10


    I am having issues with running the .exe file. It opens the command console and immediately closes it. Is there something that I'm missing?

    Jared Golden
    Electroline Data Communications Inc

  • 152.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 07-28-2023 18:24


    Open command prompt then run this exe in it.



  • 153.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-17-2023 12:51

    Hi Ishi,

    Thanks for this great Idea !!

    I tried this app and has few observations for the same.

    Actually, it is working fine for the simple flows but when trying to export the complex flows then a default visio file - of size 46 kb is being exported for all such flows.

    Can you please help me out to resolve this issue as we do have a couple of complex flows in our organization and we need the flowcharts for the same.



    Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited

  • 154.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-17-2023 20:25

    Hi Pranjal

    The file is generated, but when you try to open it in, it displays a "Not a diagram" error and no flows in it,right?

    By manually importing the CSV, we might be able to pinpoint where the error is occurring when attempts to generate the flow.

    Please try the following steps:

    Select [Arrange]->[Insert]->[Advanced]->[CSV]
    Delete sample settings
    Paste this flow's csv file
    Select Import

    Callflowvisualizer does these steps internally.

    There might be a specific string of characters or something causing the CSV import error at or around the step where the error occurs.



  • 155.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-21-2023 02:42

    Hi Ishi,

    Yes, That's correct!

    The file is generated, but when we try to open it in, it displays a "Not a diagram" error and no flows in it.

    I tried manually importing it using the steps as mentioned by you and it is converting to the file.

    But when I tried to save it as a visio file (.vsdx), it is partially converting the callfow, I mean only 20-30% of the entire flow (there are 34 reusable tasks and it is converting only 7-8 tasks).

    Also, complex flows are not being converted to .png files as well.

    Kindly let me know what can be done to resolve this issue so that it can successfully convert to the visio and .png file as well.



    Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited

  • 156.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-21-2023 04:31

    Hi Pranjal

    The CallFlowVisualizer v1.4.1, which currently utilizes exe ver21.5.1 but the most recent version of is 21.6.8.
    Are you able to convert your file to vsdx or png using version 21.6.8?
    I review the drawio release not but it might not be able to fix this issue.
    If this process is successful, I will be able to integrate the latest version into my app but if the conversion is not successful,
    please raise an issue on the jgraph/ repository. 
    In such a case, we will need to await a resolution.

    Alternatively,save drawio file as an svg and then open it using Visio.



  • 157.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-21-2023 06:52

    Hi Ishi,

    I updated the to the most recent version which is 21.6.8.

    Again, it works fine for the small to moderate callflows but fails for the complex one.

    I even tried saving the file as an svg and then tried opening it using Visio, but this failed too.

    However, I raised it as an issue on the jgraph/ repository and is their response is awaited !



    Cognizant Technology Solutions India Private Limited

  • 158.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-21-2023 07:27

    Hi Pranjal

    Ok,let me know if they can fix this vsdx/png export issue.

    I'll implement it to my app.

    Sorry for incovinient.



  • 159.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-04-2023 20:43

    Hello Ishi,

    I have been using the older versions of you app.Recently I installed the latest versions of this app and did extract few flows as png and VSDX document.One thing I noticed is that, some flow modules gets truncated and fails to display names like flow name and queue names (especially in complex and bigger flows). For example,

    In Architect,

    The extracted png,

    It would be nice, if we can get the flow names as well as the prompt messages displayed. Is it something possible Ishi? Also, I keep seeing some black patches in the png of some big complex flows. Can you please help me with these?



    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 160.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-04-2023 22:26

    Hi Priya,
    I've modified the code to show details of the CallCommonModuleAction step.
    Please download version 1.4.2.
    Thank you for letting me know.



  • 161.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-04-2023 23:49

    Hi Ishi, Thanks for the updated version you provided. It solved the issue and I am able to view the common module names. Is it possible to do the same for the prompts and screen pops as well? This information when displayed over the flowchart would very much help in flow documentation.

    screen pop module,

    By any chance can we get the prompt description to display over here, is it something possible Ishi? For example,


    Play audio prompt module,

    Thanks a lot for your work!!

    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 162.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-05-2023 02:19

    Hi Priya

    Added ScreenPoP Action.

    As for showing prompt detail, I also initially thought.
    Let me think about it.


  • 163.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-06-2023 04:19

    Hi Priya
    You can get prompt description on play audio action step.
    Please download v1.5.0



  • 164.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-11-2023 16:29

    Thanks a lot Ishi! I can see the prompt messages now. A very helpful tool, thanks for your work.

    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 165.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 10-11-2023 19:52

    Hi Priya

    You're welcome.
    Please download 1.5.1



  • 166.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-24-2023 11:01
    Edited by Paul Simpson 08-24-2023 11:02


    As you know, I (along with many others!) am a huge fan this and offer my deepest gratitude for your work, and for making the results available to us!

    I am running into an issue, though.

    I am running the latest version (1.4.1) and on my own PC, connected to a test / sandbox ORG, it works fine. Unfortunately, one of my customers has a very locked down environment and I have to access via a Citrix VDI. After a lot of messing around, I got them to install .Net 6.0 to the machine I connect to and now the utility runs, however it throws an error. "input file/directory not found". This occurs at the step "Creating drawio diagram". 

    I have tried specifying a flow by name, by ID and all flows of a type. I've tried both with and without -d, -v & -g Same result.

    The REALLY frustrating part, is I actually need the -l option (Participant Data audit) and not the diagram at all, but the failure happens before that is generated! I also should note that the app doesn't then crash or quit. It hangs with the time still incrementing.

    Any ideas as to what might be causing this?


    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 167.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-24-2023 11:27

    OK, So I think I figured out the issue - might be worth looking at!

    It seems that if you run the utility within a directory, whose path includes spaces, then this issue occurs. (The VDI, by default has Documents etc. inside a folder with spaces in it!)

    Not a big issue, but if you are able to fix it in a future release, it might prevent others from facing the some problem.

    Thanks again for all your work on this!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 168.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-24-2023 20:32

    Hi Paul
    I'm glad you liked it.
    In my application, I handle the processing of strings that cannot be used for spaces or filenames when saving.
    However, there might still be some aspects that require consideration.
    Could you provide me with a sample path that caused issues in the VDI environment?



  • 169.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-25-2023 08:57

    Hey Ishi!

    I don't want to confuse things regarding the VDI, I only mentioned it to explain why I couldn't run the utility on my local (working) PC.

    The problem is (was) that the folks who set up the system(s) have redirected the personal directories (Documents, Downloads, Desktop etc.) into OneDrive and the path for that (in their setup) has spaces in some of the directory names.

    I only mentioned it here in case anyone else experienced the problem. For your part, if you are not able to modify the code, then perhaps update the docs, or the Error Message? Just an thought...

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 170.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-25-2023 10:20

    Hi Paul

    Yes, I know this issue happens not only VDI environment,I would like to know an example of directory path you and your folks set up my app to so that I can reproduce this issue on my end to fix it.

    Did you experienced the issue after install my app into like "C:\Users\someUsername\OneDrive\callflowvisualizer 141\"?



  • 171.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-25-2023 10:52

    It was more like "C:\Users\Username\OneDrive\Company Name\Documents\Callflowvisualizer" (I have to be careful as security is a big deal for this customer!)

    The space was in a part of the path that I have no control over. I worked around it by moving the "Callflowvisualizer" directory to a local directory, running it, and then moving it (with its results) back.

    I hope that clarifies!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 172.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 08-25-2023 11:48

    Hi Paul
    I attempted to reproduce this issue but encountered the following error message instead.
    " -i somefile.csv" works fine in this path but unable to call it from my app, so I added readme file not to install my app to a path containing spaces.


  • 173.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 11-12-2023 20:37

    Hi Ishi,

    Hope you are doing well. I came across a new error while I tried to ectract a flow as diagram. Please help!

    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 174.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 11-12-2023 20:48

    Hi Priya
    Can you try to change "New folder" to "NewFolder" without space?


  • 175.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 11-12-2023 20:58

    Thanks for your quick response Ishi! yes, it works after I removed the spaces. Just one more thing I wanted to be sure of, I am unsure why I cant see the prompt messages in the visio and png generated.


    Also I can see these boxes again.

    Has the latest version been changed? Thanks for your help Ishi!!

    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 176.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 11-12-2023 21:24
    Hi Priya
    Good news.
    As for missing prompt message, Yes, the latest version can show prompt detail message on diagram.
    To show prompt detail, your client credential has to have additional permissions "Architect>Flow>View and Architect>User Prompt>View" and needs to fetch prompt detail from GenC.
    If you cannot add this permission to it or need to load existing Architect Json file, change "showPromptDetail" to "False".


  • 177.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 11-12-2023 21:36

    Thanks Ishi, will try this out!

    Priyavarshini Manohar
    Black Box Technologies New Zealand Limited

  • 178.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 11-12-2023 20:57

    Hi Priyavarshini, please see other notes here about using paths with spaces in folder names.  That might be your issue.

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 179.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2024 05:40

    Hi Ishi,

    This looks great, we wanted to try it out today, however we ran into a problem. Can you tell us if our usage method is valid?

    Initially we wanted to try it without creating Oauth client / client secret, so we haven't entered those anywhere. Instead we're just generating our own json file of the flow we want to test with, and saving that json file to the Architect folder. 

    But when we try to run (CallFlowVisualizer.exe -a) we get an error:

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 180.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2024 06:43

    Hi James

    Please refer to step6 and step7 in 3.Installation section.

    Open config.toml file with notepad.

    Set your clientID , secret and your GenC enviroment in the toml file.

    If you use gc.exe(Genesys Cloud CLI), you can use its config.toml file.




  • 181.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2024 06:49

    Thanks Ishi - so clientId, clientSecret & environment are mandatory fields even if we have manually created and provided JSON file for the flow? We can't just take JSON file and have it converted to Visio flow?

    Thank you.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 182.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2024 07:27

    Hi James

    You don't need ClientID and Secret if you have a json file retrieved from /api/v2/flows, save it in Architect folder and specify -a option.
    But in this case, set showPromptDetail flag from true to false not to fetch prompt details.



  • 183.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2024 11:21

    Thanks Ishi - I have updated showPromptDetail flag to false, but I'm still finding the same error when I run it:

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 184.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 01-10-2024 19:26

    Hi James 

    I asusume you have specified a file with json extension and my app got an error after loaded it.

    >Instead we're just generating our own json file of the flow we want to test with, and saving that json file to the Architect folder. 

    The content of the json file should be the result of /api/v2/flows.
    If so, could you send me the json file via email?



  • 185.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 15:24
    Edited by Vikki Papesh 02-08-2024 15:59

    I am experiencing an error using manual json upload method.  

    There is one file in the Architect folder.  it appears to start, but does not proceed.  

    Vikki Papesh
    Sr. Genesys Cloud Developer II
    Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

  • 186.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 16:15


    Try without -a option or without specify json file.

    -a     Load all JSON files in Architect folder

    Can you post inqcb.json and an exported flow file in zip?



  • 187.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 16:49
      |   view attached

    I tried a very simple flow as the next test.  No output file was generated.  I have "always convert to visio" set in appsettings.

    Vikki Papesh
    Sr. Genesys Cloud Developer II
    Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.


    zip   530 B 1 version

  • 188.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 18:14

    The json file you posted seems the result of

    It must be the /api/v2/flows/{flowId}.

    Try with -n "Xfer - CTS Spanish language change" to fetch the flow from GenC.



  • 189.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 21:41

    Thank you for the correction on the API call.  I downloaded the json data using the flows API and moved it into the Architect folder.  Unfortunately, the results are not any better.




    Vikki Papesh



    Genesys Cloud CX: Professional Certification badge image. Issued by Genesys


    P + 858.366.6948


    Tandem Diabetes Care | positively different

    12400 High Bluff Drive, San Diego CA 92130


    The information in this email (including any attachments) may be privileged and/or confidential and is intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. Any use, disclosure, distribution, or copying of this email is prohibited except by or on behalf of the intended recipient. If you have received this email in error, please notify me immediately and destroy all copies of the transmittal. Thank you.


  • 190.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 23:35


    Post the test3.json and its original flow file (e.g. exported as .i3inboundflow) in zip.

    You can't configure CallFlowVisualizer to fetch the flow data directly from GenC, right?



  • 191.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-08-2024 23:46
      |   view attached

    Correct, at this time I need to be able to process and generate an output file from a manually exported .json file.  I've uploaded the exported file and the json generated via the API.  Thank you for your assistance; this tool looks like it will simplify my tasks considerably once I can run it successfully.  I just downloaded the 1.5.3 version and tried that in a new folder and got the same results.

    Vikki Papesh
    Sr. Genesys Cloud Developer II
    Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.


  • 192.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-09-2024 00:16


    I see.

    Sorry, in your case, run this api

    Save the result as json file in Architect folder and try again.



  • 193.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-06-2024 12:25

    We have discovered an issue when attempting to run this on Windows Server 2019.  Is there something that would prevent us from executing this on a server?  Maybe we messed up the desktop install?

    Ryan Cheesman
    Senior Manager, IT Integration Services
    Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. | positively different

  • 194.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-07-2024 19:43

    Hi Ryan

    I installed .net 6.0 runtime on Windows Server 2019(1809) and it works fine.

    Sorry, I could not reproduce it.

    Please try changing compatibility values on exe property.



  • 195.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-12-2024 19:03


    Thank you for your support in my attempts to work without fetching the flows.  I have now configured Call Flow Visualizer to fetch the flows and the CSV and renders perfectly, however the export to Visio is failing.  If I manually open the files and export to .vsdx format, they render perfectly.  I tried changing the disableAcceleration flag but the results were the same.  Any suggestions?

    This is a very useful tool and thank you for sharing it with the world.

    Vikki Papesh
    Sr. Genesys Cloud Developer II
    Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc.

  • 196.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-13-2024 05:12

    Hi Vikki

    I also experienced the same issue where I was unable to export in vsdx format. :-(

    For now, you can try the following steps as workaround.

    1 Install Official

    2 Open command prompt and execute the following commands

    cd "C:\Program Files\\"

    .\ -x -f vsdx C:\CallFlowVisualizer\flow -o c:\temp\visio



  • 197.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-13-2024 11:36

    This app is wonderful.  It will save me a great deal of work if I can get the format accepted.  Right now we manually build Visios with each submenu on its own page and each task on its own page.  This format is a perfect rendition of the logical flow in the way I think it.


    Thank you for the command line script!  That will be much more efficient than processing them one at a time.


    If I do a -f all, does the application check to see if the current version of the flow has already been fetched, or does it fetch all even if all are up to date?


    Vikki Papesh


  • 198.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-14-2024 00:03

    Hi Vikki

    The '-f all' option will fetch all flows even if there are files that have already been fetched.

    Set "appendDateTimeToFileName" in appsettings.json to true if you don't want to overwrite existing files.



  • 199.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-14-2024 06:19

    @Vikki Papesh

    Hi Vikki
    The issue unable to export vsdx format has now been resolved.

    Additionally, I have added a new feature to show schedule group details.

    Please download the latest version.



  • 200.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-13-2024 15:05

    Hi, an amazing app in all regards, highly useful. 

    I am looking at the configurational elements exposed in the package - right now it seems to be pulling 'Name' tag per each of the Architect blocks. 

    Is there any way at all to configure it to pull additional text elements, for an example to configure it to pull the Schedule Group name from a Evaluate Schedule Group block, etc? Is that level exposed anywhere in the JSON files it has? I looked but did not see it right away, is it in there? Can it be in there? :) 

    Regards, Paul. 

    Paul Atkin
    Genesys - Employees

  • 201.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-14-2024 01:33

    Hi Paul

    I have released a version that displays the details of the Schedule Group.

    This application extracts the necessary information for each Architect block from the json file downloaded to the Architect folder.
    Additional information, such as the description of the audio file, is accessed through supplementary APIs.



  • 202.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-14-2024 06:21

    @Paul Atkin

    Hi Paul

    Please download v1.6.1

    An issue unable to export vsdx format has been resolved.



  • 203.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-28-2024 10:53

    Hi @Takamune ISHIGE, this is a wonderful app, was able to use it and convert flows to visio/drawio files.  just one thing I'd like to know how can I convert all reusable task to .png image? tried using the command but it seems it only convert the 1st tab of the drawio files? nevertheless this is a great!

    Ernest John Nuque
    Security Bank Corporation

  • 204.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-29-2024 00:13

    Hi @Ernest John Nuque
    Thank you.

    Open appsettings.json
    Change createFlowPerReusabletask to true
    Save it
    Run CallFlowVisualizer again.

    If you have already fetched some flows, you can specify with -a option. exe exports png file the first page only.



  • 205.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-29-2024 02:19

    Question, could this App be used to export Genesys Composer too?


  • 206.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 02-29-2024 02:45

    Hi Reginald

    Sorry, GenC and PureConnect only.



  • 207.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 04-15-2024 17:13

    Hey Ishi!

    I have an issue to report and a suggestion to make....

    First the issue. I'm trying to document a complete ORG. I downloaded the latest version (1.6.1) and I can run the utility for a single flow and get the Visio etc. produced, but if I try to get all flows of a particular type (or all flows of all types) it throws an Unhandled Exception error. The exact error message is:

    Unhandled exception. System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. (Parameter 'index')
       at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.get_Item(Int32 index)
       at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JContainer.GetItem(Int32 index)
       at Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JArray.get_Item(Object key)
       at CallFlowVisualizer.CollectGCValuesFromJSON.CollectNode(String jsonPath) in C:\Users\tishige\source\repos\tishige\CallFlowVisualizer\CollectGCValuesFromJSON.cs:line 499
       at CallFlowVisualizer.GcJSONtoCSV.gcJsonToCSV(List`1 filePathList, Options opt) in C:\Users\tishige\source\repos\tishige\CallFlowVisualizer\GcJSONtoCSV.cs:line 52
       at CallFlowVisualizer.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\tishige\source\repos\tishige\CallFlowVisualizer\Program.cs:line 232

    As this ORG has 76 Flows in total, I'd prefer not to have to do them one at a time! 😲 Do you have any ideas as to what might be the cause?

    Now the suggestion. I notice that when the Visio diagram is created, there is no (easy) way to determine which task is the initial one. Not sure how this could / should be addressed (* next to the name in the tab? Made the First tab? Something on the diagram itself?)

    Anyway, thanks again for all your work on this.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 208.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 04-16-2024 01:59

    Hi Paul

    I've also got an error and fixed but not sure if this error is as same as yours.
    Please download v1.6.2.

    If you still encounter an error with v1.6.2.
    Open the latest log file and scroll back to a line start with "Analyzing file:"
    Then send me the i3inboudflow file.

    Tasks are generated in the order they are stored in the JSON file.



  • 209.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 04-16-2024 18:03


    Unfortunately, the issue remains. I have emailed the files to you.


    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 210.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 04-17-2024 06:34

    Hi Paul

    The issue you were facing was resolved.

    Please check if your screen pop action has values.



  • 211.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 04-17-2024 10:12


    You have once again demonstrated why you are a God amongst men! Thank you, not only for fixing it, but also for doing it so rapidly. All good now.

    Paul Simpson
    Views expressed are my own and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer.

  • 212.  RE: Creates flowcharts of Genesys cloud or PureConnect interaction flow

    Posted 04-17-2024 10:42

    Hi Paul

    Good news.

    The stuff you provided was very helpful to fix this.

    Thank you



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