What I tend to do is just make a flow that includes the digital bot, and then stick the snippet in a HTML file and put it in a s3 bucket with public access. That way I can make changes, start a message and try it out. I've even put the bot in the side pannel of my Genesys to make it super quick. To make life easier, in your config make sure you have enabled the ability to have a customer end conversation, so when you do that and start a new one it will take the new flow each time :)
Lawrence Drayton
Prvidr Pty Ltd
Original Message:
Sent: 03-31-2024 14:40
From: Heather laird
Subject: Digital bot testing
When in architect for building a digital bot, it doesn't have the option to test the bot or get a link to add it to a web page.
Heather laird
Dyson Technology Limited