We have requirement to post 4 date options for a payment. We could get back more dates from our back end search. i.e. could get back 10 eligible dates in the array. Asking best way in our bot to cycle through all the items in array. So, bot would say would you like (then in quick reply bubbles - date 1, date 2, date 3, date 4, other). if they press other, we want to present date 5, date 6, etc.
Here is my current code, which works for static amount of dates":
MakeList(Flow.eligibleDates_String[0], Flow.eligibleDates_String[1], Flow.eligibleDates_String[2], Flow.eligibleDates_String[3], Flow.eligibleDates_String[4])
any thought on how to cycle through if more dates are in the array?
Clayton Curtis
Enova Online Services, Inc.