Thank you very much Jim.
We already have searched through the web you send us, but we could not find that specific web page that I was asking for.
It might get lost in the migration... If you know something else, please tell me. If not, thank you anyway.
Ricardo Sosa
PlusNet Solutions, S.L.
Original Message:
Sent: 08-17-2023 13:35
From: Jim Crespino
Subject: ESDK getting services
All of the Genesys Engage On-premise documentation is located here:
I believe the Enterprise SDK was used for building integrations to Workspace Desktop Edition, and those docs are here:
I hope that helps.
Jim Crespino
Senior Director, Developer Evangelism
Original Message:
Sent: 08-15-2023 20:58
From: Mostafa Awad
Subject: ESDK getting services
Seems that it reached its end of support. Also @Jim Crespino can clarify more

Original Message:
Sent: 08-14-2023 07:33
From: Ricardo Sosa
Subject: ESDK getting services
searching through my favorites I have found this link: ESDK Getting Services - Genesys Documentation (
It looks like it is not working anymore. Does anyone know where to get this information?
Thank you in advance.
Ricardo Sosa
PlusNet Solutions, S.L.