Original Message:
Sent: 03-20-2024 16:52
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Evaluation Retention
These are all part of the stats and metrics in the platform and kept as long as your data retention is set, even if you delete recordings, this information is kept.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 03-20-2024 16:40
From: Shelby Cronk
Subject: Evaluation Retention
Can you tell me the retention period (how long it is retained, because I'm sure it isn't forever) for:
- Evaluation Summary Information
- Evaluation Detail Information
- Coaching Summary Information
- Coaching Details including notes and attachments
Shelby Cronk
Original Message:
Sent: 03-07-2024 09:15
From: Herrick Mai
Subject: Evaluation Retention
Hey @Shelby Cronk, I checked with my coworker that works in the Speech & Text team and he confirmed that "If all recordings for an interaction is deleted then STA data is also deleted along with the transcripts"
Herrick Mai
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 03-06-2024 13:44
From: Shelby Cronk
Subject: Evaluation Retention
Herrick, does this apply to Speech & Text Analytics data such as transcripts, acoustic data, topic detection, and sentiment data as well?
Shelby Cronk
Original Message:
Sent: 02-09-2024 14:26
From: Herrick Mai
Subject: Evaluation Retention
Hi Shelby,
We actually retain the evaluations even after the recordings are deleted.
Herrick Mai
Genesys - Employees
Original Message:
Sent: 02-09-2024 13:51
From: Shelby Cronk
Subject: Evaluation Retention
@Tracy Vickers I had this come up again today.
If recordings are set to be deleted at 120 days, will the evaluation information also be deleted at 120 days or is it the 90 days I found previously ? Will there any data retained (e.g. total/critical scores available in Evaluation Views)?
Shelby Cronk
Original Message:
Sent: 10-12-2022 16:33
From: Shelby Cronk
Subject: Evaluation Retention
Can anyone tell me how long Evaluations are retained? I know you can only view them for 90 days, but what happens after that? Where do they go, how long do they stay there?
Shelby Cronk
ConvergeOne, Inc.