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  • 1.  Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-04-2023 10:55
    Good Morning All-

    Our accounting department has asked me if I am able to generated an excel report of hours including breaks, meals that the agents are logged in. I attempted to run one but I do see there is a notice that these have been depreciated 

    But I couldn't find where in the workspace to do a similar export. Any guidance would be appreciated! Thank you


    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 2.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-05-2023 08:00
    You can still run the agent reports as before select +New:

    Is this what you mean?


  • 3.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-05-2023 10:55

    Good Morning Tracy!

    I missed the notification for the download being complete so I assumed it just didn't work. I double check this morning and it indeed was there! It won't work for what I wanted to use it for but good to know I can run it if needed for other projects. Thank you for the quick reply.


    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 4.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-06-2023 09:17
      |   view attached
    Hi Cherri,

    First, I do not want to insult you, since seeing your activity in the community, you appear to be proficient with GCcx. That said, are you aware that reports have moved to "Performance > Workspace "?

    Second, I am curious what report you ran & why it does not meet your needs?  Would the sample I have attached (probably more columns than you need)  work for you?

    Please keep in mind, I am not an expert YET!  But starting to get  my confidence in this platform,  transitioning from working 20+ years with PureConnect is a fun / interesting!

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer


    Agent Status Summary).xlsx   11 KB 1 version

  • 5.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-06-2023 09:30
    Good Morning Pete-

    Nice to meet you and no offense taken! I would not consider myself proficient but rather a novice who is on a quest to become an expert in using Genesys Cloud. To give some context, I am a nurse who found myself managing nurses in a contact center environment with no personal history of working in a contact center.

    We are a smaller company so I along with a manager underneath me are responsible for all tasks ranging from scheduling, skills, wrap up codes, tracking adherence/metrics, scorecards, learning modules, etc which includes teaching ourselves how everything works. I am very active in the community because of my lack of WFM experience requires me to ask a LOT of questions. I also participate in a lot of user story groups to help give insight in to what we need for our very specialized type of contact center. 

    For this question, I was trying to run a report of actual hours worked to give my accounting dept something they could use for payroll IF we decided to move away from our current timesheet software. They are doing some initial research so it isn't an immediate need. I was able to pull a report of queue hours but it would be very cumbersome to remove breaks, meals etc and get accounting an usable XLS to import hours. Another limitation would be that not all of my staff have 'on queue' time when they are doing other projects so those hours would bet missed.

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 6.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-06-2023 12:34
    Edited by Tracy Vickers 01-06-2023 12:39

    Beyond have just added an event here:

    Genesys Cloud CX Webinar: Report generation made easy using Dynamic Views
    This 1-hour webinar will primarily cover the Historical Reporting of Agents & Queues using Dynamic Views:
    • Real-Time and Historical Reporting of Agents & Queues using Dynamic Views
    • Report Customization and Scheduling
    • Report Generation made easy via export and email distribution
    • Things to remember when working with reports and what's next!

    Thought it might be of interest, the timings aren't brilliant for all but if you registered you can watch on catch up.



  • 7.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-11-2023 09:19
    This definitely would be! It's at 1am my time.... I am an early riser just NOT that early. I did register so hoping recording will be available for later viewing

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 8.  RE: Excel Report of Hours Logged In

    Posted 01-09-2023 13:40


    I have had this request come through a number of times, and the best solution I can provide you is to utilize the Agent Status performance view.  This view may be exported using the icon in the top right corner. 

    With the columns: Logged In, On Queue, Break and Meal, you should be able to see your "actuals." that you're looking for, for whatever time period you have selected at the top.  

    For example, if I have January 6th selected, it shows me the total amount of time spent logged in to genesys cloud, total time I spent on queue, on break, and on meal. 
    Of course the complication here is that it reflects the total time in the break and meal statuses, which may be inaccurate based on agent behavior.  It also will be skewed if the agent doesn't log out. 

    By default the Agent Status view can be filtered to multiple agents of your choosing.  To see information more granularly (by week, day, half an hour) you can either "view as group" or click on a specific agent. 

    I have included a screenshot of the view filtered down to a specific work team and included the columns I listed above.  You could additionally see the columns Log In and Log Out for the specific date/time the agent logged in and out; this is best utilized when viewing a single date i.e. January 6 vs. a date range. 

    For more information on the Agent Status views or its available columns/metrics, see here:

    For more information on exporting the view see here:

    Shelby Cronk
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

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