I will never forget the first day of kindergarten, even if I don't remember much from it.
I was in a small school, maybe 20ish students in my entire grade, and on the first day I had the exact same sneakers as this kid named Joey.
Joey and I quickly bonded and became best friends. Since then, he has been with me through a lot of life's milestones: first kiss, school dances, graduations, he was the first person I picked up when I got my license, best man at my wedding, and if you were in Nashville for Xperience 18, you may have seen him at the after party.
In sixth grade, we entered and won a talent show together and went on a trip to Orlando.

I remember we watched the original Star Wars together for the first time at his parents' house.

He was best man in my wedding, and our friendship is still alive and well to this day!

Happy new school year, everybody!
Matt Lawson
Genesys - Employees
Online Community Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 08-28-2023 12:01
From: Nicole Milliken
Subject: First Day of School Memories...
It's that time of year again. Kids are back in school and summer vacations have wrapped up. It got me to thinking...what is a favorite first day of school memory you have? This can be of yourself or someone you love (kid, family story you've heard, or a friend you want to throw under the bus!) Let us know in the comments below! And if you want to have some more fun, don't forget to play in our Trivia Tower event that starts today at 12pm noon (est.) and wraps up this Friday, Sept. 1st.
I'll go first:
My favorite memory on the first day of school was always having that new backpack filled with brand new markers, crayons, pencils, Lisa Frank folders/notebooks, and my new "first day" outfit. It always felt so exciting and full of possibilities. I still get excited for my son on the first day of school because it's a reminder of that old feeling of heading back to my friends and teachers. Since I went to elementary school in the 80s, it's was always full of color, scrunchies, and slap bracelets! LOL
Now you go! And if you play in the Trivia Tower event, you'll get an extra three bonus points just for telling us your story!
Nicole Milliken
Genesys - Employees