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  • 1.  Gamification Points for Reward

    Posted 03-09-2023 12:51

    Hello Community,

    I have searched the numerous threads on this topic and so far have not come across what I am researching.  We are new to Genesys and will be rolling out Gamification in Q2, super excited! 


    1. Points:  The business has a scorecard, we will start with this and assign points to each metric.  For the point rewards we do have a company home grown reward store.  Is it possible to connect the 2 systems together?  I win 30 points within my gamification, could we embedded the home grown store link to gamification?  
    2. Learning  Same idea here as above, we have a home grown learning portal.  Are we able to connect the learning module to Genesys?  The agent would see the learning assigned to them select the link for development which will bring them to our site to actually complete the learning.  

    Thank you!  If this is out on the site some where please provide some tricks on finding things.  There is SO MUCH here!  


    Cressida Gioiella
    Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company

  • 2.  RE: Gamification Points for Reward

    Posted 03-09-2023 13:02

    Thanks for reaching our Cressida

    On the points, depending how your tool works you may be able to bring the points themselves into your tool via extracting the points from our system for intergration into your system. It would be possible but may require a technical project to do it. More info on our APIs here:

    If your system is a web-based system you may also be able to bring this into the platform as well via our 'apps' menu. More info here:

    On Learning, depending again on your system we can link employees to your system from inside the module. The ability for them to view / navigate to any other system you have is supported within the module creation itself. More info within 'creating a module'

    This supports the use case you have where the Learning is a prompt to complete, and the module itself is off our platform and somewhere else. In this instance its more "Learning Distribution" which means you can take advantage of our mapping to say a particular skill or group or queue. 

    Cameron Smith
    VP, Product Management - Workforce Engagement Management

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