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Genesys Audio Connector

  • 1.  Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-01-2023 05:50
    Great news!
    The Audio Connector feature team is pleased to open applications for Beta candidates.  Please join our SS&A Partner Beta Community to know more!
    This feature will allow you to integrate to any Voice Bot or dialog by streaming conversation audio to your preferred vendor, and build voice-enabled apps in Architect by orchestrating your vendor integrations.
    Audio Connector is based on the current Audiohook Monitor Protocol, which has been enhanced to support bi-directional communications. If you are unfamiliar on what our Audiohook Monitor integration does, check out this link.
    Main use cases you might want to look out to use Audio Connector:
    • Integration to strategic partners, not yet developed natively by Genesys.
    • Local language bot/dialog specialists.
    • 3rd party for bi-directional streaming (Voice biometrics).

    We are currently looking for organizations that meet the following criteria to participate in this Beta:
    • Have strong technical teams, able to spin up and manage their own Audio Connector Partner Cloud using Genesys Audiohook protocol.
    • Want to use Audio Conector to elevate their customer's conversational experience.
    • Ready to get hands on!
    If you and your organization would like to be considered for participation in the Audio Connector Beta, please complete this survey.  Upon submission, your Org will be added to the pool for consideration.
    Let's build together!


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - PM

  • 2.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-07-2023 17:14

    What is the  SS&A Partner Beta Community  ?
    When I click the link it says I don't have access?

    Dave Cebrowski
    Textel CX Inc.

  • 3.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-11-2023 05:22

    Hi @Dave Cebrowski,

    SS&A Partner Beta Community  is a private community created for partner specific features. Where you can access technical documentation not yet released and track progress on different enhancements.

    I have sent you an invite, please check on your inbox or spam folders to join.

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-13-2023 04:39
    Edited by Alejandra Santiago 12-13-2023 04:41

    Hi Community,

    We have extended our beta registrations until the end of December 2023. Please go ahead and complete the survey to get your organization in the Beta prospects list.

    Further information on whether your org has been selected and activation dates will be communicated in January 2024.

    Kind regards,



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-21-2023 11:53

    Thank you @Alejandro Santiago for running the important beta. Like others, I am unable to access SS&A partner beta community. I have filled in the survey though. 

    Vipin Kalra
    Docusign, Inc.

  • 6.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-21-2023 12:18

    Hi Vipin,

    Thanks for filling in the survey. I've sent you an invite to join our SS&A Partner Beta Community, please check your inbox or spam folder.

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 12-21-2023 12:43

    Thank you Ales!

    Vipin Kalra
    Docusign, Inc.

  • 8.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-08-2024 07:09
    Edited by Alejandra Santiago 01-23-2024 07:30
    Hi all!
    We are pleased to announce that we're sending out emails for the Genesys Audio Connector Beta accepted registrations! If you haven't received your email at the end of this week, please re-register your org ID with a valid email address so we can contact you in this survey.
    Definitive Beta start date will be announced in the next couple of weeks on the Genesys Beta HQ and our private SS&A Partner Beta Community, and customers/partners who received an email will be enabled automatically the integration in their orgs in the following 24/48h AFTER BETA DATE.
    As you might already know, this feature will allow Genesys Cloud customers and partners using Architect Flow, to call any Voice Bot from their call flows, so that they have the flexibility to utilize their preferred Bot provider. It can also be used to integrate to other voice dialog applications that accept a web socket streaming interface (e.g. Active Voice Biometrics or ASR providers). 
    But before then, a few pre-requisites for you to get your org ready for it and speed up your initial setup on the Beta date:
    • Make sure you have a valid Genesys org with a GC1, GC2 or GC3 license.
    • Use the Genesys proprietary Audiohook Dialog Protocol reference attached in this post, to start developing your customer's Audio Connector Server. This protocol is an extension of the current Audiohook Protocol Spec to support bi-directional communications.
      • If you or your development team are unsure on where to start with your Audio Connector Server, check out this Genesys Audiohook Sample reference in TypeScript and learn more about the one-directional Genesys feature Audiohook Monitor here.
    • The Audio Connector installation will be done by downloading and installing the app "Audio Connector" from the AppFoundry in your org, and configuring the appropriate partner/customer's Audio Connector Server URL and credentials.
    • Genesys Audio Connector is a BYOT E pricing policy.
    • On the beta date, documentation resources will be posted in the Genesys resource center and the Genesys Developer center, in the existing Audiohook Protocol Spec section.
    • Finally, as soon as Audio Connector Beta goes live it will be enabled automatically in the org ID/region you specified when completing this survey. If you need to make amendments to your registration or add more orgs to your request, let us know!
    Thanks for your patience, we cannot wait for you to see what we have built and to get your impressions!
    Kind regards,

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - PM

  • 9.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-08-2024 07:22

    Hi Alejandra, 

    where is  the zip file with the Audiohook Dialog Protocol reference? I can´t see it in this thread or my received email.

    Best Regards,

    Sergio Serrano
    Verbio Technologies SL

  • 10.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-08-2024 07:26

    Hi Sergio,

    You can download it attached in this post, in our private SS&A Partner Beta Community.

    Kind Regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-18-2024 15:08

    I received the email which looks to be the same as the above...but I am not able to install it... Did I misunderstand and it will show up in my Org for me to download? In the AF, page it just says contact us and I do not see it under integrations. Is it not live yet? 

    Dave Cebrowski
    Textel CX Inc.

  • 12.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-19-2024 05:11

    Hi Dave,

    That is correct, the beta is not active yet and therefore the app cannot be downloaded/installed. Apologies if that wasn't clear enough.

    Definitive Beta start date will be announced in the next couple of weeks, and customers/partners who received that email will be enabled automatically the integration in their orgs.

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 13.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-11-2024 05:49
      |   view attached

    Hi all,

    Here you have a copy of the technical documentation for the Genesys proprietary Audiohook Dialog Protocol, to start developing your customer's Audio Connector Server. May I remind you that this protocol is an extension of the current Audiohook Protocol Spec to support bi-directional communications.

    On the beta date, complete documentation in the Resource Centre and Dev Center will be released. Stay tuned!

    Kind regards,



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees


  • 14.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 01-23-2024 09:07

    Great news community!

    After the busy month of testing and wrapping up, we are in a position to announce the official dates.

    Beta start date for Audio Connector is set for the 7th of February 2024. Customers/partners who received an email will be enabled automatically the integration in their registered orgs in the following 24/48h after the beta date.

    In the meantime, please check out the current Audiohook Protocol Spec and the for your Audio Connector Server.

    On the beta date, complete documentation in the Resource Centre and Dev Center will be released. Stay tuned!

    Thanks for your patience!



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 15.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 02-08-2024 05:13
    Edited by Alejandra Santiago 02-14-2024 06:45
    It's official, WE ARE BETA!
    For those of you who have joined the beta program, you don't have to do anything else, as we've already enabled Audio Connector integration in your registered org.
    Remember that Audio Connector is only available to registered partners/customers and/or Genesys internal organizations. If you want to test it out or add new org IDs, please complete this form, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
    Here are the instructions on what to do next:
    1. If you are logged in your Genesys org, please Log out from your Genesys Cloud registered org, refresh your browser and log back at least 10 mins after the reception of this email.
    2. Get familiar with Audio Connector and how it can fit your company's conversational needs:
    3. If your GC user has the appropriate permissions, follow instructions in section "Install Audio Connector from the Admin menu" at the bottom of the page.
      1. If Audio connector does not show up in the GC admin integrations section, try downloading it and installing it through app foundry following these instructions:
    4. Configure and activate your integration with the customer/partner's Audio Connector Server details, as shown here:
      1. Audiohook Protocol Specification - for communications between GC and your Audio Connector Server.
      2. Genesys AudioHook Sample Service - This repo contains code to showcase a simple service that implements a Audiohook Server. Your dev team will need to extend it for bi-directional communications, using the protocol in step 3.a.i.
      3. Audiohook developer's forum - for a questions your dev team might have.
      1. You will need to have a 3rd party customer/partner cloud Audio connector server up and running to get your credentials. For more information please check:
      2. Make sure you ACTIVATE the integration SUCCESSFULLY, otherwise your new Architect Action "Call Audio Connector" will not show up in your inbound, outbound, and in-queue call flows.
    5. Go to Architect, select your inbound callflow and you will see the new Architect Action "Call Audio Connector" under the bot section.
    6. If you still are unable to see your Audio Connector integration and/or your new action, please allow a minimum of 24h after the reception of this email to report any issues. Changes might not have been completely rolled out in your region.
    As part of our ongoing efforts to bring in a better experience to our customers, we will be contacting you again in a few weeks to request any feedback that you might be willing to share with us. We are trying to improve in an ongoing basis and your input is key in that process.
    Lastly, this feature has been built with resilience and availability in mind, so you don't need to worry about anything else other than designing your optimal customer's conversational needs. However, this is still in BETA phase and issues might arise. Please check the Audiohook developer's forum first for similar issues, our Audio Connector resource center docs or this email directly with any problems you may encounter.
    For further Audio Connector Beta specific communications, we will be using our usual Genesys communities and  Genesys Ideas portal. Make sure you subscribe to at least one of the following channels:
    Let's build together!

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 02-21-2024 06:42

    Hi all,

    The Audio Connector Beta is 2 weeks old already!! And I am calling up for some preliminar feedback from those of you who are actively using it, or in the process.

    Any impressions about usability, use cases that you're covering with it, development tips and other discoveries that you have found along the way.

    Here to listen and to pass along your thoughts so we can build excellence together.

    Kind regards,


    #BYOTConnectors #Integrations #Architect #AudioConnector#BetaAnnouncement#AudioConnector

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 17.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 02-23-2024 08:46

    Hey Alejandro,

    Just wanted to let you know we've got the Audio Connector Beta integration enabled for our organization. However, I'm having trouble accessing the private SS&A Partner Beta Community. Any tips?


    Salman Nasir
    Interact CX LLC

  • 18.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 02-23-2024 11:34

    Hi Salman,

    I have sent you an invite to join our private SS&A Partner Beta Community, please check your inbox/spam folder and join us!

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 19.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 02-23-2024 13:58

    Hi Alejandra,

    I am unable to access the private SS&A Partner Beta Community, and I would like to see the functionality and features that are supported. Can you help getting that access?


    Sibtain Kanani

    Muhammad Sibtain Kanani
    Interact CX LLC

  • 20.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 02-26-2024 05:53

    Hi @Muhammad Sibtain Kanani

    I have sent you an invite to join our private SS&A Partner Beta Community, please check your inbox/spam folder and join us!

    For a simple Architecture overview and Conversational session management features, you can check on our Audio Connector overview

    If you are looking for technical resources, please go to the Audiohook Protocol Specification, where you can get an explanation on communications between GC and your Audio Connector Server, based on the Audiohook protocol. 

    The Genesys AudioHook Sample Service is a repository that contains code to showcase a simple service that implements a Audiohook Server, so dev team can have a skeleton to extend for bi-directional communications in your Audio Connector server.

    If you have any further dev questions, please check our  Audiohook developer's forum first for similar issues.

    Hope this helps!



    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 21.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 03-21-2024 11:04

    @Alejandra Santiago Would it be possible to get an invite to te SS&A Partner Beta Community? 


    Rusty Lockett

  • 22.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 03-21-2024 11:19

    Hi Rusty Lockett,

    I have sent you an invite to join our private SS&A Partner Beta Community, please check your inbox/spam folder and join us!

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 23.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 03-28-2024 07:16

    Hi Alejandra,

    I am unable to access the private SS&A Partner Beta Community, and I would like to see the functionality and features that are supported. Can you help getting that access?


    Toshiyuki Koyama

    Toshiyuki Koyama
    Nippon Telematique Inc. (NTI)

  • 24.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 04-01-2024 05:54

    Hi Toshiyuki Koyama,

    I have sent you an invite to join our private SS&A Partner Beta Community, please check your inbox/spam folder and join us!

    With regards to the fusnctionalities and features docs, here are a few items you can check out:

    • For a simple Architecture overview and Conversational session management features, you can check on our Audio Connector overview
    • If you are looking for technical resources, please go to the Audiohook Protocol Specification, where you can get an explanation on communications between GC and your Audio Connector Server, based on the Audiohook protocol. 
    • The Genesys AudioHook Sample Service is a repository that contains code to showcase a simple service that implements a Audiohook Server, so dev team can have a skeleton to extend for bi-directional communications in your Audio Connector server.
    • If you have any further dev questions, please check our  Audiohook developer's forum first for similar issues.

    Hope this helps!

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 25.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 04-01-2024 05:46

    Hi all,

    I am very happy to announce, that we are very close to releasing Audio Connector to GA!! Specific date is yet to be finalised, however the timeframe is: in the next 2 weeks! 

    For that reason, WE ARE CLOSING DOWN new Beta requests today, so our engineering team has plenty of time to tidy up before the official release. 

    This has been a very prolific Beta, and I would like to thank you all for participating and giving us your most honest feedback so we can keep releasing better features for you and your customers.

    Keep tuned, more to come soon!

    Kind regards,


    #BYOTConnectors #Integrations #Architect #AudioConnector

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 26.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 04-05-2024 05:28
    Edited by Alejandra Santiago 04-05-2024 05:29

    Hi everyone,

    I am thrilled to announce that we have a GA date for Audio Connector!!!

    All Genesys customers and partners will be able to purchase and download from AppFoundry our latest 3rd party conversational connector starting Monday 8th of April. Depending on your region, it might be available from Tuesday 9th.

    In the meantime, a few pre-requisites for you to get your org ready for it and speed up your initial setup on the GA date:

    Thanks for your patience and staying with us during this journey. Now more than ever....Let's build together!
    Kind regards,



    #BYOTConnectors #Integrations #Architect #AudioConnector

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 27.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 04-23-2024 10:05

    Hi everyone,

    I am thrilled to announce that Audio Connector is GA!!

    All Genesys customers and partners will be able to purchase and download from AppFoundry our latest 3rd party conversational connector.

    A few considerations before you start:

    Now more than ever....Let's build together!
    Kind regards,



    #BYOTConnectors #Integrations #Architect #AudioConnector

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 28.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 04-23-2024 11:21

    Hello Team,

    Could someone please help me with the config. documents. We have installed the "Genesys Cloud Adapter" but after that I don't see any documents available for ref. (we have Audio Hook document, but what I heard is that its not useful in bidirectional audio. Like from BOT to Genesys Cloud).

    Your help and guidance is much appreciated.



    Devanand Gawande
    Capgemini Brasil S.A.

  • 29.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 04-23-2024 11:38

    Hi Devanand,

    You can get familiar with Audio Connector and how it can fit your company's conversational needs in this link:

    You will need to have a 3rd party customer/partner cloud server (or Audio Connector Server), up and running. For more information please check:

      1. Audiohook Protocol Specification - for stablishing Websocket communications between Genesys Cloud and your 3rd party Audio Connector Server.
      2. Genesys AudioHook Sample Service - This repo contains a code template to showcase a simple service that implements a Audiohook Server. Your dev team will need to extend it for bi-directional communications (Audio Connector Server), using the Audiohook protocol reference in the previous step. Think of the Audio Connector server it as a "translation layer" between Genesys Cloud and your backend service, using Websockets.
      3. Audiohook developer's forum - for a questions your dev team might have.

    Kind regards,


    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

  • 30.  RE: Genesys Audio Connector

    Posted 05-23-2024 09:39

    Hi everyone!

    After the successul GA for the Genesys Audio Connector integration, many of you have been asking for a reference code to give your dev teams an easier start to your own Audio Connector server implementation.

    The Genesys Audio Connector feature team has listened, and has delivered a new blueprint code template for you all, publicly available in this Genesys repository:

    This repo contains a sample implementation for an Audio Connector Server. This is to be used as a guide to help understand some of the basics of setting up an AudioConnector Server. It is not intended for production purposes.

    You can find the rest of the resources here:

    1. Audiohook Protocol Specification - for communications between GC and your Audio Connector Server.
    2. Audiohook developer's forum - for a questions your dev team might have. 
    3. NEW AND EASIER way to troubleshoot your Audio Connector Server (that implements Audiohook protocol), with the Genesys Cloud Operational Console. More information about Genesys Operational console here:
    Let's build together!
    Kind regards,



    #BYOTConnectors #Integrations #Architect #AudioConnector

    Alejandra Santiago Veiga
    Genesys - Employees

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