Hi Nikhil
Here's the case number: 0003385333
Emily Kammerer
Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-05-2023 13:20
From: Nikhil Ponnam
Subject: Genesys Cloud Alerts sending alert e-mails at 3am despite no calls coming into queues.
Hi Emily,
Although the issue is resolved, can you please provide the case # so I can follow-up on this?
Nikhil Ponnam
Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 17:00
From: Emily Kammerer
Subject: Genesys Cloud Alerts sending alert e-mails at 3am despite no calls coming into queues.
Piping in to say I had a similar issue. I was getting notifications for an alert every 18-21 hours, three at time with about 6 minutes between each - none of them during business hours. It's notable that I would get the email alerts and in-browser alerts, but these instances were not listed in the Alerts inbox. I tried turning the alert off and back on to no avail. I opened a case with care - it's still open and has gone silent, but the issue seems to have resolved itself.
Emily Kammerer
Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-03-2023 22:06
From: Glen Tylee
Subject: Genesys Cloud Alerts sending alert e-mails at 3am despite no calls coming into queues.
So our opening hours are Monday-Friday 7am-6pm and calls flow into the queues during that time and outside that time, calls flow elsewhere.
I have set up alerts in Genesys Cloud to alert when Service Level is below 50% on three queues.
However, I am getting e-mail alerts around 3am a lot of the time.
No calls are flowing to the queues, it'll be the weekend so no calls have been flowing to the queues all day.
Yes consistently getting these.

Any idea why this is happening? Anyone else had these?
Glen Tylee