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Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

  • 1.  Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-25-2024 09:34

    Conversation summarization with Genesys Agent Assist for Voice

    Genesys Agent Assist now offers conversation summarization for voice interactions. The summarization process automatically generates summaries of conversations between agents and customers. Previously, conversation summarization was limited to digital channels.

    Additional details

    Agent dashboard email component update

    Genesys Cloud has an updated agent email UI. The email component features an improved user interface, including improved thread handling, visual hints, resolution of known issues, and maintains parity with the previous version. The updated interface offers a more user-friendly experience and also introduces new, smaller features that do not affect existing functionality.

    Genesys Cloud will begin to deploy the updated agent email UI according to the following deployment schedule:

    • March 25, 2024: Europe (London), EMEA (London)
    • March 26, 2024: Canada (Central), Americas (Canada), Europe (Paris), EMEA (Paris)
    • March 27, 2024: Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), US West (Oregon), Americas (US West), US East (N. Virginia), Americas (US East), Europe (Ireland), EMEA (Dublin)

    Genesys Cloud previously introduced the updated agent email UI to the following regions: Europe (Zurich), EMEA (Zurich), Middle East (UAE), EMEA (UAE), Asia Pacific (Osaka), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), Asia Pacific (Seoul), and South America (São Paulo), Americas (São Paulo).

    In April, Genesys Cloud will deploy the updated agent email UI in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) and Europe (Frankfurt), EMEA (Frankfurt) regions.

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    Audit Viewer alternate search parameters support

    Administrators can now narrow a search to specific audit events via the improved Audit Viewer, which includes more filter and search parameters. The enhancements include the ability to view all events within a specified time range; search by service, entity, or user; and access additional information.

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    Inbound and outbound filter for gamification metrics

    Administrators and supervisors can now setup gamification metrics so that they only account for inbound or outbound interactions. By default, and for existing gamification metrics, Genesys Cloud considers both directions during points calculation.

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    Deprecation postponement: Active screen recordings UI

    On September 20, 2023, Genesys announced the removal of the Manage Active Screen Recordings UI on March 27, 2024, and the deprecation of corresponding APIs, replaced by a count of active screen recordings on the Recording Management UI. Genesys has postponed the removal and deprecation to May 20, 2024.

    Additional details


    Antwuan Rencher
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-26-2024 04:54

    Posting this here in the hope that the Genesys product team will see it.

    Since the deployment of 'Agent dashboard email component update' into the London region yesterday, 4 different customers / orgs have reported significant issues with email display.  Emails either show as blank or have lost the HTML formatting.  When replying to the email, it appears correctly and opening it outside of Genesys also works.

    Cases have been raised with Customer Care who don't seem aware of the release.  We have additional customers in the other regions who will be impacted by the further rollout and this needs some Genesys attention. 

    Braiden Woodward
    Kerv Experience Limited

  • 3.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-26-2024 10:17


    I reached out to the product team, they are aware of the issue and it is currently under investigation. 

    Antwuan Rencher
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-26-2024 15:21
    Hi Antwuan,
    Any status update? We are still seeing a broken UI in Genesys Cloud Desktop:


  • 5.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-26-2024 16:32

    Hi Dianne,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us.

    Is there a Sales Force case for this issue? Could you please get more details?
    Best would be to check the network tab of the browsers' developer tool when the agents are trying to load the component.
    What status do they get back. A screenshot like this would be very helpful:

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 6.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-26-2024 16:52

    Hi Mate,

    No support case created for this but I can create one.

    This is the Genesys Cloud desktop client so I can't check network tab or console log.


  • 7.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-27-2024 05:05

    Hi Dianne,

    1. So there is a way to check the network health in the desktop too.

    go to the calls menu on the left sidebar, click on the settings cogwheel, under Audio controls click on Run diagnostics.

    2. As an alternative option, Is there a chance for you to log in to the browser version and get the network logs?

    Thank you,

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 8.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-27-2024 12:35

    Hi Mate,

    Thanks for your reply.

    We had a troubleshooting session today and issue got resolved when we updated the desktop client. Appreciate you reaching out to help!

    Have a great day.


  • 9.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-27-2024 17:21

    Hi Dianne,

    Which version of Genesys desktop application helps to resolve this issue? We are using  2.23.732.0 version and facing the same issue.

    Sharadkumar Pujari
    AIG Global Operations, Inc.

  • 10.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 05:44

    Hi Sharadkumar,
    Can you please try to refresh the browser or the desktop app. The css styling issues seems to get resolver by the refresh. The following command should work for both the browser and the desktop app.
    Windows: ctrl + shift + R
    Mac: cmd + shift + R

    This is the correct style of the editor:

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 11.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 17:07

    Hi Mate,

    Thanks for your reply. We tried to refresh the app but issue still there.

    The issue is - When agent receives email interactions and agent clicked on download all on the attachment that time Genesys cloud app is getting refreshed again and again. Could you please help me on this.

    Sharadkumar Pujari
    AIG Global Operations, Inc.

  • 12.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 04-01-2024 15:01

    We are also seeing similar issues since the update.  Our agents are reporting the following issues:

    1. "Return to Genesys" Pop-Up - Return to Genesys pop up on attachment. Does not go away. Causes refresh and disconnects when clicked.

    2. Agents being taken off queue while handling email interactions - While on queue and working on an email interactions agents are randomly being thrown into Off Queue. The system provides them with the notification pop up in the upper right hand corner that they are scheduled to be on queue and it's at that point agents are realizing that Genesys took them off queue. In some cases the agents have to manually put themselves back on queue and in other cases the system puts them right back on queue. The only correlation we have been able to find is that this only seems to be occurring on interactions with attachments (so after the agent opens an attachment) or on interactions in which the agent is uploading an attachment to their outbound response.
    3. Broken Image link in new Email UI - This pertains to the desktop application and the new UI email editor.  The inserted/pasted image shows as a broken image link. 

    4. Outbound Email Characters being changed - We have another issue that has been identified.  A handful of agents have reported characters being changed in their outbound emails after sending.  This was caught due to some folks copying their personal email boxes.  When the message was opened in outlook, the change was identified.  For example, instead of quotation marks (i.e. " "), &quot is inserted in the email text.

    Kris Charles
    Owens Corning Sales, LLC.

  • 13.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 04-04-2024 09:06
    Edited by Mate Janos Foldi 04-04-2024 09:06

    Hi Kris,
    Thank you for raising the above points. All of them are on the service team's list of priorities.

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 14.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-27-2024 05:05
    Edited by Mate Janos Foldi 03-27-2024 05:05


  • 15.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-27-2024 13:55

    We are having issues with the new email composer too. I hope Genesys fix it.

    Arturo Aleman
    BTI Monterrey

  • 16.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 05:46

    Hi Arturo,
    Did you create a care ticket already? Can you please share the number of that?
    Could you please share screenshots of the issue?

    For the time be:
    Can you please try to refresh the browser or the desktop app. The css styling issues seems to get resolver by the refresh. The following command should work for both the browser and the desktop app.
    Windows: ctrl + shift + R
    Mac: cmd + shift + R

    This is the correct style of the editor:

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 17.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-27-2024 16:08

    is there an image of what the new composer should look like? Ours looks as if things are not fully loaded- but i cant tell if its supposed to look 'minimal' or if its a problem.

    dawn weston
    AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

  • 18.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 05:48

    Hi Dawn,

    Could you please share a screenshot of your email experience?

    For the time be:
    Can you please try to refresh the browser or the desktop app. The css styling issues seems to get resolver by the refresh. The following command should work for both the browser and the desktop app.
    Windows: ctrl + shift + R
    Mac: cmd + shift + R

    This is the correct style of the editor:

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 19.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 11:44

    Sure- some of our folks are seeing it like this 

    and some like this
    and some are seeing it as you've screenshotted it above. The ones that are seeing it like my screenshots have refreshed with no changes. 

    dawn weston
    AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

  • 20.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-28-2024 16:24

    Hi Dawn,

    Thank you for the screenshots.

    What you experience is intended and by the design. Currently the conversational panels (email, messaging and calls) are fully responsive to horizontal space.

    Instead of breaking the editor toolbar into multiple rows for smaller screens / browser width we create groups out of the similar editorial tools. Therefore keeping the maximum available space for email writing.

    We only start to break the editor toolbar into rows if the smallest / most grouped version couldn't be rendered in one row. And under a few hundred pixels width we even remove it.

    You can see how it work if you switch off the active side panel, go full screen to give email me most real estate possible and then start to squeeze the browser / app horizontally.

    Let me know if this doesn't help


    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 21.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 03-29-2024 09:59

    ahh ok, i see, thank you!!

    dawn weston
    AvalonBay Communities, Inc.

  • 22.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 04-02-2024 09:20

    Good Day

    is there a way we can toggle to get previous view back?

    We have a customer who really is against the whole UI change with question now pointing to why it was done.

    Few concerns seene/ raised are:

    1. with a screen with larger fonta (windows 125% default), the conversation view is causing long scrolling to navigate to next email etc.
    2. If you include the inline email history in editor, you basically now need to scroll all the way to the bottom for email editing tool bar.
    3. The editor now being part of the email conversation view is causing confusion where as previously it was only visible portion.
    4. the inline picture display is still an issue, sometimes it shows. And the button itself gets lost while scrolling through emails.
    5. Attachment download - can it always be set to open in new tab..?

    Please help

    Rajneesh Chandran
    NTT Australia Pty Ltd.

  • 23.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 04-02-2024 09:50

    Hi Rajneesh,

    Thank you for adding your points above.

    The update of the email component was a long waited project by lots of our clients. We unfortunately have no way for you to get the legacy component back however we appreciate the feedback you left here and we will work on implementing as many improvements and as soon as possible.

    On the actual questions we are getting in touch with you through your account manager.

    Máté Földi
    Genesys PM

  • 24.  RE: Genesys Cloud CX Release Notes - March 25 2024

    Posted 04-09-2024 09:55

    Good day,

    The biggest issue i hear from our client is that since the work area is completely scrollable (veritical) and includes the Editor portion inside, it is hard for the agents to use previous emails as a reference when they trying to respond on emails. This get much worsened when there are like more than 5 emails in conversation already and need to reference more than one.

    Would it be possible to give an option to keep  Editor region intact and the previous emails space in a separate scrollable area as previous? Maybe even to have the Editor and email conversation areas adjustable?


    Rajneesh Chandran
    NTT Australia Pty Ltd.

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