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  • 1.  how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 05-21-2024 12:23

    Hello. I've got a problem with the sentences recognized for agent escalation.

    In a digital bot flow, we have possibility to check the box "enable agent escalation". The aim is to propose to route the interaction towards an agent if the caller writes something interpratated as if he wanted to speak to a human person.

    Does someone know where are defined theses sentences which will be interpretated as a request to speak to a human? 

    I am using French. 

    The sentences recognized are not optimal. 

    If I write "je veux parler à une personne", it's ok, the chatbot propose me to be transferred.

    But if I write "je veux parler à un humain" or "Je veux un conseiller", for example (which are quite current sentences in french), the chatbot does not propose to be in relation with an agent. 

    Can we customize that ? 

    (of course I can create intentions, it will work as well, but I wondered if we could enhance the base of native sentences)

    Thanks for your help


     #DigitalBots #knowledgebase #ArchitectFlow 


    Catherine DUPIRE

  • 2.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 05-21-2024 14:56

    The escalation phrases are documented here:
    They are not customizable.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 05-21-2024 16:48

    Hi Melissa,

    For the Ask for Yes/No action are there any additional confirmation or rejection phrases other than Yes and No? Or possibility to add more phrases?


  • 4.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 05-21-2024 17:58
    Edited by Mitchell Mason 05-21-2024 17:59

    Its the same as the answer above, at this time they are not customizable. If you have certain words that are not matching, let me know and we can (first check if its universally reasonable, and then...) add them. 

    We have plans in our backlog to allow custom editing of these lists of words for yes/no and agent escalation, but due to higher priorities the work has not started yet. 

    You can vote on the idea here, although you can see its already something we want to do. And follow the status as well:

    Mitchell Mason
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 05-21-2024 18:20

    Requirement for each Ask for Yes/No may vary based on the design and context but to give you a simple example if Bot prompts customer "Are you calling from your own phone" and the response could be "I am" which does not match. 


  • 6.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow
    Best Answer

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 05-21-2024 23:32

    Couple of options. Update your wording to explicitly ask the customer to respond yes or no. Which will improve your uptake of customer's using the right phrase.

    The other option is to use a slot instead, and there have yes and no, and have I am as a synonym for yes, and any other variation you find is being used.

    It would be nice to set our own synonyms for yes / no to take into account local idiosyncrasies.

    Anton Vroon

  • 7.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 05-23-2024 00:57
    Edited by Muhammad Zubair Awan 05-23-2024 01:19

    In a simple bot its probably fine to have explicit prompt and/or slot option but in a complex one, I don't like repetition of please say yes or no etc. Also for the slot approach, you would have to clear the slot every time. Keen to utilize built in smarts with ability to tune as needed.


  • 8.  RE: how to enhance the base for "enable agent escalation" function in a digital flow

    Posted 06-03-2024 03:22

    Thanks a lot for your proposition. 

    My customer has a lot of sentences he wants to match with the transfer. So I think I will create intentions in my flow.

    Here are the sentences that he wants to match with "agent escalation" , maybe this can interest you. 

    1. "Est-ce que je peux parler à quelqu'un en direct ?"
    2. "Je préfère discuter avec une vraie personne."
    3. "Y a-t-il un être humain disponible ?"
    4. "Je voudrais parler à un opérateur, s'il vous plaît."
    5. "Pouvez-vous me passer à un humain ?"
    6. "J'aimerais parler à un vrai interlocuteur."
    7. "Je ne veux pas parler à un robot, mais à un être humain."
    8. "Est-ce que je peux avoir un agent en ligne ?"
    9. "Je souhaite parler à un membre du personnel."
    10. "Je veux être mis(e) en relation avec un humain."

    Besides, these some sentences he also got in the history :and that je also ask me to match : 

    "Ces réponses automatisées me rendent fou/folle ! Je veux un vrai service client."

    "Je préfère parler à un humain compétent plutôt qu'à une IA."

    "Les robots ne peuvent pas résoudre mon problème. Puis-je avoir un agent en ligne ?"

    "Je ne veux pas perdre mon temps avec des réponses génériques. Je veux un vrai échange."

    "Si je pouvais éviter les chatbots, ce serait génial. Je veux parler à un être humain."

    For now I will modifiy my flow.

    But I think some of the sentences should be taken into account (for example : "je veux parler à un humain", which, in french, I think , is the most used by the users.  This one, I really advise you to add it in your list. 

    Thanks again


    Catherine DUPIRE

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