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  • 1.  How to manage Alert Rule work team and group membership level

    Posted 09-26-2023 11:48

    Hello Everyone,

    Instead of setting up alert at individual user level, How can we manage at work team and group membership level? If Setting up alert user level then other user cannot be view the alert rule. In this case Work Team Supervisor can create the Alert other supervisor of same Work Team can be view or edit the Alert Rule. Is it possible means how can we do achieve the feature? Help me on that. 

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    Shenbagamoorthy B
    Pointel Inc.,

  • 2.  RE: How to manage Alert Rule work team and group membership level
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-27-2023 16:24

    @Shenbagamoorthy B, alert rule configuration can be done for the work teams Alerting: Ability to configure rules for | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal ( Its a recently released feature. And the ability to share the alert rule is on the roadmap Alerts: Add Ability to Share Alerts/Rules | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

  • 3.  RE: How to manage Alert Rule work team and group membership level

    Posted 09-28-2023 07:32

    This new alert feature shows promise, but one thing it does that is still very limiting is that if you choose work team, you do not get the ability to add a second team. The second criteria line removes the option of work team, preventing addition of a second work team. Being a larger customer, we have some areas that are 1000+ agents and have 11 work teams. This block of adding additional work teams similar to how you can add multiple agents to an alert causes us to have to create 11 copies of every alert instead of just having a single alert rule for the entire group. Much improved over having to enter 1000+ names, but could still be made simpler for us by allowing multiple to be selected. We currently have 90 work teams and about 1/3 are the same name, but team 2, team 3, etc. Leadership always wanted to use alerts, but found them too cumbersome when you had to enter all the names individually so they abandon the idea entirely. They are still debating if they want to make 90 copies of each alert they want or just continue to forego the alerts. 

    Chris Gorman

  • 4.  RE: How to manage Alert Rule work team and group membership level

    Posted 10-02-2023 12:27

    Thanks @Chris Gorman for the feedback. Scaling the feature to support multiple conditions using work teams (and other group-based constructs like skills) is definitely the long-term goal. We will still need to enforce an upper limit to the number of conditions for optimized performance, but these are the type of use cases that will help us in determining the right solution.


    Nikhil Ponnam
    Principal Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX

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