They are the same metrics, but there is a fundamental difference in how they're aggregated. Take an email for example that commonly will have multiple ACW segments for each time an agent receives the email and sends off a reply, putting them in ACW. The interactions view will sum up ACW for the entire life of the conversation when representing Total ACW. If an email has been bouncing replies back and forth for a month, you might see a substantial Total ACW time in the interactions view for that conversation. Compare this with queue performance, Total ACW that you see on these pages is the total ACW values completed in that interval. The month long email wouldn't have all its total ACW time summed in the current interval, it would only contribute to the count if an ACW segment ended in that particular interval.
Interactions view = Totals are sums for the entire length of the conversation.
Performance views = Total are sums for individual activities that ended in that particular interval
Ryan Legner
Staff Product Manager, Genesys Cloud CX
Original Message:
Sent: 05-22-2023 01:12
From: Neha Neha
Subject: Information About Interaction View
Thanks Robert for the Quick Reply.
Would you by change know the difference Total Talk , Total ACW etc in Interaction View and the Queue Performance View.
Neha Neha
Accenture LLP
Original Message:
Sent: 05-21-2023 23:19
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Information About Interaction View
I would start with Metric Definitions: Metric definitions - Genesys Cloud Resource Center (
Pretty good resource and you can find the definition and any calculations for each metric.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 05-19-2023 11:39
From: Neha Neha
Subject: Information About Interaction View
Hi Team,
I have few queries on Interaction view on below columns what kind of data it contains ? And how it is different from the data available in Quality performance summary view? I tried to look for the definition on Resource Center , but there is not defiintion for these columns :- Interactions view - Genesys Cloud Resource Center
Can you please help?
Neha Neha
Accenture LLP