There may be something you can do with Data Actions to make this work properly, but that's out of my wheelhouse. Strictly working within Scripts, nothing comes to mind that's clean... you could always try something like:
1) Set boolean Variable, default: False
2) Custom Script - Name it "URL".
- Try
- If boolean = False
- If {{Scripter.Interaction State}} Equals (Ignoring Case) Connecting
- {{Scripter.Set Variable}} boolean = True
- {{Script.Open URL}}
- On Error
3) Set Start Page > Page Load Action = "URL"
Naturally, this is not something I tested, and it's not very clean using a millisecond timer. Without Data Actions I'm not sure it really can be clean. Though I'd be intrigued if it could.
Steven Busse
Vice President, Lead Business Analyst
M&T Bank
Original Message:
Sent: 04-15-2024 10:23
From: Charis Sideridis
Subject: Invoke URL when dialing contact in preview campaign
Hello everyone,
Is there a way to open a URL at the moment the agent clicks on the "begin call" during a preview interaction?
Using an if/else scenario with the scripter.interaction state at the page load action did not work. Any ideas?
Charis Sideridis