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  • 1.  Issues with desktop app and SSO/conditional access?

    Posted 11-22-2023 21:42

    Hi team

    Anybody had problems with deploying the Windows desktop app where SSO is in place and the org has an Azure conditional access policy in place?  It seems like the app and the browser behave differently with regards to how they operate under the hood when it comes to that and potentially how they traverse things like ZScaler.


    Vaun McCarthy

  • 2.  RE: Issues with desktop app and SSO/conditional access?

    Posted 11-28-2023 16:02

    Hi Vaun,

    The desktop app doesn't support Azure conditional access policies. There are no current plans to add such support at this time. 

    Brian Dupuis
    Genesys - Employees - Sr. Director, PureCloud UI

  • 3.  RE: Issues with desktop app and SSO/conditional access?

    Posted 10-18-2024 19:58

    Hi Brian, any updates on the desktop app supporting Azure conditional access policies?

    Henry Morales
    IT Manager

  • 4.  RE: Issues with desktop app and SSO/conditional access?

    Posted 10-19-2024 18:42

    Hi Henry, if you want my independent view on this, I'd recommend you try to move away from using the desktop app where possible.  Given there's been an idea raised already on this topic that's sat in limbo for over a year and a half, and the last comments anybody made on the idea a few months back got no response from admin/PM at all :)

    In January it will be a year since we got a comment that "We are planning to build this, but at this time, we are prioritizing more urgent fixes to our _(platform / agent desktop / etc.)_ but we are keeping this item on our backlog for future consideration. While it isn't something we can commit to when we will resolve at this time, we promise to keep it in mind for future use."  Almost a year later....

    Vaun McCarthy

  • 5.  RE: Issues with desktop app and SSO/conditional access?

    Posted 10-21-2024 10:06

    No Henry, there are no updates.

    Brian Dupuis
    Genesys - Employees - Sr. Director, PureCloud UI

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