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  • 1.  IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-11-2023 03:02

    Hello wonderful people!

    Is there some kind of training environment for Genesys IVR Architect?

    Currently using MS Visio on the design side and GIA (Genesys Intelligent Automation) on the implementation side, but our business will be transitioning to Genesys Cloud and we've been given login access to a vast sea of training... what I'd really like to do is get some hands-on experience with the tools I expect I'll be working with.

    Does something like a training environment for Architect exist?


    Asher Berold
    Link Group

  • 2.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-11-2023 16:02

    Hello Asher,

     There is a Genesys Cloud CX: Architect course available, for both Instructor-led and Self-Study modalities. This course will mainly focus on how to build Voice IVR flows using Architect, and we normally recommend taking the Genesys Cloud CX: Contact Center Administration first if you're not familiar with the Genesys Cloud CX terminology and concepts.

    Also, there is the Creating a Secure Call Flow using Genesys Cloud Architect Workshop which also has some content related to building flows using Architect, but the workshop also covers Data Action creation and some scripting features (which is why we recommend taking the Genesys Cloud CX: Contact Center Administration, Genesys Cloud CX: Scripting, Genesys Cloud CX: Architect and Genesys Cloud CX: API prior to the Workshop).

    Hope that helps and please let us know if you need any other info.

    Rafael Marciano BELISRCIANO
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-11-2023 21:43

    Thanks Rafael, that does clarify things.

    Asher Berold
    Link Group

  • 4.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-12-2023 01:56

    Hi Rafael,

    I have a question:- Does the Genesys Cloud CX: Architect course reflect the new 'Architect user interface refresh'. As the existing views will be soon out of date.


    Architect user interface refresh

    Architect has a new look and feel. Improvements to the user interface enhance the functionality and provide a more visually intuitive experience. The interface is compatible with all types of user backgrounds and contains foundational changes that set the stage for future improvements. Existing functionality remains unchanged, and navigation to favorite menus, toolbox, and panel locations remains the same. The New Architect toggle in the user interface that allows users to switch between the old version and the new version is available until August 12, 2023. Rolling changes to Resource Center article images will occur over the next several months. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.

    Short video:- https://vimeo.com/830507558

    Thanks Paul

    Paul Kendrick
    Telstra Corporation Ltd

  • 5.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-12-2023 04:42

    Hi Asher,

    You mentioned that you would like to have a training environment. That suggests you don't want to mix your training efforts with the production Architect flows. One way to achieve this is to create a separate Division for your training users. Another option is to get a separate Org for training and testing purposes. For this Genesys offers a Development Lab bundle at a reduced cost.

    Good luck with the training!


    Peter Grothauzen
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-12-2023 07:29

    Hello, Paul.

    We are making updates to our existing Architect course to reflect the changes that will happen in the Architect's UI. Currently, the course still contains the "old" UI, as the UI updates are meant to be happen today (July-12). I don't have an exact date at the moment, but the updates to the course are expected to happen in the next following weeks (in synch with the ability users still have to move back to the old view until August-12).

    I will come back to this thread once the course gets updated so you be aware of that... If you have a valid Technical Beyond Subscription, you will be able to revisit this course once it gets updated, even if you took or are taking it with the previous version.


    Rafael Marciano BELISRCIANO
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-13-2023 09:26

    Hey, Rafa!

    How's things?

    Just a heads-up, if you look at the Cloud community thread on the refresh, you will see that it has not been universally warmly received. Now, I don't have any inside scoop, but if the Product Team have any sense (!!!) they may well make some additional changes in the near future. If I were you / your course developers, I would reach out to them to see if that's the case - I'd hate you all to put a load of work in taking new screenshots only to have to do it all again a month or so later...

    Anyway, I hope you are doing well, hope to meet up again sometime for a beer or two!

    Paul Simpson
    Eventus Solutions Group

  • 8.  RE: IVR Architect training environment?

    Posted 07-14-2023 10:06

    Hey Paul!

    Everything is great, and how are you doing?

    I was keeping an eye on that thread, and I couldn't agree more that our course Devs need to be sitting next to the Product Team to ensure they won't do double work with the UI. It is an... interesting... update IMO, because all the changes at this point were cosmetic (as you accurately pointed out in the Architect UI release thread) and no new relevant functionalities were added, but your feedback is always welcome, and you know I mean it! 

    And we do need to meet up for those beers!

    Cheers, my friend.

    Rafael Marciano BELISRCIANO
    Genesys - Employees

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