The Optimizer in the bot only looks at utterances and intents to what is not recognized. For questions of knowledge, you need to look in the Knowledge Optimizer. Yes, it would be nice to combine these, but for now, we have to look at both.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 10-23-2024 17:12
From: Lee Smith
Subject: Knowledge Optimizer
Hi Robert, we've just gone live with a Web Messaging solution using digital bots and can't see any way from the Optimizer UI to go from something marked as an unanswered question to the interaction that "caused" the unanswered question. Our understanding is that External Labels can't be used for digital bots. Could you please confirm if this is correct and, if not, point us to any articles that might help us with this?
Or any articles that might help with us being able to identify interactions that have caused the unanswered question?
Any advice would be most appreciated :-)
Lee Smith
Senior Business Analyst Contract
Genesis Energy
Original Message:
Sent: 05-20-2024 19:11
From: Robert Wakefield-Carl
Subject: Knowledge Optimizer
If you are not using the External Tag, you could set that each time there is a no match or no intent reached. Just set it to "No Utterance" or something and the use the filter in Interactions for that tag.
Robert Wakefield-Carl
ttec Digital
Sr. Director - Innovation Architects
Original Message:
Sent: 05-16-2024 11:36
From: Nicole VanWie
Subject: Knowledge Optimizer
I have 4 digital bots sharing the same knowledge base. All 4 bots have intent utterances built in for "live chat", "agent", "representative", etc to allow the customer to escalate to an agent when those intents are triggered. I have checked all 4 bot intents to ensure they include the same utterances.
I continue to see these utterances repeated on the Knowledge Optimizer but can't find why. I have checked the utterance history under the individual digital bot flows and the Outcome appears correct. Is there a way to View Interactions from the Knowledge Optimizer so I can research the interactions that failed to match on the intent?
Nicole VanWie
State of Arizona - City of Mesa