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  • 1.  Latest updates to utilization

    Posted 04-18-2024 03:34

    Hi All, 

    I am not sure if we are the only ones facing this issue. but with the latest change in the UI for utilization. We noticed the permissions needed to configure utilization on both agent level and organization level are the same. This is causing chaos as the access is for two different roles. The agent level utilization is provided for supervisor and the organizational level is provided for admins. If the permissions are assigned to supervisors it gives them the access to change the organizational level utilization which is shared by multiple divisions across the organization. Also, when routing>utilization> view permission is only provided for supervisors the entire view is utilization is vanished. I would like to understand how others are facing this issue and if there are any. 


    Ram Prashanth Muralikrishnan

  • 2.  RE: Latest updates to utilization
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-19-2024 02:56

    No, we have the same. And it is not even restricted to only admin role, but also supervisor role has this. 
    Not a desired situation in my opinion. 

    At least the utilization on org-level should be restricted to master admin only. 
    Agent utilization can be on supervisor level, but only for the division the supervisor is assigned to. Now all agents can be changed. 

    There are already some ideas that can be voted for to have this changed.

    Rolph Lieverse
    CED Nederland B.V.

  • 3.  RE: Latest updates to utilization

    Posted 07-08-2024 17:38

    I have the same issue, any update on this

    Ninette Elashry
    Tykans Group Inc

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