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  • 1.  March Community Rockstar Inductees Are Here!

    Posted 03-02-2023 15:38
    Edited by Nicole Milliken 03-02-2023 15:39

    We put a dime into the jukebox, the records rotated and landed on some brand new rockstars! And we're not talking about Otis Redding, The Shirelles, or even Elvis. I know you're shimmying with excitement, but first, let me tell you how the Community Rockstars program works: 

    Track 1: You notice a member "laying down some serious tracks" in the form of answering questions, providing resources, or starting conversations in the community!

    Track 2: You think, "This member has a real "star" quality! I want to show my appreciation!

    Track 3: You fill out a recording contract––ahem––a nomination form for this inspiring talent. 

    Track 4: The nominees get selected and they move from the b-side to the a-side with a prize from the Prize Wall and an awesome poster. 

    Sounds fun, doesn't it! Nominate one or three today, there's no limit to our jukebox! <o:p></o:p>Now, let's give it up for our March Community Rockstars: 

    @Blake Anderson: You've been showing up at the "hop" and people have noticed! @Kevin Goodwin  said, "Blake's jumped into the community with helpful posts on many topics."  

    And next, give it up for @Jay Langsford, congrats! @Tracy Vickers  crooned that "Jay's an invaluable SME for the communities. Even with his busy schedule, he always makes time to help our partners and customers." 

    And now for the cherry on top of the malted milkshake...our thrilling concert poster created by our amazing designer @Natalie Nobles:

    Thank you, rockstars, for shining bright in our communities. I'll be in touch with how to claim your Prize Wall prize! And we can't forget to thank the people who nominated as well. This program wouldn't happen without you! 

    Speaking of celebrities…if you're looking for more fun ways to engage in the community, head over to the Trivia Tower and get your predictions in for the 2023 Oscar nominations! There's a prize for the person who gets the most ballots correct. 

    Now…get to nominating! We'll "hit play" in April to see who our next Community Rockstar(s) will be!


    Nicole Milliken
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: March Community Rockstar Inductees Are Here!

    Posted 03-02-2023 15:42

    Thanks @Nicole Milliken and thanks for the nomination @Kevin Goodwin

    Blake Anderson | Sr. Telecom Engineer

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