Workforce Engagement Management

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  • 1.  Not scheduling breaks/meals from workplans

    Posted 04-18-2023 11:12

    Recently when generating schedules in Genesys, the system began generating schedules without breaks or meals, but not every day. In some cases just 2 days out of a 4 week schedule. When it does happen, it happens for every agent scheduled that day. The other days using the exact same workplans come out correct. Wondering if anyone has run into this before?

    #Genesys Cloud CX
    #Genesys Multicloud CX cloud
    #Workforce Engagement Management

    James Weibel
    M&T Bank

  • 2.  RE: Not scheduling breaks/meals from workplans

    Posted 04-19-2023 07:26

    Are you sure the work plans do not have shift variants without those meals and breaks? There is no 'relaxing' of activities - they are all required. I would recommending opening up a support ticket so we can do proper investigation.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 3.  RE: Not scheduling breaks/meals from workplans

    Posted 04-19-2023 09:33
    Thanks Jay. I did open a ticket.

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