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One Queue two Divisions

  • 1.  One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-12-2022 10:42

    We have a customer that routes several numbers into one Queue.
    The agents that work on that queue work for two companies and must not be able to see eachother, this can be done by using Divisions.

    But.. the Queue can only have one Divsion which results in supervisors seeing all the agents. (blue for the ones they can manage, the others black).
    So it seems that (at this moment) we cannot use this solution. If anyone has an idea please feel free to answer.

    The other option would be to use 2 Queues, but Genesys Cloud does not have a Virtual Queue mechanism so I don't see how we can get this working based on customer requirements.

    With 2 Queues I would have to split up the numbers, or make somekind of loadbalancer that puts calls in Queue A or B but it all feels a bit like a DIY solution.
    Anyone run into the same issue? and did you find a solution?



  • 2.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-12-2022 11:44
    Hi Rob, I thought that maybe permission 'Conditions' for the supervisors would be a potential solution, but the Routing > Queue > View permission includes membership and does not have the option to add conditions. If you end up going with a custom load-balancer, you may want to consider both quantity of interactions (maybe in a ratio of interactions:agents) and estimated wait time.

    Canyon Read
    Avtex Solutions, LLC

  • 3.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-15-2022 03:42
    Hi Canyon,

    Yes, I had tried that also. But as you also stated that doesn't provide the required functionality. Not sure on how to tackle this one. I have made some workaround before on Genesys Cloud to get/mimic behaviour of other systems (mainly Genesys Engage) but this will require a feature request I'm afraid.

    Thanks for your input, have a great day.

    Rob Mulder
    DDM Consulting Nederland B.V.

  • 4.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-15-2022 08:24
    Rob - can you specify, in what performance views, you are looking to keep the agents separated?  Part of the issue here is the fact that a supervisor cannot successfully monitor the performance of a single queue if they cannot see all members of the queue (irrespective of division).  We do have some work in beta that will literally blur out the names of the other agents (but their statistics remain) to help address these cases, but what I'd really like to understand is which views your supervisors are using to recommend the best path forward (or even recommend supervisors use different views which do support the division separation.

    Let me know.


    Chris Bohlin
    Product Manager - PureCloud

  • 5.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-15-2022 08:40
    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for your message.
    The point is that we have a customer that we are migrating from Engage to Cloud.
    They use several outsourcers and the data for the outsourcers should be available for the outsourcer (and our customer) only.

    In Engage you can work with Virtual Queues and Agent Groups and so on. In Cloud we are fairly limited to the one Queue where all the calls arrive.
    And all the agents are also assigned to that Queue. So what I did a created a Division A-B that I assigned to the Queue and then we have the Divisions A and B for each outsourcer. The supervisors of these companies have the Supervisor rights for Division A (or B) and Division A-B (otherwise they cannot see the Queue).

    And that results in supervisors being able to see the 'other' outsourcers agents and being able to set status, de-activate, ... We disabled this in the role but bow no supervisor can change things.

    Best thing would be the Queue being part of multiple Divisions (A and B) and each supervisor just sees their portion (agents) and is able to controle these.
    The statistics then would also be Division agnostic so that each outsourcer has it's own set of correct statistics.
    The customer having the overall rights can then see everything, with the total number in the statistics.

    The problem for me lies in the fact that Architect is just able to send calls towards one ACD Queue, and the routing mechanism and the Division settings are set on that Queue. If we would be able to route to for example a Queue Group containing multiple Queues the problem maybe wasn't there.

    You then would setup a Queue Group 'sales' with two queues underneat 'sales_A' and 'sales_B' and then based on routing settings let the interactions be distributed by the system (idle time, skills, available agents,...). Queue A is for company A and Queue B for B. And as they are grouped the customer will have the totals under the top level Queue.


    Rob Mulder
    DDM Consulting Nederland B.V.

  • 6.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-15-2022 10:03
    Hi Chris,

    What I forgot to ask in my reply, any idea when this feature 'We do have some work in beta that will literally blur out the names of the other agents' will be available ?


    Rob Mulder
    DDM Consulting Nederland B.V.

  • 7.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-15-2022 09:22

    First thing I will state is that I am not technical - however, we did have a situation at my company where we had a mix of 'company' employees as well as two outsourcer companies that needed to share the same queue(s) but could not manage/see performance of each other. We did it with a mix of roles and permissions. with divisions  And while with this set up agents had visibility of 'names' in other divisions, they had no other access. Thought I'd share. 

                                                                    FR division           Outsourcer 1 Division                     Outsourcer 2 Division

    Sage – Agent

                    Basic Sage Agent              X                             X                                                             x                                        See other agents and queues, cannot do anything 

                    Quality FR Agent              X

                    FR employee                     X

                    FR quality testing             X


    Sage – Supervisor

                    Basic Sage Agent              X                             X                                                             X

    Sage Supervisor RW                         X                             X                                                             X                                                            

                    Quality FR Agent              X                             X                                                             X            

                    FR Quality Testing            X                             X                                                             X

                    FR Employee                      X


    O/S1 – Agent

                    Basic Sage Agent              X                             X                                                             X

                    Quality FR agent                                               X

                    Employee                                                            X

    O/s1 – Supervisor

                    Basic Sage Agent              X                             X                                                             X

                    Quality FR agent                                               X

                    Employee                                                            X

                    FR Outsourcer Supervisor R                            X

    O/S2 – Agent

                    Basic Sage Agent              X                             X                                                             X

                    Quality FR agent                                                                                                               X

                    FR Quality Testing                                                                                                            X

                    Employee                                                                                                                            X


    O/S2 – Supervisor

                    Basic Sage Agent              X                             X                                                             X

                    Quality FR agent                                                                                                               X

                    Employee                                                                                                                            X

                    FR Outsourcer Supervisor R                                                                                                        X

    Kyle Horton

  • 8.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-15-2022 09:36
    Hi Kyle,

    Thanks for your message, I will check that one out.
    It might work as the workaround we need at this moment.


    Rob Mulder
    DDM Consulting Nederland B.V.

  • 9.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 09-20-2022 06:24
    Hi Kyle,

    We faced the same issue in our project. May I ask you to clarify a little how exactly you achieved the result you mentioned, i.e. which exact roles/permissions have you assigned to Supervisor for example, in order to limit his/her (Supervisor) access to the information related to another Division, especially performance details?

    Evgenii Dremin
    Deutsche Telekom Business Solutions GmbH

  • 10.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 09-21-2022 12:39
    I will try to answer best i can!   There are two supervisor roles - RW  (read/write)  and R  (Read only).   Basically the read only has visibility of all the agents and queues for the divisions they are assigned, but they have no access to reskill any agents.   Read/Write has that additional access.  That's probably the biggest differentiator.   I don't really want to list all the various Genesys permissions.   Agents only have access and visibility of themselves and the queues they are assigned.  

    Does that help?

    Kyle Horton

  • 11.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-16-2022 10:06
    Hi Rob,

    I have not tested this but you could use this approach: use 3 queues, you still use  one queue to receive all calls, this queue should not have any agents associated, the call will go direct to an flow queue. In the flow queue you split the incoming call between both companies redirecting 50% of incoming traffic to the second queue and the other 50% to the third queue, you could use the function randomint perhaps to get it done, The second queue has associated the agents of company A, the third queue the agents of company B.
    In this way, each company will only see their queue and their agents and only the received/assigned calls. Your customer will be able to see the three queues, the first queue wil serve to see the global call received but not answered, to see the answered should look at the auxiliary queues. This could be the only lesser point in this approach.


    Saugort Garcia
    Interacciones Inteligentes S.A.

  • 12.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 08-16-2022 10:37
    Hi Thanks, for the input.
    I had discussed a similar approach with the customer, but they have all sorts of overflows also and that would make it rather complex.
    We now decided to remove the names from the agents and work with IDs dumping all calls in one queue and let the routing mechanism do it's job.
    Because we use Id's it doesn't matter if the supervisor of company A sees company B they do not know the names.

    As far as management the companies A and B have very limited supervisor functions, so they cannot modify state or anything else.

    Genesys should realy look into to this, the Division part for me it lacks in some parts making it very diffcult to get the platform suitable for the larger companies with for example outsourcers.


    Rob Mulder
    DDM Consulting Nederland B.V.

  • 13.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 01-22-2024 07:51


    We have the same issue; today, our client has multiple outsourcers working on the same queue. What we're trying to find out by the end of the day is how many calls outsourcer A processed and how many calls outsourcer B processed, etc. However, I'm struggling to find a workaround for this. 

    At the end of the day, we only see, for example, that the queue processed 10k calls, but we have no idea how many each outsourcer handled.

    Any suggestions ?


    Ismail ZNIBER
    Genesys Cloud Consultant, Mentat Conseil SAS

  • 14.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 01-22-2024 11:36

    As far as just filtering for the reporting, why not put each group of users in their own Team and then use the Team filter in the Queue Performance et al to see only the calls for that Team?

    Robert Wakefield-Carl
    ttec Digital
    Sr. Director - Innovation Architects

  • 15.  RE: One Queue two Divisions

    Posted 01-29-2024 10:42

    Thank you Robert, It worked :)

    Ismail ZNIBER
    Genesys Cloud Consultant, Mentat Conseil SAS

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