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  • 1.  Querys on Outbound Email Campaigns

    Posted 06-01-2022 05:53
    Hi All,

    With Outbound Email Campaigns I have a few features that are not currently available in the Beta version and would be a great benefit to have these:

    1. Concurrently running digital campaigns limit of 25
    Although you can configure a maximum of 1,000 digital campaigns you can only have a maximum of 25 digital campaigns concurrently running.  Will this limit be increased in the future?

    2. Email Campaign Template selection
    In email campaigns you have to configure a static "Email Campaign Template", so for example if you have 200 templates, you then need to configure 200 campaigns.  This becomes quite unmanageable and especially when trying to run these and there is a limit of 25 concurrently running digital campaigns as above.  In outbound SMS campaigns you can configure the template selection dynamically from a contact list column.

    3. Campaign Email Template Formatting
    When setting up a campaign email template the formatting options are very basic, so the output to the customer does not look as professional as other platforms, additional options including HTML formatting are needed.

    4. Scheduling Campaigns Requires "Detail View"
    If you need to schedule campaigns (due to some of the items above), the current option to configure these is very manual and time consuming/inefficient.  Ideally there would be the option to use a "Detail View" like you have for Contactable Time Sets, so that you can easily configure re-occurring scheduled campaigns.

    5. Sequences
    Currently you can only configure these for Voice campaigns but with the above limitations it would be great if you could configure digital campaigns with sequences too which may help with managing running the campaigns.

    Thanks Luke

    Luke Mitchell

  • 2.  RE: Querys on Outbound Email Campaigns

    Posted 06-02-2022 08:11

    Hi Luke: Answers to your questions below: 

    1. At the moment, we can raise this limit to 100, upon request.

    2. Yes, this is coming. We expect it in Q3. You can't currently do this for SMS campaigns - what you can do is instead of choosing a template for each and every contact in a list, you can skip the template option and add a Message column in the contact list that contains a different (or the same) message for each contact. The system will pass that along in lieu of text contained in a template. This works well for SMS because text messages are plain text and typically under 512 characters (the contact list character limit for a column - though in some cases we can increase this limit, upon request). If you are looking to only send plain text for emails (I don't think you are, based on your next question), you could accomplish this  by having a Message column in your contact list and use the Message substitution in the Email template. You'd still apply the template to the Email campaign but because it contains a Message substitution, the system will send the text contained in the Message column when it replaces the subs with contact list data. Nonetheless, within a few months we should have a Rule Action that allows you to change up the Email template for any given contact in a list when a rule Condition is met.

    3. Yes, we are planning to do two things here: add more formatting options in the editor and expose the html source so that customers can have control over the content formatting, layout, and alignment. We are hoping to release this with our Email Signatures feature, which is being planned now and being targeted for Q4.

    4. I will look into this one and respond to your Idea when I have some feedback for you.

    5. We have a feature on our longer-term roadmap for improving our Sequencing functionality. I'll look into this a bit further and respond to your Idea when I have some feedback for you.

    Thanks for your detailed questions and ideas. This is great!!


    Jody Nabuurs
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Querys on Outbound Email Campaigns

    Posted 06-06-2022 04:26
    Great thanks for your responses Jody,

    How do we request to raise the campaign limit, would this be via customer care?

    Luke Mitchell

  • 4.  RE: Querys on Outbound Email Campaigns

    Posted 06-06-2022 14:29
    Hi Luke - yes, please submit a request through Customer Care.


    Jody Nabuurs
    Genesys - Employees

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