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  • 1.  Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 07-05-2023 11:33

    Looking for insight and advice for implementing WFM for bullseye routing with Skill Expression groups.  I have the two notes that I found in the resource center pasted below, but my major question is: does this need to be handled any differently from a business unit, management unit, planning group, etc. setup as compared to standard routing options? How does this affect forecasting, if at all? 

    "Note: To ensure compatibility with WEM forecasting and scheduling, you can manage expansion by creating skill expression groups defined with the same skills but with varying levels of proficiency. For more information, see Option 1 of Bullseye routing in Create and configure queues."

    "NoteBased on the fact that the skills remained the same and no new agents were brought into the queue, this setup will support workforce planning on Genesys Cloud as we keep the planning group intact."

    #Workforce Engagement Management

    Shelby Cronk
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

  • 2.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 07-10-2023 23:25

    We are also very much interesting in understanding what impacts this has to forecasting especially around staffing.

    I understand that those impact are mitigated but not eliminated. 

    I also understand there is a new feature coming out called Conditional Group Routing which is supposed to be more WFM friendly, but still what are the impacts to forecasting if any.

    @Matt Lawson Would love to see an AMA with WFM experts going into this at detail, on why it is so hard for WFM to calculate forecasting and staffing when these routing methods are used. What scenarios these are best suited for, what the impacts really are, when definitely not to use these routing methods etc.

    Anton Vroon

  • 3.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-21-2023 04:16

    We've struggled with this.  If you have a planning group with only skill (which most of ours are) as soon as you add the skill to agent it adds them to the planning group and shows them as scheduled to handle that planning group in the FTE differentials.  For us this might mean that we go from a team of 100 people who would normally take that skill to 200 people because we have 100 who can take it as a "back up".  We experienced exactly the same issue with Conditional Group Routing.  Really disappointing as I feel that CGR could be transformational, especially with more metrics being added to the roadmap.  Ultimately we have had to stick with standard routing and making any required skill changes manually in-day.

    Felicity Martin-Murray
    J Sainsbury Plc

  • 4.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-22-2023 09:45


    Sorry to hear you're having challenges with this. 

    I'd be happy to help with a conversation to work through some options on how to address your concerns. Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you would like to have a meeting. 


    Chuck Swain
    WEM Leadership

  • 5.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-22-2023 10:08

    Thanks Chuck.  We think we might have an option where we could work around this by building two skills - a primary and a secondary.  That way anyone working it as a "back up" would only have the secondary skill and so wouldn't fulfil the criteria for the Planning Group.  Hopefully Shelby and Anton can find similar workarounds to make it work for them, as it will remove a lot of manual workload for us.

    Felicity Martin-Murray
    J Sainsbury Plc

  • 6.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-15-2023 10:41

    @Jay Langsford @Chuck Swain @Tracy Vickers  I wanted to wrap back around to this; I have a customer starting their WFM journey and set-up with Skill Expression groups and would love some guidance, best practices, and previous experiences if anyone has anything to share.  Is there any additional documentation, webinars, Q&As etc. that I can reference in the meantime? 

    Shelby Cronk
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-18-2023 09:55


    Two basic rules to ensuring the bullseye routing w/ skill expression groups works with WFM. 

    1. Don't do anything that will break a planning group. i.e. don't remove skills. Skill expression groups allows you to play with priorities of agents within the Skill Expression Groups without removing skills. 
    2. Check all skill expression groups prior to the SL expiration. 

    From the resource center article:

    Option 1: Expand agent pool by adding skill expression groups with the same skill conditions

    This method increases the number of available agents by adding agents from groups defined in each subsequent ring. When an interaction arrives, Genesys Cloud checks for agents in ring 1 and when they are unavailable, it includes agents in ring 2 and so on. If the agents do not have the necessary skills to take the interaction, bullseye routing does not consider them for routing evaluation.  

    Note: To ensure compatibility with WEM forecasting and scheduling, you can manage expansion by creating skill expression groups defined with the same skills but with varying levels of proficiency. For more information, see Option 1 of Bullseye routing in Create and configure queues.

    Chuck Swain
    WEM Leadership

  • 8.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-20-2023 14:09

    @Chuck Swain can you clarify what you mean with SL Expiration?  and is that tied to the Service Goal Template Service Level or the Queue service level? 

    Shelby Cronk
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Skill Expression Groups and Bullseye Routing

    Posted 09-20-2023 15:18
    Edited by System 01-26-2024 19:23



    If you're managing to a 80% in 60seconds service level, for example.  You should get through the Skill Expression Groups prior to the 60 second SL target.

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