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Teams Questions

  • 1.  Teams Questions

    Posted 02-08-2024 08:19

    I am currently deploying teams and have been asked a number of questions 1) any calls reaching the Genesys IVR but needing to leave the CC to an external MS Teams Hunt Group can reach MS Teams via the private SIP trunk as opposed to PSTN 2) can MS Teams back office user groups can be segregated per OU 3)Backoffice Users added to a defined AD Group will be automatically synced into Genesys for SCIM integration or additional configuration is also required on Genesys. 4) Confirm which MS Teams licenses are required for the Agents in order to have access to Backoffice presence visibility - reading the information the following is advised -The Microsoft Teams integration is available from the Genesys AppFoundry. You require a Microsoft Teams license for the integration. Do you then need a licence for each user ?.


    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 2.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 02-09-2024 07:51

    Hello Richard, you may find this FAQ link on the resource center helpful.  It has answers to several of your questions above.  Let us know if you have more questions after time with the FAQ.  This link is also helpful when walking a customer through their UC Integration business requirements.


    Jason Wolfgang

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 3.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-23-2024 03:13


    can you have 1 teams tenant connected to a number of different Genesys Cloud Orgs ?. 

    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 4.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-23-2024 07:29

    Yes you can!  You can also have multiple teams tenants connected to a single GC org.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-23-2024 09:07

    and are there any specific instructions anywhere on the Resource Centre ?.

    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 6.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-23-2024 09:33

    Yes.  You can find those setup instructions here.  Just repeat the process for each teams tenant.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-23-2024 10:48

    and would you need a separate SBC for each Org instance or will 1 SBC cover every org  ?

    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 8.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-23-2024 11:02

    You have flexibility on the SBC front.  If you can satisfy the the DNS requirements across the teams tenants, you can re-use an SBC for multiple GC orgs.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-29-2024 03:09


    are there any limitations imposed by multiple connections ?. 

    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 10.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-29-2024 03:14

    and is it possible to connect SIP trunks from one Teams to multiple Orgs ?

    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 11.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 05-30-2024 08:40

    You have flexibility on the SBC front.  If you can satisfy the the DNS requirements across the teams tenants, you can re-use an SBC for multiple GC orgs.  There are no limitations by connecting an SBC to multiple MS Teams tenants or GC orgs.  Your SBC configuration just gets more elaborate and you need to ensure your call routes in Teams and your number plans in GC don't conflict and reconcile nicely with your SBC configuration.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 12.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 06-04-2024 09:52

    I read the question in the other way: One Teams with multiple orgs? Wie want to set up it in this way (one Azure AD connected to TEST and PROD Genesys Org). Is this possible?

    Andreas Tikart
    Fiebig GmbH

  • 13.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 06-04-2024 14:08

    Yes, you can do that.  You just want a separate instance of the "Genesys Cloud for Azure" org in your Azure/Teams tenant for each GC org you want to connect.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 14.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 06-06-2024 09:49

    What about the "Genesys Cloud for Teams" app? Will I have in Azure one App for both ORGs, if the ORGs are in the same hosting region?

    Andreas Tikart
    Fiebig GmbH

  • 15.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 06-06-2024 09:59

    Only one instance of this is needed per Azure AD tenant to authorize the presence Graph API calls on the Team's users behalf.  As long as the Teams user authenticating from a GC org is part of the same Teams tenant, it will work.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Teams Questions

    Posted 06-10-2024 11:10

    and if we have a number of orgs and one org starts with Teams initially will users in other orgs be able to see Teams users in the Teams Org ?. Is there clear separation between the orgs ?.

    Richard Craig
    British Telecommunications PLC

  • 17.  RE: Teams Questions
    Best Answer

    Posted 06-10-2024 11:26

    The visibility of a Teams user appearing in a GC org's directory to another GC user depends on the SCIM implementation between the Azure tenant and each individual GC Org AND the GC user's Division relationship to the MS Teams SCIM user in each GC org.

    Regarding presence visibility, the Teams user account the GC user is leveraging to fetch Teams user presence values must have access to expected Teams user profiles on the Azure side for Teams presence to be fetch succesfully.

    Jason Wolfgang
    Genesys - Employees

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