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  • 1.  Triggers all fail for Message mediaType

    Posted 02-08-2023 11:34


    I have created a bunch of test triggers for most topics, acd, customer, user, acw
    For my VOICE mediaType they are all firing and loading workflow and processing.
    For my MESSAGE mediaType they are all firing but generating the same errors which I report in Participant data as no other way of seeing. The same old message which does not aid troubleshooting; example below

    I am using triggers with both mediaTypes and queueId (where exists in the schema, otherwise the divisionId)
    Example below;

    "target": {
    "type": "Workflow",
    "id": "f5852ccc-ac5e-4df5-9948-0506bfd55c1c"
    "matchCriteria": [
    "jsonPath": "mediaType",
    "operator": "In",
    "values": [ "VOICE", "MESSAGE" ]
    "jsonPath": "queueId",
    "operator": "In",
    "values": [ "35753bb9-6206-49f1-9316-687badca2549", "1a605d45-ba69-4a00-bf4e-d138c097a3c8" ]
    "name": "Trigger acd.start on SJB... queues",
    "topicName": "{id}.acd.start",
    "description": "Trigger based on acd.start event for SJB... queues",
    "enabled": true
    The Ids are correct.
    The topics schema information shows both types and nothing mentions the trigger can only have criteria to one mediaType.

    Is there some rules around handling same multiple media types that's not covered in the Process Automation section of the API explorer?

    Thanks in advance.


    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

  • 2.  RE: Triggers all fail for Message mediaType

    Posted 03-21-2024 09:14

    Hi Simon,

    Have you found a solution? I have the same issue.

    Charis Sideridis

  • 3.  RE: Triggers all fail for Message mediaType

    Posted 04-02-2024 05:28

    The problem was some fields in schema (depending on topic) actually missing in the input to flow, so flow failed to error handler.

    e.g., at time, wrapupNotes did not come through, even though was in the ACW topic schema definition.

    I recommend using the JSON output type to get topic detail in to the workflow and use json functions to check and extract property values.

    JSON output was not available when I first used triggers and battling with Genesys on missing fields in topic fell on deaf ears.

    Simon Brown
    Maintel Europe Limited

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