Hi Vaun - can you reach out to me directly and I'll try to assist? I may have missed the enablement of a product that enabled our event orchestration. I just need your orgID again and I can check. (Though I'll check my notes too!)
For the time being - please uses WORKFLOWS, not workitem flows.
At this time, we haven't added any variables into architect, so you'd need to do a data action to look up the workitemID and then use it in another step of your workflow. (This is ultimately what we'll provide in the workitem workflows.
Chris Bohlin
Product Manager - PureCloud
Original Message:
Sent: 06-09-2022 18:05
From: Vaun McCarthy
Subject: Unattended work item routing problems
I'm in the Beta for unattended work items and have a few questions:
- Trying to view/create triggers and I get an error that I'm missing a process automation permission. However that permission doesn't exist in the org the Beta is loaded against.
- The example trigger shown has the target being a workflow. But I see in Architect there is workflow AND workitem flow. Which should be used when?
- If you wanted the status of the orgiinal workitem to get updated within that workflow, how would you get that workitem ID etc? That doesn't seem to be an inbuilt variable within Architect for it to use.
- Is the only method for updating a workitem status to do another API call or is the intention that there will be an Architect built-in function to do this?
Vaun McCarthy