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Understanding the numbers

  • 1.  Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-14-2023 08:53

    Hi everyone

    I need some help in understanding the numbers presented in the forecast and the schedule.  We have fixed schedules.  We have multiple planning groups and not all agents have all skills.  Am wondering if this is affecting the forecast data in the schedule (once published).

    In the Feb 14th forecast attached I see the information on forecast/accuracy etc. looks pretty good with a pretty good forecast.  If I look at Feb 14th it predicted 28 interactions

    I flip to the schedule and at the bottom it predicts 13?  What the discrepency?  I am thinking we are not looking at something correctly?

    I do the same for the 17th and getting different information.

    If someone can shed some light on what the system is exactly telling us it would be so appreciated.  I need to explain it to the director.  He is questioning the numbers in both forecast and schedule.  I have tried finding documentation but so far no luck?




    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 2.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-15-2023 06:28

    Hi Shirley,

    Looking at the Forecast Offered that is showing you the projected number of interaction types offered in the forecast range. The Schedule screen will show you how many agents are schedule at each timestep.

    If you take a look at the Performance > Intraday Monitoring view and check the 14th it may help to understand the numbers, this may also help


  • 3.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-15-2023 09:36

    Ah Tracy - you know me well!  The light is coming on with your guidance.  So now if I go to intra-day monitoring as suggested and I add up the offered from 3-4pm it matches the forecast for that particular time (-1) but that one could be in the next 15 min slow depending on when it was accepted?.  On the intra-day it shows Scheduled 7 (which matches the schedule) and actual 9 which equals "bums in seats". Right so far? So if we watch that we can see a trend where we might be overstaffed?

    If I create a new forecast (without schedule) and for the next month and pick a Tuesday (as in my examples)  shows Forecast Offered = 30 it won't give me scheduled # of agents needed  until I create a schedule for that time right?  It is basing 30 interactions on past performance?

    I've only done this experiment for one site but wanted to make sure I am now reading the #'s correctly.

    On the right track?


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 4.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-16-2023 04:03

    Yep - you can build a schedule to check and don't publish, similar to 'scenarios' in Engage WFM.


  • 5.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-16-2023 09:55

    Also, take a look at here as this may also help you explain the numbers on the schedule page


  • 6.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-21-2023 12:13
      |   view attached

    Hi Tracy

    So still with understanding #'s.  We are now in intra-day and am wondering what Predicted and actual mean?  

    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 7.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-21-2023 12:30

    Forecast: what was forecast (i.e., offered, AHT)

    Predicted: what was predicted (i.e., SL, ASA, and ABD)

    Actual: what actually happened; what was actually observed

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 8.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-21-2023 13:03

    Thanks Jay

    It is the # that is presented that is worrisome.  What are they measuring?  They predicted over a million interactions? And we received 5903?  We would never ever receive that many (maybe over a year or so).  


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 9.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-21-2023 13:52

    What metric is that? Offered would have Forecast sub-column not a Predicted sub-column so I don't think it is offered or completed.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 10.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-21-2023 15:02
      |   view attached

    Hi Jay

    So I am guessing now that I look at it closer it is part of the ASA - am I correct.  Just the number is so large - is that what WFM is predicting our ASA would have been vs. actual - is this is seconds?

    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 11.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-21-2023 15:27
    Edited by Jay Langsford 02-21-2023 15:41

    Looks like the display settings is in seconds (gear icon at top allows you to specify time format). Even so, it is still quite a large value.

    You can see the following article I created. The section about higher staffing requirements than expected are also valid for higher ASA predictions. E.g., over forecast of volume and/or AHT, bad schedule adherence, improper maximum occupancy setting, etc.

    If you cannot find an obvious reason for the large ASA prediction, I would recommend opening a support ticket with us so we can investigate further.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 12.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-22-2023 06:35

    Thank you Jay - I tried the gear to change the values and now we are negative numbers.  Thanks for the article.  I will open a ticket with support for them to have a look.


    Shirley Harbers
    Alcatel-Lucent USA Inc.

  • 13.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-22-2023 12:30

    Hi Jay! 

    To add to this, we also notice that our predicted ASA if off by 70-80% every day in the intraday monitoring view. We have adjusted the forecasted calls and forecasted handle time; we also notice that under the agents section the scheduled vs actual section is off by about 40 reps at every interval. Would you have any recommendations for how we can adjust this to get a more accurate result from this view? 


    Addison Hild

  • 14.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-22-2023 12:53

    In one of your prior images I saw email was selected as the channel on intraday. What value do you have set at the MU (scheduling tab of MU config) level for maximum occupancy for deferred work? Setting this lower than 95% will cause staffing requirements and predictions around ASA to increase significantly.

    Scheduled versus actual agents isn't something you make more accurate... Scheduled is a simple count of agents scheduled for on queue for the period of time being looked at; actual is agents conforming to the schedule specific to on queue for the same period of time being looked at. So, it is really a schedule adherence issue if there is a big disparity between scheduled and actual staff.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 15.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-22-2023 17:10

    Our view is currently set to only voice. Also, we have the MU set at 95% currently. 

    Addison Hild

  • 16.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-24-2023 16:32

    @Jay Langsford - Would you have any recommendations for how we can adjust to get a more accurate result from the intraday monitoring view? 

    Addison Hild

  • 17.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-22-2023 17:00

    Jay, your reply caught my eye because of the word "completed" 

    I recently had a question that I've been looking into for a customer related to a severe difference in "Average Handle Time" between the Intra-day and Forecast source data (for the same day and same planning groups).

    I recognize that Average Handle Time between the two is technically calculated different, but what I"m struggling to understand is the metric "completed."  Is complete the same as Handled? 

    Attached the data I'm referencing.  The concern here is that their actual average handle time is dramatically different than what is being used for forecasting purposes; having a significantly lower average handle time being used to forecast future data is an obvious problem. 

    Shelby Cronk
    ConvergeOne, Inc.

  • 18.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-22-2023 17:19

    Completed is tHandle.count (completed is a column available for intraday and has info on hover of (?) icon).

    Your forecast source days show actual AHTs similar (257s versus 297s) to what was forecast, but your actuals (601s) are much larger. What is your forecast accuracy and error for AHT (you can get both by looking at a forecast for a past period and hovering over total offered and AHT summary info at top left)? Without much to go on, I would expect your forecast accuracy to be lower than desirable (<95%). 

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

  • 19.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-17-2023 11:40


    Ours looks a little different, we only show the rows: scheduled, forecast, and difference. Anyone have any idea how to get the additional rows: forecast (with shrinkage) and difference (with shrinkage)?

    Addison Hild

  • 20.  RE: Understanding the numbers

    Posted 02-19-2023 12:41

    The button with the gear icon will take you to display settings where you will find options for including/excluding with shrinkage equivalences.

    Jay Langsford
    VP, R&D

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