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Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

  • 1.  Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-09-2023 13:32
    Edited by Ricky Phung 10-12-2023 16:47

    Update: Approved for release starting October 18, 2023 (revised on October 12, 20023).

    The new UI will roll out in phases during region's night or early morning hours to minimize disruption of agent's work day. Full global roll out will take about 24 hours.


    Hi Community,

    We're excited to give you a preview of the redesigned target selection UI within Interactions view for Genesys Cloud agent UI. The objective of the new UI is to improve agent efficiency by reducing number of clicks and amount of scrolling necessary when an agent needs to select a destination for the following workflows. 

    • Blind Transfer, Consult Transfer, and upcoming ACD Conference
    • Start a new conversation (Voice, Email, and SMS) and Communicate call
    • Selecting email To, CC, and BCC address

    A short video preview of the feature.

    See here for more details.

    This UI update does not affect embedded framework for Blind Transfer, Consult Transfer, Start a new conversation, and upcoming ACD conference workflows. The embedded client will consume the change for email To, CC, and BCC.


    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-20-2023 06:53
    Edited by Louis Creely 02-20-2023 06:53

    Will this allow users to transfer calls to a group? Or will agents need to search for the group from a directory, get the number and then type in the number

    Louis Creely
    AJ Bell Youinvest

  • 3.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-22-2023 10:01

    @Louis Creely this update does not include transfer to group.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-21-2023 15:20

    Is there a Beta we can sign up for to get our hands on the tools early?

    Mark Pierson
    Ally Financial

  • 5.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-22-2023 10:04

    @Mark Pierson a beta is planned but not started yet.  I will make the announcement here and in Beta community as it approaches.  Thanks for your interest.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 6.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-28-2023 09:57

    @Mark Pierson Beta sign up is now open on Beta HQ.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-26-2023 11:08
    Edited by Enrico Preite 02-26-2023 11:36


    Will be there the chance to disable same transfer categories like "transfer to users" for the agents via permission?

    Enrico Preite

    IT Solution Architect CTI

    Vodafone Italy

  • 8.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-26-2023 11:30

    Some additional questions:

    1. Does this "new UI" will be used in the "embedded clients" (for example Salesforce embedded client)
    2. What about the "filters", display not all the queues, only from some divisions and/or starting from some letter/s, etc.

    Best regards,

    Yvgeni Liberman
    ITNAV-Pro Ltd.

  • 9.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-27-2023 13:56

    @Yvgeni Liberman the new UI will not be applicable for embedded client.  Division enablement of queue is supported today so no change is expected.  See here

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 10.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-27-2023 13:49

    @Enrico Preite restricting transfer to specific target category is a separate feature ( currently in progress. Depending on timing of corresponding project, we maybe able to incorporate the new permissions prior to GA of this new UI.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 02-27-2023 15:15

    thank you so much, I hope to have it in Q2 :P

    Enrico Preite
    Vodafone Procurement Company S.a.r.l.

  • 12.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-16-2023 10:04

    Thank you Rick,

    Is there a date set for when this UI change will be happening in April? We would like to include it in our communications to frontline of when this will take place. 



    Jared Yarbrough
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 13.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-16-2023 11:45

    Hi @Jared Yarbrough , we're targeting beta launch Mid April, tentatively 4/12.  If things go well with beta phase, plan is to launch later in May.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 14.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-16-2023 12:00

    Hi Community,

    I will be making announcement on Beta Community soon as this UI change is approaching beta phase.  If you're interested in participating in this beta, please sign up using this form (

    Thank you for your interest.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 15.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-24-2023 08:50

    "Selecting a destination immediately executes the intended action." Does this mean that when the agent selects a queue from the search list, there is no confirmation anymore but the contact is transferred straight away?

    On the Queue card can the agent see the number of available agents in the target queue regardless of their division?

    When transferring to a queue, is it forced to select the queue from the list (instead of writing it yourself and hitting enter)? This would better prevent typos in the queue names.

    Marja Korander
    OP Financial Group

  • 16.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-24-2023 14:41

    Hi @Marja Korander 

    Yes, no confirmation after selection is required.  When transfer to queue, users are required to select from the list.

    I'm aware searching for queue is division aware but not sure if available agents are further filtered.  This update is primarily at the UI layer to improve usability so no change in how available users are determined.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 17.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 03-27-2023 09:34

    Beta registration is now open on Beta HQ (  Sign up today!

    Excited to get your feedback on the new UI. 

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 18.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 04-07-2023 12:53
    Edited by Ricky Phung 04-07-2023 12:54

    Hi Community,

    I've updated the library file to include additional screenshots covering Start Conversation and email To, CC, BCC use cases.  Link to library file...

    I've also revised target GA launch date to June.  Plan to start beta early May.  Join the beta here


    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 19.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 04-28-2023 16:20

    Hi Community,

    Exciting news.  It took a bit longer than expected but beta is ready to begin week of May 1. It is still possible to sign up via Beta Community.  We've also been able to add make call using Communicate dialpad to the scope. The original post and latest version of the preview document (New Target Selection UI_Beta) have been revised to reflect the addition.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 20.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-01-2023 20:43

    Hi Community,

    We're nearing the finish line for this feature.  I've updated the target GA date to June 28, 2023.  I will provide further update asap if the date change.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 21.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-04-2023 20:50

    Hello Community,

    I tried Beta new UI.

    I troubled when I use special phone number or special prefix.

    I cannot fix these numbers by enter key, so I cannot call to them.

    It looks entered number is automatically checked and converted to E.164 format.

    Can I turn off this check feature? (turn to present UI behavior)

    This is severe problem for customers who use special number/prefix.

    Such a numbers:

    - Special Number: Emergency number or information service number

    - Special Prefix: For example, we add specified number on prefix to control to use which number plan / outbound route.

    健太 福谷
    Itochu Techno-Solutions Corporation(CTC)

  • 22.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-05-2023 19:14

    This issue should now be fixed.  Please let me know if you're still seeing the behavior.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 23.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-08-2023 23:46
    Hello Ricky,
    Thank you!
    I confirmed the issue is fixed.
    Kenta Fukutani

    健太 福谷
    Itochu Techno-Solutions Corporation(CTC)

  • 24.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-09-2023 00:48

    Thanks for confirmation.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 25.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-09-2023 15:47


    Can we get a confirmation that the UI changes will happen on June 28, 2023? Our organization would like to plan a communication out to our frontline alerting them of when the change will occur. 



    Jared Yarbrough
    AAA Club Alliance Inc.

  • 26.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-13-2023 16:30

    @Jared Yarbrough 

    Introducing the UI changes will be delayed at least one week as we fix a couple issues discovered during QA testing.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 27.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-13-2023 22:22

    Hi Rick,


    Once a date has been confirmed and will not change for the delivery of the UI changes. Please can you share with the community.










  • 28.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 06-27-2023 16:15

    Hi Community,

    I've revised the GA date to August 9 to allow more time to fix issues and regression testing.  Thanks for your patience.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 29.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 07-31-2023 10:29

    Revised launch date to August 23.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 30.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 08-14-2023 16:19

    Revised GA date to September 13.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 31.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 08-23-2023 14:42
    Edited by Ricky Phung 08-23-2023 14:44

    Hi All,

    I've added to original post a video tutorial of the new UI as it is nearing GA, pending final QA approval of course.  Beta period will close soon but there is still time to join if interested.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 32.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 08-29-2023 10:38

    Hi Ricky,

    Can you add screenshots or a video when it comes to the UI changes for communicate calls please?


    Bert Barrez
    Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

  • 33.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 08-30-2023 12:52

    @Bert Barrez below are couple screenshots related to Communicate calls

    Make call:

    Transfer and Add participant

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 34.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-01-2023 18:02

    Revised GA date to September 27.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 35.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-12-2023 12:16
    Edited by Ryan Cheesman 09-12-2023 12:19

    Can you confirm that the change will not affect the embedded clients?  I see that Abhinav Gupta asked this question below and didn't get a response.  I see that early in the announcement that the answer was not, it won't, however, it has been more than 6 months since, so a lot could have changed.

    If it does, we need a video or screenshots of the embedded client UI too.  The currently posted video is great, so having one just like that would be ideal.

    --- NVM, this is answered here:  Genesys Cloud CX - Genesys

    The answer is yes, it will, but only for email.  Call controls are unaffected.

    Ryan Cheesman
    Senior Manager, IT Integration Services
    Tandem Diabetes Care Inc. | positively different

  • 36.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-04-2023 04:39

    @Ricky Phung : Does it also impact the Pure Cloud Widget UI plug-in embedded in SFDC  ?  If yes, do we have anything to do in SFDC to migrte to new UI ?

    Abhinav Gupta
    Adobe, Inc.

  • 37.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-12-2023 13:01

    @Abhinav Gupta, for the most part the embedded client is not impacted except for selection of email To, BB, and BCC targets since it uses the same UI as Genesys Cloud agent UI.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 38.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-06-2023 12:09


    Can you provide screenshots of what starting a conversation and making a call look like to a number. After putting in the number will the Agent have to hit enter and enter again or click on the green phone icon to make the call as normal or will it make the call after the agent hits enter once?

    Kerri Joyce
    Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

  • 39.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-11-2023 15:53

    Hi @Kerri Joyce

    Pressing 'Enter' key twice or click on the green phone icon will dial the provided number. Pressing 'Enter' key once will not dial the number.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 40.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-14-2023 04:23

    May I know how this new UI will work for customers with Microsoft Teams Integration enabled? Do you have screenshots available that we could provide to our customers who are using MS Teams integration? Thanks!

    Pei Wen Quek
    Datacom Connect Limited

  • 41.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-14-2023 11:06

    This is how Teams users appear in the list.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 42.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-14-2023 17:52

    That's interseting. So there will no longer be a Teams icon next to the user?

    Peter Stoltenberg
    TTEC Digital

  • 43.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-19-2023 10:32

    Target launch date revised to October 18..

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 44.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-25-2023 04:53

    Hi Rick 

    I Have a few questions that I would like to ask

    • New Transfers – Will we go live with the available agents / contacts in the queue?

    • New Transfers – Will the process be the same for email and chat transfers?

    • New Transfers – Will consult auto connect once the queue is clicked like blind transfer?

    • New Transfers – Will the contact control panel be the same as current (There are different icons on the demo that we don't have)

    • Chat – Confirmation of transfer info that a colleague receives e.g., does it tell them which colleague and skill

    Thanks in advance

    Kieran Mcloughlin
    J Sainsbury PlcSenior Product Manager

  • 45.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-25-2023 15:03

    @Kieran Mcloughlin 

    • New Transfers – Will we go live with the available agents / contacts in the queue?

      • Yes, this information is visible on hover over the 'i' icon.
    • New Transfers – Will the process be the same for email and chat transfers?

      • Process is the same for email and chat. The available categories are limited to queue and user.
    • New Transfers – Will consult auto connect once the queue is clicked like blind transfer?

      • Yes
    • New Transfers – Will the contact control panel be the same as current (There are different icons on the demo that we don't have)

      • Please clarify "contact control panel".
    • Chat – Confirmation of transfer info that a colleague receives e.g., does it tell them which colleague and skill

      • I assume you're referring to transfer recipient.  In this case the alert currently informs transfer recipient who transferred the chat. This is not impacted by this UI change.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 46.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-26-2023 04:20
    Hi Ricky 

    New Transfers – Will the contact control panel be the same as current (There are different icons on the demo that we don't have)

    • Please clarify "contact control panel".

    Our version 

    Version in demo

    Kieran Mcloughlin
    J Sainsbury PlcSenior Product Manager

  • 47.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-26-2023 12:30

    @Kieran Mcloughlin

    Thanks for clarification. Those buttons on conversation control bar are dependent on a number of factors such licensing and how your org is configured. The conference icon (6th from the left) is an upcoming feature. Introduction of this new UI does not change which buttons appear on the bar. 

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 48.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 09-27-2023 11:09

    Just curious why there wasn't another announcement sent out with the updated roll out date from the CSM team on Sept 18th like one emailed on Sept 11th, for those of us that don't subscribe to these forums?

    System Administrator
    Messer LLC

  • 49.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-09-2023 09:43
    Edited by Layne Cornwall 10-09-2023 09:43

    Is this still planned for next Wednesday?  I don't see it on the features coming soon section.


    Layne Cornwall


  • 50.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-09-2023 16:41

    Hi @Layne Cornwall, thanks for checking.  Features coming soon release note is published weekly on Thursday for features to release the following week.  This feature is a release candidate up for review and will publish accordingly after approval.

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 51.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-11-2023 11:20

    Is this update happening as planned?

    Naren Guntupalli

  • 52.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-12-2023 16:44

    Hi Community,

    I'm delighted to announce the new target selection UI is approved for release next week. This is now included in feature coming soon release note published today ( Thank you for your feedback, questions, and patience.

    The new UI will roll out in phases starting next Wednesday (10/18) during region's night or early morning hours to minimize disruption of agent's work day. Full global roll out will take about 24 hours.

    Thanks again and be on the look out for more exciting updates to come. 

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 53.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 10-16-2023 22:35
    Edited by Anton Vroon 10-16-2023 22:44

    There use to be a PDF here and now it is gone. Can the PDF please be republished?

    edit: NVM -  found it

    For those looking, its hidden away here:
    Anton Vroon

  • 54.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-19-2023 03:32
    Edited by Jeff Hoogkamer 10-19-2023 03:43

    Hi @Ricky Phung,

    Just some questions about the functionality of the new target selection:

    a) Unable to see/scroll all results in All tab/view

    On the initial 'All' view/tab, when there are more than 10 results, we are unable to scroll down to see all of the result (it stops at the 10th result and won't scroll any further down as per below picture). Is this expected? Going to the specific view/tab (e.g. 'External Contacts') does work and continues showing/updating the results to view all.

    b) Inconsistent search result order when using same term/phrase

    On some searches, the results will return in a different order of results even when using the same term/phrase - would have expected the order to remain consistent.

    c) Paginated results are only in alphabetical order in groups of 10

    When there are more than 10 results for a search phrase and scrolling through in the other view/tabs (Users, Queues or External Contacts), it seems results are sorted in alphabetical order in groups of 10 and not overall on all results.

    For example, the first 10 results seem be sorted alphabetically (starting at Ad.. and go to Wo..), then the next group of 10 results are sorted in their own grouping (starting at Ac.. and going to Tr), then the next group of 10 again (starting at Fe.. to Zo...), and so on.

    Not being able to see the list of results in somewhat of a consistent order (i.e. by Last Name) across the entire list makes finding a result super difficult now.

    d) Icons are different from the documentation

    Not a big deal - but the icons are different that what was in the documentation - so our screen shots/training preparing staff for the upcoming change is now wrong for the 'Queues' and 'External Contacts' 






    Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing these results?



  • 55.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-19-2023 19:03

    Hi @Jeff Hoogkamer

    Wrt to your questions above.....

    a) Your observation is expected.  The pagination via scrolling is not applicable for the All tab. This limitation was mentioned in the pdf and video.

    b) This likely is due to how the search endpoint returns the results. Unfortunately I don't have details on how the search endpoint conducts the search and prioritizes result sets.

    c) I agree it could be confusing sorting within each groups per fetch to the backend but if the UI resort per fetch would make the scrolling feature un-suable. Assumption is user does not see the record within initial set therefore continue to scroll until it appears.  I'll check with our dev team if sort preference is a parameter that could be provide to the search endpoint so the result sets are returned pre-sorted.

    d) I'll inform our doc team. I suspect documentation preparation occurred prior to recent update to latest icons library.


    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 56.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-20-2023 10:09

    Hi, all. Maybe a stupid question / remark. We are Genesys Cloud CX users since 1/10/2020. And the transition to the Cloud has not been great for now. UI changes are something the user sees and I like to keep my users happy.  In the release notes these UI changes are not included aparently since it is not a feature.... Can you explain to me how I can keep my users informed on the UI correclty if it is not a feature and they are not in the release notes???

    Patricia Maes

  • 57.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-20-2023 10:55

    Hi Patricia

    That's interesting they told you it wasn't mentioned in the Release Notes. It would have been nice if the release notes included a link pointing back to the page they provided, but I believe this was the release notes item. It was on my radar given the number of times this release was pushed back, as I wanted to ensure it was really, really happening before notifying my agents.

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

  • 58.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-20-2023 11:01

    Hi Emily,

    Finally somebody that understands the need to get information to the end users! Yes , I also try to make them happy and aware of what is going on. And if I receive a mail at 8 in the morning telling me that the icons are changed and why I did not tell them .... I feel like I failed my job. 

    Thx for your anwser and have a nice we!

    Patricia Maes

  • 59.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-23-2023 11:34

    Hello.  Is there a target date for the release of the ACD Conference button?  Thank you.

    Eileen Andrews

  • 60.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Posted 10-23-2023 15:33

    @Sabyasachi Pradhan, could you comment on target date wrt acd conference feature?

    Rick Phung
    Genesys - Employees

  • 61.  RE: Upcoming Agent UI Changes - Target Selection UI

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 10-23-2023 16:05

    Hi @Patricia Maes. I agree the release notes could be a lot better.

    However there are some things you can do to help ensure you don't get caught out. 

    Regularly check the this community forum.

    Check the Beta community forum, as a lot of these features go through beta first. If you have a second environment sign it up so you can get some hands on experience.

    Check the ideas roadmap - Especially the Agent Desktop section to keep up with what is coming up.

    Talk to your Genesys customer success manager, or your vendor to see if they can keep you up to date with any agent facing changes.

    Anton Vroon

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