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  • 1.  Upcoming UI update - queue administration

    Posted 07-20-2022 12:43
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    Genesys is constantly updating its UI frontend to follow industry trends and latest technology.

    The administration of the queue is getting a technology update that does not affect the administered functionality. The changes include updated icons for better visual alignment and arrangement of the the menu structure.

    There is no impact on the agent facing views.

    Expect the changes to come by the end of August, 2022.

    Zoltán Juricskay
    Product Manager
    Genesys - Employees


    Queue-admin-UI-update.pdf   3.69 MB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Upcoming UI update - queue administration

    Posted 07-20-2022 17:13
    @Zoltan Juricskay Thanks for the heads up, it is appreciated.​

    Anton Vroon

  • 3.  RE: Upcoming UI update - queue administration

    Posted 08-12-2022 05:30
    Hi @Zoltan Juricskay,

    I checked the document through. On the updates there is queue member management. From the screenshot can bee seen, that you can add groups to queues. Does that mean the if the group membership is updated, then the queue membership is also updated?​

    Kimmo Peltonen
    Advania Finland Oy

  • 4.  RE: Upcoming UI update - queue administration

    Posted 08-15-2022 09:29
    Kimmo - all groups - groups, work teams, skill expression groups, manage members dynamically.  So any chance to the membership will automatically update the membership of the queue.

    Chris Bohlin
    Product Manager - PureCloud

  • 5.  RE: Upcoming UI update - queue administration

    Posted 08-15-2022 09:41
    Excellent, thank you Chris.

    This will be a good update. Makes possible to automate new user more easily. Is this group adding for queue membership released at the same time as UI update?

    Kimmo Peltonen
    Advania Finland Oy

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