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  • 1.  WDE not working properly over UDP

    Posted 07-10-2023 14:48

    Hi All,

    I have a sip server where in we have agents taking calls using WDE sip endpoints. Problem is that they are defined to use TCP as their transport protocol. Our enteprise VPN has a new policy where in asyn TCP messages can get blocked and so enterprise suggested to move the WDE over UDP. After couple of networking challenges I was able to do that. All is fine now but sometimes I see this lingering problem during outbound calls where the sip server  messaging doesn't send an ACK for a 200 ok and so the far end disconnects the call in 6 seconds. Has anyone seen this problem and give me some pointers if I missing some kvp at WDe or sip server end.


    Dinesh V
    Enterprise lead


  • 2.  RE: WDE not working properly over UDP

    Posted 07-12-2023 02:28


    In my oponion the most likely cause for this is that in the other leg of the communication (provider-SIP Server), the SIP Server is not receiving the 200OK from the provider, therefore it can´t sent an ACK to WDE.

    Please check that the signaling of the other part of the communciation is correct.


    Guillermo Castan
    Sabio Ibérica, S.A.

  • 3.  RE: WDE not working properly over UDP

    Posted 07-19-2023 12:39

    17:10:10.150: SipDialog: event CALLING_RESOK, t=605, s=7, r=5, m=7faa4c8b33f8 port=5060

    17:10:10.150: CID:CUUID>0014D354-E671-14AA-AF9C-2D3C881EAA77-192@

    17:10:10.150 SIPCONN(918043059986): HandleSipDialogEvent(CALLING_RESOK)

    17:10:10.150 SIPCONN(918043059986): store remote content, canBeOffer 1

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): sdp state SDP_STATE_OFFER_SENT, event SDP_EVENT_SDP

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): new sdp state SDP_STATE_NULL, event SDP_EVENT_SDP

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): 1pcc event CALLING_RESOK

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): SetChargingState: true

    17:10:10.151: Sc(350):step 0, Tr(351,SipTransactionConnectCompleteAnswer) - begin

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): Attach mediaPeer: 918043059986

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): Attach mediaPeer: 1661100001

    17:10:10.151: $*:SIP:CTI:PARTY_STATE_CHANGED:923

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): re-invite-connected-accepted

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): SIPCONN(7faa4c8b3320,00A259V6E4AALBSS5KU8G7LAES00002C) +Tr(351,SipTransactionConnectCompleteAnswer)

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): re-invite-called-initiated

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): SIPCONN(7faa4c92b1b0,00A259V6E4AALBSS5KU8G7LAES00002B) +Tr(351,SipTransactionConnectCompleteAnswer)

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): GetAnswer

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): NotifyResponseOnAnswer

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(918043059986): Attach mediaPeer: 1661100001

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): Attach mediaPeer: 918043059986

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): SendAnswer

    Session value of the SDP is [163731109]

    Version values of the SDP is [1]

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): SendAnswer::Response

    17:10:10.151 SIPCONN(1661100001): SendResponse(200,603)

    17:10:10.151: add party info '1661100001' state 1

    17:09:40.306: SipDialog: event CALLING_RESOK, t=568, s=7, r=5, m=7faa4c91ffe8 port=5060

    17:09:40.306: CID:CUUID>0014D354-E671-14AA-AF9C-2D3C881EAA77-184@

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): HandleSipDialogEvent(CALLING_RESOK)

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): store remote content, canBeOffer 1

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): sdp state SDP_STATE_OFFER_SENT, event SDP_EVENT_SDP

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): new sdp state SDP_STATE_NULL, event SDP_EVENT_SDP

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): 1pcc event CALLING_RESOK

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): SetChargingState: true

    17:09:40.306: Sc(314):step 0, Tr(315,SipTransactionConnectCompleteAnswer) - begin

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): Attach mediaPeer: 913305435675

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): Attach mediaPeer: 1661200147

    17:09:40.306: $*:SIP:CTI:PARTY_STATE_CHANGED:854

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): re-invite-connected-accepted

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): SIPCONN(7faa4c91ff10,00A259V6E4AALBSS5KU8G7LAES000024) +Tr(315,SipTransactionConnectCompleteAnswer)

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): re-invite-connected

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): SIPCONN(7faa4c893a70,00A259V6E4AALBSS5KU8G7LAES000023) +Tr(315,SipTransactionConnectCompleteAnswer)

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): GetAnswer

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): NotifyResponseOnAnswer

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): Attach mediaPeer: 1661200147

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): Attach mediaPeer: 913305435675

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): SendAnswer

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): SendAnswer::Ack

    17:09:40.306: ERROR: 10000002, GetTransaction(transaction), SipTransactionDescriptor.h,259

    17:09:40.306: ERROR: 10000002, GetLastResponseMessage(td,message), SipConnectionMakeCall.cpp,967

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): SendAnswer: no active transactions

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): TRCLR(0)

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): NotifyOnComplete

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): state e:3,p:2,s:3,c:0,rc:0,m:1

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): SetChargingState: true

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(1661200147): CheckUpdateTransferStatus: no original dialog

    17:09:40.306 SIPPARTY(913305435675): 16780943 verify update of party-connection state A-C

    17:09:40.306: $*:SIP:CTI:PARTY_STATE_CHANGED:855

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): NotifyOnComplete

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): Connect complete, other device '1661200147',(7faa4c91ff10,7faa4c893a70)

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): Attach mediaPeer: 1661200147

    17:09:40.306 SIPCONN(913305435675): SendAck(568)

    17:09:40.306: Sending  [192,TCP] 812 bytes to >>>>>

    ACK sip:;transport=udp;gsid=5a01c460-1e7b-11ee-9aa2-005056b5b838;asm=10 SIP/2.0

    From: sip:8043547000@;tag=0014D368-E671-14AA-AF9C-2D3C881EAA77-232

    To: sip:3305435675@;transport=tcp;tag=1684128523-1688922565244

    Call-ID: 0014D354-E671-14AA-AF9C-2D3C881EAA77-184@

    CSeq: 1 ACK

    Content-Length: 0

    Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK0014D372-E671-14AA-AF9C-2D3C881EAA77-261

    Route: sip:RIC-SM@;av-asset-uid=rw-30fcc6be;lr;transport=TCP

    Route: sip:;transport=tcp;ibmsid=local.1688694736594_1484644_1502814;lr;ibmdrr

    Route: sip:;transport=udp;ibmsid=local.1688694736594_1484644_1502814;lr;ibmdrr

    Route: sip:RIC-SM@;av-asset-uid=rw-30fcc6be;lr

    Max-Forwards: 70

    Dinesh Velayutham
    Elevance Health

  • 4.  RE: WDE not working properly over UDP

    Posted 07-19-2023 12:40

    Here is the sipserver log where the non-working(UDP) is on left vs working on right (TCP). the difference is in the initiation of the ACK in response to the 200 OK.

    Dinesh Velayutham
    Elevance Health

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