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  • 1.  Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 09-13-2023 04:22
    Edited by Angelo Cicchitto 09-22-2023 06:28

    All - we are getting ready for release of more attachment file-types in Web Messaging, as part of this Idea DXWMM-I-19 we will support the existing feature already available via Supported Content Profile across other Messaging channels. As part of this new release, we will be automatically adding a predefined Content Profile to existing customer organizations that are using Web Messaging today. The new Content Profile will be named WebMessaging Legacy Default. This additional Content Profile will include only image file-types (JPG, PNG, GIF) and all existing Messenger Deployments will be linked to this new predefined Content Profile, in order to avoid any impact to your business once feature is released: image attachments will continue to operate as of today. After feature is released, you may choose to either retain this new Content Profile as is, or update/rename/delete this object as needed, or even assign your Messenger Deployment to other Content Profiles with expanded file-types support, therefore this incremental add-on is really non-intrusive and will guarantee business continuity. See screenshot attached.

    Don't hesitate to reach-out if more clarifications needed.



    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 10-13-2023 03:36


    Please can you confirm if this feature would also allow to disable the capability of agents to send the attachments? For eg, if we remove all file type from the content profile, will it restrict the sharing of attachments from agent side?

    shruti pathak
    Accenture Solutions Private Limited

  • 3.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 10-13-2023 11:40

    The way to block outbound attachments would be to remove them from Outbound list in SCP: in that case any attachment attempt from Agent would fail with a delivery failure error. Note that this applies to all Messaging channels (not specific to this feature or Web Messaging).

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 04-03-2024 12:36
    Edited by Angelo Cicchitto 04-03-2024 12:37

    Hi All - this is to provide a status update on this feature rollout, as we get closer to release date. As anticipated 6 months ago, once this new feature is rolled out, we will automatically add a new WebMessaging Legacy Default content profile to existing Genesys Cloud Organizations that have already deployed Web Messaging: the intent of this new object is to avoid any disruption to your live Web Messaging operations.

    After this feature is released, all future operations on newer Messenger configurations will require Admin users to perform a couple of simple steps, limited to existing Deployments and Configurations (while not required for newly created ones):

    1. All existing Messenger Deployments will have a new drop-down selector showing either the WebMessaging Legacy Default profile (for existing Deployments) or your current default content profile for new Deployments: you just need to acknowledge the selected Content Profile is matching your business needs. See screenshot below.
    2. For existing Deployments, we do encourage that you Save a New Version of your corresponding Messenger Configuration, and assign the newly created version to your existing Deployment, once this new feature has been released: this is to ensure that client-side Messenger can detect the new changes made to Content Profile, otherwise it will continue to rely on legacy attachments configuration from previous Configuration (JPG, PNG, GIF).

    This simple procedure is not mandatory, but highly recommended in order to start using the new feature: if not applied, your older Deployments will continue to use only Image attachments as of today.

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 5.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 04-11-2024 06:18
    Edited by Dewald Smit 04-11-2024 06:27

    Good day Angelo, Can we please confirm if this was successfully released to GA? On our Lab Org in Dublin region, I cannot see this.

    Edit: Cannot see this on another Org, also on the Dublin region

    Dewald Smit
    Altron Systems Integration a Division of Altron TMT (Pty) Ltd

  • 6.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 04-11-2024 12:01

    All - see latest update to Idea here >

    Latest update (April 11th): we have found an unexpected condition that would impact a small minority of GC customers, and decided to rollback the partial regional rollout that started on Monday. We have identified to root cause and will be fixing it shortly, to ensure all GC customers can properly use this new feature. Thank you for your patience.

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 7.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 04-17-2024 01:48

    Hi Angelo,

    our Customer has very narrow time constraints and will need to test this feature very shortly to be able to put it into production. Do you have any news regarding the deployment? This is a blocker for them to fully migrate to CX.
    Thanks and Regards


    Jorg Schwarz
    SNcom GmbH

  • 8.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 05-24-2024 11:21

    All - latest update: we have passed release gate, and planning to deploy this feature again across all regions next week starting from Monday 27th.

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 9.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 05-30-2024 12:10

    All - this feature is finally GA released to all prod regions, thank you for your patience >

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

  • 10.  RE: Web Messaging - upcoming Supported Content Profile release

    Posted 06-04-2024 14:55

    All - as a follow-up (we'll update documentation as well), here's how our native Web Messenger handles most common file types:

    • Video/audio 
      • .mp4, .mpg4, .mpeg4, .m4v, .webm are standard file types supported in all browsers and rendered in-app.
      • For other file types, we attempt to detect browser support, otherwise, it will fall back to download option. 
    • Images
      • Following standard types are supported - image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif, image/svg+xml and rendered in-app.
      • For other image types, we attempt to detect browser support, otherwise, it will fall back to download option. 
    • Documents
      • text/plain is supported in all browsers
      • application/pdf is supported in all browsers except in Safari browser (known limitations in some cases)
      • All other document types can only be downloaded

    Angelo Cicchitto
    Genesys - Employees

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