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Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

  • 1.  Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 04-26-2023 17:30

    Hello everyone, 

    The Genesys Cloud PM team is happy to open applications for our Beta Program for our long awaited, and much anticipated Barge-in Voice functionality.  If your supervisors have been itching to jump into calls to lend a hand to their agents or customers, now's your chance! 

    This is an open beta and available to customers, partners, and even internal orgs alike - so I encourage you to sign up and share your feedback.

    Apply for Beta here. The beta is open now!

    Upon completion the sign-up form, we will reach out to via email to confirm the feature has been enabled for you organization.

    We look forward to hearing your feedback and to finally getting this feature to the market.

    Thank you and enjoy!

    Chris Bohlin


    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 2.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-09-2023 10:38

    Hi Chris,

    Thank you for this useful feature for monitoring.
    I just tested in our lab and for it looks globally ok, but I have 2 points to report:
    1. I can't barge-in twice in the same conversation: I barge-in the first time and end it. If I try to barge-in again, it tries to connect but end with an error. Is it a limitation or a bug?
    2. I noticed that barging-in opens the interaction (with script). Is it how it is intended to be, or can it be optional?

    Thank you.

    Carlos Correia
    Xseed-Consultoria e Sistemas de Informacao Lda

  • 3.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-10-2023 08:03

    Hi Carlos - thanks for the feedback.

    For the first issue - could you make another test and send me the conversationID  where the subsequent barge-in fails?  This was one of the issues that we worked on before beta release (and part of the reason this feature has taken so long to deliver.)  My expectation is that when you end the barge-in, you should be good to start another barge-in session on the same conversation.

    As for the script - this is intentional.  With Barge-in, the supervisor is now a formal part of the call and they are effectively now treated as an agent.  We give them call controls and even present the same script.  We did not make it optional but I can certainly look into that in the future if necessary.

    Let me know on that conversationID (and your region) and I'll get it investigated.


    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 4.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-10-2023 09:15

    Hi Chris,

    Ok for the script during barge-in. For now we don't foresee any issue with that, I just wanted to understand.
    For the barge-in error:
    Conversation ID: c97c924e-f5e8-4207-b846-b4f7eea8f74b
    Region: eu-west-1 (EU Ireland)


    Carlos Correia
    Xseed-Consultoria e Sistemas de Informacao Lda

  • 5.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-11-2023 08:17

    Thanks, Carlos - I will follow-up via email once I have been able to get this looked into.

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 6.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-11-2023 23:12
    Edited by Pei Wen Quek 05-11-2023 23:12

    Hi Chris,

    We experienced the same issue where the subsequent barge-in failed. Here is the details if you'd like to investigate further.

    Conversation ID: 607eb1c0-1590-4dd9-ac4f-1c45a65edf70

    Region: Asia Pacific (Sydney)

    I also noticed when the barge-in call failed, an interaction showed up under the call panel.

    If the supervisor log out and log back in, the issue resolves and they are able to barge-in to the same call again. However, the subsequent barge-in will still fail.

    Pei Wen Quek

  • 7.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-12-2023 09:16

    Thanks Pei Wen...quick question - can you tell me what type of phone the supervisor is using?  Is it a physical device or webRTC?

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 8.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-15-2023 10:02

    Hi Chris, The supervisor was using WebRTC. 


    Pei Wen Quek
    Datacom Connect Limited

  • 9.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-12-2023 08:51

    @Chris Bohlin regarding the script pop with the barge in; for the supervisor,  what happens, I assume the agent still sees and has full functionality of the script.  Can the supervisor edit/enter/progress thru the script for that contact.  What happens when an agent or supervisor changes something, is the opposite user seeing the changes/updates real time?

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 10.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-12-2023 09:36

    The agent still has full rights, for sure - but to be honest, i didn't test to see what happens if the supervisor enters something in the script.  Let me see if I can get a basic script going and try that out.

    I'll follow-up...great question!!!

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 11.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-12-2023 10:24

    I was able to get a pretty quick answer from Dev on this one and here is how 'scripting' works with barge-in.  Effectively, the last user to update the script wins.  So, if the agent writes/stores a piece of data and then the supervisor comes and writes the to the same attribute, the supervisor will override the data and we'll save that on the conversation.

    We do have a refresh variables action now so you could have a button that lets the agent or supervisor pull the latest values before updating again to work around this but that would require re-working some of your scripts.

    I'd be curious to get your feedback.  What would be the most optimal solution for you here? 
      - Would you want to NOT display the script to supervisors? 
      - Let it work as it works now? 
      - Show the scripts to supervisors but not allow them to actually use the script?
      - Something else?

    Love to get everyone's feedback here.  Thanks!

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 12.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-12-2023 11:03

    Hi Chris,

    My 5 cents:
    In my customer scenarios, I think that supervisors don't need to have a script. Barging-in is normally used when supervisor is monitoring a conversation and wants to jump in, or when he knows that an agent is in trouble and wants to jump in to help him with some issue, solve the situation and jump out without need of registering anything in a script that is for agent usage.

    Keeping the script is fine as long as we know the consequences that data may be overriten, but in scenarios I can think about it will be useless.


    Carlos Correia
    Xseed-Consultoria e Sistemas de Informacao Lda

  • 13.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-15-2023 08:01

    @Chris Bohlin   Well. regarding my preferences, I am going to get a little greedy:

     - Would you want to NOT display the script to supervisors? 
      - Let it work as it works now? I am fine with this, last one ot edit, is what is retained
      - Show the scripts to supervisors but not allow them to actually use the script?
      - Something else?  Ideally, would be great to have an option to set by queue/flow:

    A. Do not show script to supervisor
    B. Display to supervisor, read only
    C. Display to supervisor, full edit rights

    Pete Schroeder
    HMC3 LLC
    Senior Contact Center Engineer

  • 14.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 05-15-2023 08:22

    Thanks for the feedback, folks.  (Happy to hear others opinions as well, so please feel free to share.)  After discussing this with Dev last week, its most likely that we have 2 options:  1) do what you see today, present the script and let the last person to update save their changes or 2) not show the script at all.   

    I'm working to see if we can make this optional at the org-level right now and will look into queue-level settings but that's a bit more challenging.

    More to come but we'll figure something out for GA!

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 15.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 06-12-2023 13:44

    Subject: RE: Barge-in Voice - Beta


    Already getting feedback!


    Pierre Nguyen has been checking it out.

    The issue he is facing:
    At the beginning of a call, he sees the choices to

    1. Monitor (listen in)
    2. Coach (Speak to agent only)
    3. Barge In (all three parties communicate)


    However, it doesn't work as you might normally expect…

    One might expect you would Monitor a call first and only choose to barge in after you feel it is necessary, but the moment Pierre begins to monitor a call he no longer has the option to "Barge In" as it goes away.


    Bill Rasmussen

  • 16.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 06-15-2023 07:36

    Any chance we can pull a conversation ID re: 9a17141c-2cbf-42ff-a208-ce9369da6b7e

    Link to interaction: Interactions (

    Pierre Nguyen has been checking it out.

    The issue he is facing:
    At the beginning of a call, he sees the choices to

    1. Monitor (listen in)
    2. Coach (Speak to agent only)
    3. Barge In (all three parties communicate)


    However, it doesn't work as you might normally expect…

    One might expect you would Monitor a call first and only choose to barge in after you feel it is necessary, but the moment Pierre begins to monitor a call he no longer has the option to "Barge In" as it goes away.


    Bill Rasmussen

  • 17.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 06-16-2023 09:00

    Strange - I've had other complaints of this as well but cannot seem to duplicate it myself in my environment.  Yes, I will run this down and appreciate you reporting the problem.

    More to come!

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 18.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-15-2023 18:48

    Hi Chris,

    I've already joined the beta and I assigned the permission to one of the roles that I have assigned to myself. After logout and log back in, I did try to barge in an interaction, but the option doesn't appear in the interaction's popup as shown below:

    The interaction id is add66aeb-6c9c-4fee-a16c-7337867119b2

    The org id is 9ffee123-496d-45e5-8911-9f7d2a86e733\

    The user id trying to barge in is 62dacba3-92b2-4c36-9002-b902dffc6ffe

    Region is US-EAST1


    Jesus Flores
    ESMT Consulting Sa de CV

  • 19.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-17-2023 09:34

    Thanks, Jesus...quite strange.  A couple quick follow-up questions:

    1. What UI are you using?  Web version, desktop version, something custom?
    2. What type of audio connection are you testing with?  WebRTC, Physical Phone, something that is remote forwarded?

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 20.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-17-2023 09:54

    Sorry Jesus - turns out a missed a key feature toggle last week.  I just enabled it.  Could you try again?

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 21.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-17-2023 10:39

    Hi Chris, Thanks for your follow up. It did work after you toggled the key feature, but I will respond to the information just for documenting my issue:

    1. I was using the web version on Brave browser (It's based on Chromium) on the Supervisor side and Edge on the agent side.
    2. I was testing with WebRTC.

    I appreciate your help.


    Jesus Flores
    ESMT Consulting Sa de CV

  • 22.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-26-2023 22:43

    @Chris Bohlin I have just completed beta enrollment for the barge-in feature. Can you please activate this feature in our GC org?


  • 23.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-27-2023 17:10

    You are all set, Prem - i'll send out an email confirmation shortly.

    Chris Bohlin
    Sr. Director - Product Management
    Genesys Cloud

  • 24.  RE: Welcome to the Barge-in Voice - Beta Community!!!

    Posted 07-27-2023 21:03

    Thank you @Chris Bohlin briefly tested and the feature is working.


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