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Workspace Tabs

  • 1.  Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-15-2023 10:11
    Edited by Anik Dey 11-17-2023 09:39

    Hi Genesys Community members,

    We are looking to introduce workspace tabs in Dec 2023, which will open interactions as a new tab for better organization and more efficient multitasking.

    You can sign up using this link - Microsoft Forms

    Today when you open a new interaction from the interaction list or content search view, it will open the interaction in the same view, and the only way to go back to the list would be to click the interactions hyperlink in the top left corner or click the back button in the browser. This is inconvenient for those who spend a great deal of time going through multiple interaction transcripts.

    With workspace tabs, you can conveniently transition between the interaction details page and content search without losing context or disrupting ongoing work on a particular interaction.



    Known Limitations:

    You can open a maximum of 20 tabs, after which older tabs need to be closed to open new ones.

    Follow this thread to get updates on this upcoming feature, thank you.


    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 2.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-15-2023 10:55


    Is this different to the roadmap feature around tabbed interactions - as thought from the roadmap that this was due to deliver GA 29/11 but now moved currently showing as 13/12/23 -

    Many thanks


    Annabelle Goymer
    IP Integration Limited

  • 3.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-15-2023 12:34

    Hi Annabelle,

    This is the same feature that you linked. We are now accepting Beta customers to provide feedback before we GA in December.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 4.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-16-2023 05:34

    Hi Anik,

    This looks good.


  • 5.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-17-2023 12:41

    This is awesome Anik! I just filled out the beta form. What a gamechanger!

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 6.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-20-2023 03:05

    Looking forward to this option coming soon!

    I noticed the interaction/conversation ID becomes the 'name/title' of the new tab and appears truncated. Whilst just having one or two interactions open should be fairly easy to manage, with a few open at a time may get confusing with just the ID in the tab.

    Could the tab hovered over to to provide a little more context about the interaction (just to make it a little easier to know which one to switch to)?

    i.e. ID - Media Type - Date
    e.g. "11426712-bc51-475c-91a1-1a171d4cc20c - Email - Fri, Oct 13, 2023 3:11pm"


  • 7.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-20-2023 15:39

    Thanks for the idea, right now we are only showing the interaction ID on hover, but that could be enhanced to include media type, date, and time.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 8.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-20-2023 09:22

    Awesome! Glad to see this enhancement. Will this feature eventually be added to other modules such as WFM?

    Melanie Williams
    Camis Inc

  • 9.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 11-20-2023 15:27

    Looks good

    Can you open an interaction in a new tab without navigating to it instantly? So you could for example open 4 interactions, then go and look at each? Or do you have to keep switching back to the search, letting it load, then opening the next one etc

    Anton Vroon

  • 10.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-20-2023 15:37

    You won't have to keep switching back to search. You can load 4 interactions in 4 different tabs, and switch to the right interaction tab to directly load the interaction you want to view, although there is a slight loading delay.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 11.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-20-2023 15:40

    I am anxiously awaiting acceptance into this beta! One useful feature that we also really need when filtering interactions is to be able to filter by participant data. 

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 12.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 11-20-2023 15:43

    Awesome Thanks Anik

    Anton Vroon

  • 13.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 11-20-2023 16:20

    Hi Anik,

    Super excited for this one! A much-appreciated improvement.

    Caleb Smith
    Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

  • 14.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 11-20-2023 18:49

    Hi Anik

    Minor gripe about the enrollment form,

    It is hurting my soul as a New Zealander to tick the country of Australia :P

    Australasia or Asia-Pacific on the other hand are regions which New Zealand and Australia are both part of.

    Anton Vroon

  • 15.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-21-2023 13:51

    Sorry about that, the form is now updated.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 16.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-22-2023 12:27

    I have applied for the WorkSpace Beta but I have not heard anything back.  Has this been rolled out for Beta Testing?

    Martin Bunting
    i3Vision Technologies Inc.SC

  • 17.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-22-2023 13:06

    We will activate the Beta for those who have signed up on Nov 29th.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 18.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-29-2023 09:43

    The Beta for Workspace Tabs is now enabled for everyone who signed up with the link. Thank you.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 19.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-29-2023 10:27

    I have already used it a few times this morning. So far so good! My team is loving it! 

    One question/suggestion- will we be able to eventually filter by participant data? I did find this in the idea portal but it's unclear if we will in the future

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 20.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 11-29-2023 13:54

    We've noticed that the option to copy the interaction URL has been replaced with the option to copy the interaction ID. We wanted to know if it was possible to change this back. To me, it's redundant because you can already copy the interaction ID in the call Details window. The business gets far more use out of copying the URL than they do copying interaction ID. I can see why it was done this way, but not everyone is used to searching by filter.

    If we aren't able to, does that mean it'll release like this anyways and the business will just need to adjust?

    Caleb Smith
    Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

  • 21.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-29-2023 14:02

    I agree we use copy the URL way more often. The only time we use the actual ID is when we are disconnecting hung interactions. 

    Cherri Lindquist
    Clinical Director of Nursing
    Company Nurse, LLC

  • 22.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-29-2023 14:48

    Hi Cherri, thanks for the feedback. Let us know if you face other problems as you try this Beta.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 23.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-29-2023 14:46

    Hi Caleb,

    Thanks for the feedback. We are conducting the Beta to hear this sort of feedback from our customers, thanks for letting us know.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 24.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-30-2023 04:52

    My initial feedback is that I'm a little disappointed.

    It's good that it opens tabs, but, the biggest two problems for me is that the original tab (the interactions list) still has to be "loaded" each time you switch back to it (which can be slow), but more crucially it doesn't store your place in a multi-page list.

    So if you generate a list of interactions and navigate to page 5 of them to find a call, open the call and then switch back to the Interactions tab, you're back to page 1 of the list.

    I had hoped this would solve that issue.

    I'd also probably prefer it if the focus wasn't immediately switched to the new tab, or at least have some sort of "Open in background tab". It would help with the above issue too, if you need to open a sequence of interactions from "page 5" of the list you can at least open them all before the list reloads. Maybe this could be added to the contextual menu for each interaction (the three dots)?

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 25.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-30-2023 09:06

    Hi James,

    Great feedback. To recap:

    • You want to open new tabs in the background 
    • The original interaction list view needs to persist on the page that you're on, and not reload to page 1 in a multi-page list

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 26.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 11-30-2023 09:22

    Hi Anik,

    Yes, that's correct. Those would be very helpful for our workflow.

    We also had a user internally mention how the button to copy the URL being removed and replaced with the conversation ID was a bit redundant, as it is available on the same page in the UI, so I echo what others have said here.

    James Dunn
    Pitney Bowes Inc.

  • 27.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 11-29-2023 15:18

    Beta is looking good.

    Is there a way, or planned way to open multiple interactions without being navigated to the interaction when you click on it?

    Ie either tick/select multiple Interactions and press an open button, Or when I click on an interaction not get navigated to that tab so I can open a few more interactions before then checking them. Currently clicking an interaction opens a new tab and also navigates me to that tab.

    It would be really handy when you are trying to find an example call and need to view multiple interactions.

    Anton Vroon

  • 28.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 12-17-2023 20:52

    @Anik Dey Has any of the requested enhancement in this thread made it to the GA release due out this week?

    Anton Vroon

  • 29.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 12-18-2023 08:13

    They are announced in this weeks coming soon. Should see Workspace Tabs by the end of the week.

    Genesys Cloud now opens the interaction detail page in a new tab in the analytics workspace. This feature allows users to easily transition between the interaction list view and the interaction detail view. This feature has no restriction by user or required user to access.

    Steve Alix

  • 30.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 12-18-2023 13:39

    Hi Steven,

    Thanks for your response, maybe I wasn't clear in my question, so let me try again.

    Yes I am aware this feature is coming this week, What I'm asking is, if any of the enhancements to this feature we requested in this thread as part of the feedback provided as part of the Beta for it have made it in to the feature release this week, or is it being released as is?

    Anton Vroon

  • 31.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 12-20-2023 08:42

    Hi Anton,

    Yes, we reverted the copy button behavior to copy the interaction URL instead of the interaction ID, as requested by many here on the thread. Other updates and enhancements are queued up for a future release that will improve the overall workspace experience in H1, 2024.

    Anik Dey
    Genesys - Employees

  • 32.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Top 25 Contributor
    Posted 12-20-2023 22:05

    Thanks Anik,

    In those future releases, is the ability to open multiple tabs going to be present? And I mean multiple tabs without navigating back on forth each time.

    Anton Vroon

  • 33.  RE: Workspace Tabs

    Posted 12-22-2023 09:27

    I wasn't part of the beta but had some feedback that I'm hoping is okay to post here. As a future enhancement, I'd like to suggest that the new tab that opens with the selected interaction be directly to the right of the interaction search tab from which it was launched. Let's say I've got 10 tabs open, and my interaction search is the third tab. I'm finding that it's opening the new tab with the selected interaction in tab position 11. Seems more intuitive (and for me at least, strongly preferred) that it would open the new tab in position 4 and adjust the rest of the tabs down a spot.

    Emily Kammerer
    Ascendium Education Solutions, Inc.

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