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In this video @Yu Tan discusses new feature "Enhanced message delivery status in messenger widget" Genesys Cloud now includes the ability to view message delivery status on the Messenger widget. Delivery statuses such as Sent, Sending, or Not Sent appear next to the message. This...
In this video @Shigeki Sahashi (or Sam), talks about the new update to extended the After Call Work (ACW) Timeout Supervisors can now set After Call Work (ACW) timeouts for up to 60 minutes for the following options: Mandatory, Time-boxed; Mandatory, Time-boxed No-Early...
In this video @Brian Feeney talks about the improvement whereby we surface article variations by Predictive Engagement segments for the Messenger Knowledge App Knowledge authors can now configure specific knowledge article variations to surface when Genesys Cloud finds a...
In this video @Brian Feeney talks about the improvement whereby we are able to select multiple segments in knowledge article variations Knowledge authors can now select more than one segment per article variation. This feature reduces the potential for increased knowledge base...
In this video @Stalin Singh talks about the new improved Navigation between Published Schedules in the Workforce Management Schedule Editor Administrators can now quickly navigate to the previous or next published schedule via new toolbar buttons in the workforce management...
In this video @Hiroyuki Sato talks about generic SIP station support in cloud media. Administrators can now use generic SIP station support in cloud media. This feature enables non-managed third-party devices to register with Genesys as a SIP endpoint and allows unsupported phones and third...
In this video @Stalin Singh talks about the improved interval granularity for ad-hoc exports. Contact center managers and supervisors can now select various interval lengths for a selected time period during ad-hoc exports. This feature enhances control over exported data and offers more...
In this video @Stalin Singh talks about how to view speech and text analytics data for a year at a time. Supervisors and analysts can now view speech and text analytics data for up to one year at a time in the Topic Trends, Agent Topics and Queue Topics views. This feature enables...
In this video @Christopher Visick talks about learning module improvements. Administrators can now benefit from several enhancements to the learning assignment experience in Genesys Cloud. The updated navigation pane allows for content descriptions, and progress tracking is more intuitive....