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  • 1.  Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 02-01-2018 23:58

    Can't seem to get my EWT message to flow properly.

    So I have it Play Estimated Wait Time with no customer message, then I have it start a loop, once in the loop it checks if the wait time is greater the 30 seconds.

    If it is the decision is True it Play Estimated Wait Time, then it plays hold music and then runs thru the loop again. Now the issue I get is that the first run thru it says 4minutes 59 seconds, then it runs thru the loop again and says you have 4 minutes 39 second, then it simply repeats the 4 minutes 39 seconds for each run thru the loop.

    1. Why does it start at 4 mins 59 seconds?
    2. Why does it not keep going down past 4 mins 39 seconds?
    3. How can I see what the actual Call.EstimatedWaitTime value actually is?




  • 2.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 02-13-2018 16:29

    Hi Jonathon,


    1. I'm not sure why it starts at 4:59. Can I see a screenshot of the settings for the Play Estimated Wait Time action (the one in the yes outcome of the decision)?
    2. There could be a couple reasons why it doesn't continue to decrease. One reason is that if the EWT goes up it will not be told to the customer; the previous value will be repeated. Use the steps in #3 to determine if this is the case. This could also happen if there was any error while trying to fetch the EWT. You would need to open a ticket with support to see if that happened.
    3. There's an endpoint in the platform api to fetch the the EWT for a conversation, Make sure you pass in the optional conversationId to get the EWT for your particular conversation. If you don't know what that is, you can play it in your flow using the Call.ConversationId variable. Use Speak each character mode and be ready to write it down. Notice that is does not play the dashes; you will need to insert them in the appropriate places before you use it in the api request. The conversation id is a UUID, so it looks like 8 characters - 4 characters - 4 characters - 4 characters - 12 characters, for example 12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012.


    A couple unrelated notes:

    a. You don't need to use the NOT_SET Play Estimated Wait Time action anymore; EWT & PIQ is automatically fetched at the beginning of each iteration of the in-queue flow.

    b. I'm not sure why you need the loop. The in-queue flow automatically loops itself until the call is assigned to an agent.

  • 3.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 02-13-2018 19:47

    Hi Jonathon,

    Can you elaborate more on your scenario, for example:

    1) Does the queue have other interaction before this particular interaction entered the queue?

    2) How busy are the agents. Are there enough agents? or there's no agent available?


    Quick explanation of how the above scenario could happen:

    The EWT number will only update when there's changes in the queue length or agent count. i.e. When there's interaction in the queue that either leave the queue or get into service, or there's agent that either left the system or entered the system, there is also possibility of changes in AHT.


    In the case that the system variable stay the same the EWT stay the same and will not be different even though time had elapsed between subsequent request.


    Also, make sure you are requesting the EWT for the specific interaction (as mentioned by @Melissa Bailey? ), instead of at the queue level. This will make sure that if the interaction advanced in the queue, it should see a smaller EWT number.


    Let me know if this explanation helped.


  • 4.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 02-16-2018 11:54

    Hi Melissa / Wei, Thanks for replying, I've just re-tried this feature and now it's starting at 0 seconds, which is what I would expect (I didn't change anything), so I'll test it on a production queue and see if it tells me the correct EWT thru the flow and get back to you both.

  • 5.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 09-26-2023 02:43


    Any update on this one. Did the EWT change while in loop or did it keep on playing the same old EWT all the time?



    Harshali Bhure
    Accenture Solutions Private Limited

  • 6.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 09-26-2023 06:13

    Hi Harshali, EWT does not update when it's within a loop in the InQueue flow. It continues to play the first EWT it got on the first run through the InQueue flow. The EWT only updates when the call hits the end of the In-Queue flow and starts at the top of the flow again. Or else you could use a Data Action to get the EWT each time within the loop.

    Marian OConnell
    eleven (GEMA Consulting Ireland Limited)

  • 7.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 09-26-2023 10:46

    Hi Marian,

    Thank you for your suggestion. I did try that approach, I removed the loop and made sure it hits the flow start to fetch updated EWT. Still it kept playing the old EWT.



    Harshali Bhure
    Accenture Solutions Private Limited

  • 8.  RE: Why does my Estimated Wait Time keep repeating the same amount?

    Posted 09-26-2023 10:51

    Remember the play EWT will never report an increased value.  If your call is just sitting in the queue and there are no other calls being answered, chances are the EWT is going up.

    Melissa Bailey
    Genesys - Employees

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